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Tristan Blackmon

Dr. Wyant
HESP 120
7 December 2016
Standard 4
In the beginning of the school year, the kids were not very used to us. In order to combat
that we had to go out of our comfort zone and get on there level. It really goes a long way when
you show kids that you want to get to know them better. My example for Standard 4, is being an
observer. In this case I didnt actually have to fill out an observer form, but I did get to interact
with the students on their level. I joined one of my classmates Ander, and decided to help him for
the day. We played a game called, I See I See. Basically it is a game where the teacher, or
student, calls out an animal and you act like that animal for a certain amount of time. The clear
communication demonstrated on this day, to the students and from Ander and I, to solve some
issues, was great. I had a really fun time being an observer and that kids had a great time as
well. This is why I think its a good representation of Standard 4.

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