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HLTH/KINE 214 PE Unit Assignment

Work with your group to create a unit plan for the content you have been assigned.
Watch the videos on unit planning and lesson planning located in this module before
you begin to plan. This plan will be submitted in eCampus by one member of your
group. The peer evaluation must be submitted by the due date also.
Unit Plan components and details about each:

Introduction: What this unit is about, its importance to child development

and where it fits in the yearly plans. Include ideas for how you could integrate
the activities from this unit with other classroom content like math, science or
language arts. Provide at least two detailed descriptions (including the
associated TEKS for math, science, ELA etc. ) for how to integrate the
movement content with classroom content.

Objectives: Specific measurable and observable student outcomes derived

from the TEKS based on the assigned content. Review Appendix E (pp. 549551) for appropriate content to include. The objectives should represent the
TEKS for only the assigned content and grade level. Objectives need to be in
all three domains (cognitive, affective and psychomotor).

Calendar: Develop a 3 week calendar with specific activities to be included

on each day. The activities may be skill development (practice), fitness
related, games, dances or gymnastic type depending on the unit content you
have been assigned. Variety is important in any unit. Provide a reference to
the activity description. If you have created the activity then write a brief
description of it to follow the calendar.

Learning materials (visuals, or equipment): A complete list of materials

and equipment needed for the entire unit. Include examples of visuals useful
in clarifying concepts for students, such as videos, posters etc.

Assessment Procedures: Develop two instruments for assessing the

students at the end of the unit. One assessment should focus on cognitive
learning and the other should focus on psychomotor learning. Provide the unit
objective you are assessing and develop an assessment activity and a rubric
for assessing it.

References: provide references in APA format used to develop the ideas in

the unit. You must have two sources in addition to your text book. The TEKS
web site may not be used as a reference. Your references will show where you
got the activity ideas for the unit.

Unit Plan Rubric





Provides more than
the Acceptable

Clear description of
the importance of
the unit and where
it fits in the yearly
plans. At least two
well explained
integration ideas
appropriate for the
grade level and
content area. TEKS
for content area
appropriate to the
content and grade
level assigned.
Includes the PE
TEKS for the grade
level and content
being addressed.
Includes all three
domains of
At least 3 weeks of
specific activities
shown aligned with
the objectives. A
variety of types of
addressing all 3
domains of
List of materials
sufficient to

Needs Work-6
Missing part of the
Acceptable level.

implement ideas in
the calendar. At
least two different
visuals provided.
At least two
specific activities
for assessment
with aligned rubrics
for evaluation
address specific
unit objectives.
At least two
credible resources
provided in
addition to the text
book. Resources
are displayed in
correct APA format.
*Add a 4 column in eCampus for the 0 did not complete

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