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Security Council Press Statement on Libya

Following the briefing on 6 December by the Special

Representative of the Secretary-General, Martin Kobler, the
Members of the Security Council reiterated their support for his
efforts and those of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya,
and encouraged their intensified efforts in facilitating
implementation of the Libyan Political Agreement.
The members of the Security Council expressed their deep
concern over the challenging political and security context in
Libya and the serious political polarization resulting in a
deterioration of the security, economic and humanitarian
situation. They further expressed their deep concern over the
recent escalation of violence between armed groups in Tripoli,
and called on all parties to immediately heed the Presidency
Councils appeal to cease fighting. In addition, they condemned
the actions of those calling for violence, including against the
Presidency Council.
The members of the Security Council reaffirmed their full
support for the Libyan Political Agreement and called on all
parties to accelerate its implementation. Noting that almost one
year has passed since signature of the Libyan Political
Agreement, they urged the House of Representatives to endorse
the Constitutional Declaration amendment as a necessary step
toward full implementation. They also urged the Prime Minister
to submit a full agreed list of the members of the Government of
National Accord (GNA) and its programme to the House of
Representatives to fully endorse it, grant it a vote of confidence
and adopt the programme as the Libyan Political Agreement
The members of the Security Council reiterated their grave
concern about the terrorist threat in Libya, in particular from
Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, also known as Daesh),
groups proclaiming allegiance to ISIL, and groups affiliated with
Al-Qaida, welcomed progress made in the fight against terrorist
groups, notably against ISIL, in Sirte and in Benghazi, and noted
with concern the information that ISIL elements may have
dispersed to other parts of the country. They urged Libyans
across the political and security divide to unite and join forces
under unified command in their fight against ISIL in the service

of their country and called on armed actors to halt violence

against civilians.
The members of the Security Council reiterated the importance
of the continued inclusiveness of the Libyan Political Agreement
and renewed their strong call on all parties in Libya to be part of
and to engage constructively with the Agreement in good faith
and with sustained political will. They urged all Libyan
stakeholders, especially those not currently fully engaged in the
process, to work together with the Presidency Council to resolve
outstanding issues and focus all Libyan efforts on rebuilding the
The members of the Security Council reaffirmed their
commitment to implementing relevant Security Council
resolutions, including resolution 2259 (2015). They reiterated
their endorsement of the Rome Communiqu of 13 December
2015 to support the GNA as the sole legitimate government of
Libya , and urged the Presidency Council to continue efforts to
broaden the basis of its support and take the necessary
decisions to tackle Libyas political, security, humanitarian,
economic and institutional challenges, including the urgent
delivery of essential services to the Libyan people throughout
the nation and ensuring the rights of all Libyans are protected.
The members of the Security Council urged Libyas political and
economic institutions to address economic challenges, in all
parts of the country, for the benefit of all Libyans, as set out in
the Libyan Political Agreement.
The members of the Security Council recalled all its relevant
resolutions regarding illicit oil exports from Libya, including
resolutions 2146 (2014) and 2278 (2016), and all relevant
measures according to these resolutions to strengthen the
authority of the GNA on Libyan economic institutions.
The members of the Security Council reiterated their
determination to support the implementation of the Libyan
Political Agreement in order to alleviate the suffering of the
Libyan people.
The members of the Security Council reaffirmed their strong
commitment to the sovereignty, independence, territorial

integrity and national unity of Libya.

7 December 2016

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