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Giovanni Santoro
Professor Beadle
English 115
7 December 2016
My Reflection
Everyone around the world has different and unique ways of writing papers, novels,
articles, or even books. In school, you are usually asked to write essays mostly in your English
classes. For those essays an outline would usually be used to make the essay better understanding
for when you really start to write. My way of writing essays has to do with being able to answer
the prompt or questions thoroughly. The prompt is probably the most important part of writing
an essay. You always have to know what the question is that you are trying to answer. I feel like
I have always been able to actually answer the prompt in my essays, it's just hard to actually
make everything connect to each other. It takes time and thinking to try and put my paragraphs
and ideas all together in a way that makes my essay flow. During the writing assignments and
essays for my first year of English class in college, I feel like I have really transitioned into a
better writer.
Throughout this English 115 course I feel that my writing had gotten much better because
of all the exercises that we had done. With having exercises it helps a lot to really understand
what it is your essay is suppose to be about. These exercise help show and shape your essay and
allows you to have information that'll help give your essay for meat. The meat is what makes
up the paragraph, and it brings everything together so that it makes enough sense for the readers.
I feel like I have always had really good information within my paragraphs and that my essay
lengths were never really an issue. One of the things that I feel I had really grown in is making


good thesis statements. I have begun to learn that having more information in your thesis about
your topic can really help your essay. Like how for my first essay I didn't really have that great
of a thesis for my introduction paragraph. There was not that much information that would truly
make the readers want to read my entire essay and enjoy it. The way that I decided to change the
way I write my thesis is by really summing up what I am going to be talking about during each
of my body paragraphs. For my first essay I had a poorly written a short thesis, which started off
with I believe. That is no way to start off a thesis statement, especially if it is an essay that isn't
first person. I changed my entire thesis because I felt that I would be able to attract for readers by
making my thesis a lot stronger, so I went in and started my revised thesis off with the big topic
for the essay, Gender roles. I then went on to write and I was able to actually compare my
paragraphs to my thesis perfectly.
Writing an essay is pretty simple at first because youre usually just following an outline
before. In college, it's a little different. Not only do you need to use an outline, but also it's better
to use a paragraph set up to. There always needs to be a topic sentence, concrete detail,
commentary sentence, commentary sentence, and then conclusion sentence. With this set up you
should be able to have a great essay, plus adding in the meat. For my second essay I had a little
bit of trouble with trying to have good and understandable paragraphs. I didn't really follow the
paragraph set up which caused my essay to be worded differently. Like how for one of my
paragraphs there was a conclusion sentence that did not even relate the topic sentence of that
paragraph. It said Like the opinion for the Burger King commercial but the thing was that I
didn't even speak about the Burger King commercial in that one paragraph. A good way that I
could have fixed it is by either adding more information to why I am comparing it back to the
Burger Kung commercial, or by just explains my overall reasoning and idea for why the Burger


King commercial has affected females in society. This is a better way to fix my mistake and it
would also help to make my paragraph flow better.
One of the things that also helped me to become a better writer this year is by having to
go to the LRC (Learning and Resource Center). It really helped out because not only did I have a
teachers opinion to rely on but also I had other scholars to get help from for my essay writing.
At the LRC I was able to review my essays. I had different tutors, which also helped me to get a
feeling of how different people see and read my essay. The tutors really just helped me
understand my writing and how to make my paragraphs flow better. It helped also because I got
to read my essay out to my self so that I could understand what words were confusing to read.
The tutors also helped my writing grow because they helped me practice on making a better
thesis statement. We would see which one was more intriguing and which one would make my
entire essay more interesting. I truly feel like my wetting has grown but I feel like the grades I
had received for the essays didn't show that. No matter the grade I know that my essays were
filled with great information and ideas that allowed for a good and understandable essay. I feel
that my writing has definitely transformed and has really changed because I have seen that while
reading my own essay I was able to understand it all very clearly.

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