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Parity, Parity, Parity

How do you and your co-teaching partner convey to students that your teaching relationship is truly collaborative, that it
is a partnership based on parity? The following checklist might help you to think through ideas about how you, your
teaching partner, and students can observe parity (or its absence).

Already Should



1. Both teachers names are on the board, door, or posted in

the classroom.




2. Both teachers names are on schedules and report cards.




3. Both teachers handwriting is on student assignments (that

is, each teacher participates in grading).




4. Both teachers have space for personal belongings.




*5. Both teachers have similar furniture (desks, chairs, etc).




6. Both teachers take a lead role in the classroom.




7. Teacher talk during instruction is approximately equal.




8. Both teachers give directions or permission without checking

with the other teacher.




*9. Both teachers work with ALL students.




*10. Both teachers are considered teachers by all students.

Notes / Comments:
Although Mr. Mellovitz and I have the same teacher desk, he has a rolly black chair whereas I have
a standard student chair. Although it is not a major difference, especially since I have another desk
in the case managing office, the students will pick up on this and question about it. Mr. Mellovitz
and I split the 8th grade rosters in half in which we teach both an eclectic group of both general
education and special education students. We have mixed the groups up from report period 1 and

Marilyn Friend, 2009

report period 2 but we try to keep the groups relatively consistent. In regards to question 10,
because I meet my classes in another room other than Mr. Mellovitz and Is, students will believe
that the room is Mr. Mellovitzs although both our names are written at the door.

Marilyn Friend, 2009

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