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Lopez Evelin
English 28
Professor Batty
November 18, 2016

Presidential decisions: where do we belong?

This year 2016, there has been a shocking presidency in the world, Donald Trump.
Donald trump was vigorously against everything we were looking forward to for the better in
this world. It has made everyone fearful, hateful, and it came to Show how racism in America
will never die down. Mainly why everyone was afraid for Donald trump becoming president
was because of laws on immigration. There are about 10 million people who are illegal in the
United States and just having to move away from families and building a life somewhere where
you arent happy. Nobody knows up to where they belong at this point or where anyone rights
stand because everyone is afraid of getting deported or having other law issues now that trump
has been elected. Having monstrous strikes outside of universities blocking city streets has come
to a result of how unhappy everyone is about the presidency.
Hilary Clinton made every face on this earth to believe she could make a difference in
this world. She had made a promise that in her 100 days of becoming president she will give
immigrants Equal citizenship. She was against of having families separate from each other and
living terrible lives without their loved ones. In the book Enriques journey, He was a child who
was left In Honduras so his can seek the American dream and send money out to her children.


She would work to pay for their necessities. As he grew older he realized that his mother wasnt
going to return. Children who set out to find their mother or father in America usually dont
make it, get brutally hurt and sent back to Central America but he took the risk seven times.
Sonia Nazario quoted The single mothers who are coming to this country, and the children who
follow them, are changing the face of immigration to the united states. It explains the
resentment Children carry when they are left behind by their parents and even then, when they
somehow reunite in the United States, other issues fall into place. The American dream is clearly
important to impoverished people because the way and style of living for them in their Central
American Country is horrible.
Equal Rights is important and will benefit immigrant families or low income families to
be well insured and included in the American society. In a Newspaper article Clinton vs. Trump
states, Clinton recognizes that immigration is the hallmark of American industry and economic
growth (Banham 34) The outcome of trump becoming president has made everyone go
against each other with violence and homophobia across any classroom or anywhere you could
possibly imagine. Instead of us going forward for the better we go back 50 years for the worse.
Its very spine-chilling for everyone because nobody can feel safe. Others say undocumented
aliens over populate and arent as helpful, but truthfully they have helped us grow economically.
Aliens still pay their taxes like us as Americans, even social security administrations have stated
that they have increased revenues. In Enriques journey it explained Lourdes struggles Every
worker is caught up in the sweep. Lourdes is the only one spared. It is her day off.(Nazario 30)
I understand that Donald trump wants to have unofficial citizens in the United States
deported back to their country and have a really big border blockage so no one will trespass. But
I disagree that the only reason why he wants everyone out of the United States is because he


believes that us mostly us Latinos have brought harsh weapons and drugs to make America
worse. Trump was on CBS news talking with Jorge Ramos and how trump was planning to
deport all 10 million people In the U.S. He escorted out Jorge Ramos and had told him to Go
back to Univision. Those who deserve their residency should stay, they are hardworking people
like any other hard worker that has been American citizen. Trump has made very offensive
remarks towards immigrants and seen on the mail cards that Mexican Immigrants are nothing but
rapists, delinquents, and must stop populating the way they do. Now, every Latino Here in
America is automatically thought of us Mexican because we speak Spanish and supposedly we
are all the same. Not every Hispanic is the same they all come from different countries, nobody
should be automatically named as a Mexican.
If we really wanted to make America great again, Hilary Clinton wouldve been the
Better candidate. As expressed, Hilary Clinton had made a big difference even before she wasnt
elected yet. Everybody has their flaws, in the end she was going to be a result of a new beginning
for America. Now, we are taken over by the Republican Party, with a type of dictatorship coming
to us similarly like Adolf Hitler. America needs to be full of opportunities and surrounded by
wonderful people. I live for the day that a white man would say something nice to a man of
color. Racism has taken over our country profoundly and has just ended with so much hate. What
will the world be made of when he takes away our National Health insurance that everyone
depends on?
To conclude, I am completely against all of trumps actions up to this point of his
presidency. Yes, he is a money maker and knows how to take care of businesses, but he knows
nothing about running a country. Hilary Clinton has been a senator for our country and served us
well and she was the type of person to look into. From the day he got elected it has made


everyone feel humiliated as a human being to have such a prejudiced president who will not help
any Latinos or people of color. Where are going to go or do? We have to have hope in our
country and always find ourselves in each other that not everyone is going to be cruel. What an
unfair man to even think this way he is not MY president.


Work Cited

Nazario, Sonia. Enrique's Journey. n.p.: New York : Random House Trade Paperbacks, 2014,
c2006., 2014. Los Angeles Valley College Library Catalog. Web. 17 Nov. 2016.

ALBANESIUS, CHLOE. "Clinton Vs. Trump Where They Stand On Technology." PC

Magazine (2016): 123. MasterFILE Premier. Web. 17 Nov. 2016.

Flores, Reena. "Election 2016: Jorge Ramos Slams Donald Trump for Tossing Him from News
Conference." CBSNews. CBS Interactive, 15 Aug. 2015. Web. 17 Nov. 2016.

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