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LTC 4240

Lesson Plan
By: Kristin Herrick

Students will read Holiday Traditions from Around the World and compare and
contrast two holidays from the book. Students will then choose three traditions they
celebrate and write a paragraph about each tradition and what that means to them.
Students will learn about history of traditional African face masks and the purpose
they served. Students will then create their own face masks by cutting out three
symbols that represent each of their traditions to onto their face masks.

Grade 3
Key Concepts:
1. Visual Art: Students will learn about the elements of African face mask
2. Literacy:

Students will create Venn diagram as a class about similarities and difference between two traditions from Holiday
Traditions from Around the World
Students will write a short paragraph about each of the traditions they chose and what that tradition means to them.

3. Social Studies:

Students will learn about traditions and holidays celebrated throughout the country and around the world
Students will learn about the history of African face masks and what purpose they served.

Essential Questions
What purpose did historical face masks serve in African history?

What is a tradition and how can different traditions be celebrated around the

1.Visual Art:

The students will be able to discuss the elements of a face mask by referencing African tribe masks.

2. Literacy:

Explain the meaning of a tradition

The students will be able to write a paragraph describing each of their favorite traditions.

3.Social Studies:

Students will be able to compare similarities and differences among traditions celebrated throughout the world.

Content Areas Integrated

1.Visual Art (Inspiration: History of African masks)

Students will create masquerade mask

2. Literacy:

Holiday Traditions Around the World

Students will create venn diagram about different traditions
Students will write about three of their favorite traditions

3. Social Studies:

Compare and contrast different types of traditions celebrated throughout the world.

Visual Thinking Strategy of images of historical face masks. Teacher
will ask what do you see here? What makes you say that?
followed with asking the students what they think these masks
were used for.

Summative Assessment
The summative assessment will take the form of a rubric available for both student
and teacher. This rubric will include the components needed for both the writing and
art portion. Items needed are their own definition of tradition, three paragraphs
describing three different traditions, and three symbols representing each tradition.

During this lesson I learned the intensity of putting together a full lesson plan and
the amount of work that goes into integrating subjects. Before completing this
lesson plan, I never realized how much time and effort went into creating a plan that
includes content from multiple subjects.

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