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Silicate Crystal Care

Silicate Crystal Care is care for your crystals, your mineral being friends
who you have in your home and expect to do so much for you each day.
Most crystals begin their lives as part of a bigger cluster or at least a stone
that is larger than the piece you see right now. This means that in their life,
they have been separated from the larger silicate crystals they grew with.
Silicate Crystals and mineral beings have sustained trauma by being cut away
from the lattice they grew upon. In some cases they barely remember who
they are. So when we want them to help us heal, it is wise to heal them first.
Once they have been reconnected with their soul group they are whole.
Silicate Crystal Care channeled and manual written by:
Mariah Windsong Couture ~August 21st, 2011 ~All Rights Reserved

Silicate mineral beings are sentient aware beings. Most rocks and stone are.
Divinity lives a self aware existence in every facet of natures expression here
in this reality. I find it amazing that most people who ascribe to the spiritual
mindset of wanting crystals to heal them, dont think about the crystals
feelings and well being.
Oh, sometimes we will clear them or set them in the sun or moonlight to
charge. But I postulate that is usually just so that they will work better for
us. If you approach crystal healing from the perspective of wanting to heal
your crystal and provide a lovely environment for it to live within, in your
home, you will get better results.
Crystals (mineral beings) are very giving and usually truly do want to help
you. It is simply that until they are in full remembrance of who they are, you
may not be getting their full benefit of their work, for they may be fractured.
Oh, of course their physical mineral composition is intact, so from that
perspective, they are conduits or tend to magnify the works we set forth.
But for the spiritual workings with them to be a co-creative, magnificent
development, a healthy stone or crystal is much for suited for the job.
There are other good crystal clearing techniques out there. Ive seen ones to
clear previous programs people may have instilled in stones as well as to
remove the emotional energy that has collected from stones being around
humans who had stuff going on. Ive encountered Shakti who do heal
stones and their work is quite profound. It is out of working with these type
of Shakti, that I was shown what is usually not done for silicate crystals.
Reconnection with their soul group is what is desperately needed for most all
stones and crystals you physically have in your home or in your jewelry.
Silicate Crystal Care provides the energy which will, as you say the proper
commands, reconnect a stone or crystal with its soul group.
Once that has been done, healing for the stone arrives and is complete.
Now the stone or crystal remembers who it is and has soul group support.

What are silicate minerals? Silicate minerals all contain silicon and oxygen.
They make up 90% of the rocks in the Earths crust and 30% of all minerals.
The basic chemical unit of silicates is the (SiO4) tetrahedron shaped anionic
group with a negative four charge (-4).
The central silicon ion has a charge of positive four while each oxygen has a
charge of negative two (-2) and thus each silicon-oxygen bond is equal to one
half (1/2) the total bond energy of oxygen. This condition leaves the oxygens
with the option of bonding to another silicon ion and therefore linking one
(SiO4) tetrahedron to another and another, etc.
The complicated structures that these silicate tetrahedrons form is truly
amazing. They can form as single units, double units, chains, sheets, rings and
framework structures.
The framework tetrahedrons structures is composed of interconnected
tetrahedrons going outward in all directions. It is similar to the framework of
a large building.
The Feldspar Group:
Albite (Sodium Aluminum Silicate)
Andesine (Sodium Calcium Aluminum Silicate)
Anorthite (Calcium Aluminum Silicate)
Bytownite (Calcium Sodium Aluminum Silicate)
Labradorite (Sodium Calcium Aluminum Silicate)
Microcline (Potassium Aluminum Silicate)
Oligoclase (Sodium Calcium Silicate)
Orthoclase (Potassium Aluminum Silicate)
Sanidine (Potassium Aluminum Silicate)
The Feldspathoid Group:
Cancrinite (Sodium Calcium Aluminum Silicate Carbonate)
Lazurite (Sodium Calcium Aluminum Silicate Sulfate Sulfide
Leucite (Potassium Aluminum Silicate)
Nepheline (Sodium Potassium Aluminum Silicate)
Sodalite (Sodium Aluminum Silicate Chloride)

The Quartz Group: (All Silicon Dioxide)



Scapolite (Calcium Sodium Aluminum Silicate Chloride Carbonate
The Zeolite Group:
Analcime (Hydrated Sodium Aluminum Silicate)
Chabazite (Hydrated Calcium Aluminum Silicate)
Harmotome (Hydrated Barium Potassium Aluminum Silicate)
Heulandite (Hydrated Sodium Calcium Aluminum Silicate)
Laumontite (Hydrated Calcium Aluminum Silicate)
Mesolite (Hydrated Sodium Calcium Aluminum Silicate)
Natrolite (Hydrated Sodium Aluminum Silicate)
Phillipsite (Hydrated Potassium Sodium Calcium Aluminum
Scolecite (Hydrated Calcium Aluminum Silicate)
Stellerite (Hydrated Calcium Aluminum Silicate)
Stilbite (Hydrated Sodium Calcium Aluminum Silicate)
Thomsonite (Hydrated Sodium Calcium Aluminum Silicate)
These silicate chains usually form rings:
Axinite (Calcium Magnesium Iron Manganese Aluminum Borosilicate
Baratovite (Potassium Lithium Calcium Titanium Zirconium Silicate
Benitoite (Barium Titanium Silicate)
Beryl (Berylium Aluminum Silicate)
Cordierite (Magnesium Aluminum Silicate)
Dioptase [Copper Silicate Hydroxide]
Eudialyte (Sodium Calcium Cesium Iron Manganese Zirconium
Silicate Hydroxide Chloride)
Milarite (Hydrated Potassium Calcium Aluminum Beryllium Silicate)
Osumilite (Potassium Sodium Iron Magnesium Aluminum Silicate)

The Tourmaline Group:

Dravite (Sodium Magnesium Aluminum Boro-Silicate
Elbaite (Sodium Lithium Aluminum Boro-Silicate Hydroxide)
Schorl (Sodium Iron Aluminum Boro-Silicate Hydroxide)
Uvite (Calcium Sodium Iron Magnesium Aluminum BoroSilicate Hydroxide)
Sugilite (Potassium Sodium Lithium Iron Manganese Aluminum
Andalusite (These are called Single Tetrahedrons:Aluminum Silicate)
Chloritoid (Iron Magnesium Manganese Aluminum Silicate
Datolite (Calcium Boro-Silicate Hydroxide)
Euclase (Beryllium Aluminum Silicate Hydroxide)
Fayalite (Iron Silicate)
Fosterite (Magnesium Silicate)
Gadolinite (Yttrium Iron Beryllium Silicate)
The Garnet Group:
Almandine (Iron Aluminum Silicate)
Andradite (Calcium Iron Silicate)
Grossular (Calcium Aluminum Silicate)
Pyrope (Magnesium Aluminum Silicate)
Spessartine (Manganese Aluminum Silicate)
Uvarovite (Calcium Chromium Silicate)
Howlite (Calcium Boro-Silicate Hydroxide)
Humite (Magnesium Iron Silicate Fluoride Hydroxide)
Kyanite (Aluminum Silicate)
Olivine (Magnesium Iron Silicate )
Phenakite (Berylium Silicate )
Sillimanite (Aluminum Silicate)
Sphene or Titanite (Calcium Titanium Silicate)
Staurolite (Iron Magnesium Zinc Aluminum Silicate Hydroxide)
Thorite (Thorium Uranium Silicate)
Topaz (Aluminum Silicate Fluoride Hydroxide)
Uranophane (Hydrated Calcium Uranyl Silicate)
Willemite (Zinc Silicate)
Zircon (Zirconium Silicate)

These are the main double tetrahedron shapes:

Bertrandite (Beryllium Silicate Hydroxide)
Danburite (Calcium Boro-Silicate)
The Epidote group
Allanite (Yttrium Cerium Calcium Aluminum Iron Silicate
Clinozoisite (Calcium Aluminum Silicate Hydroxide)
Epidote (Calcium Iron Aluminum Silicate Hydroxide)
Zoisite (Calcium Aluminum Silicate Hydroxide)
Hemimorphite (Hydrated Zinc Silicate Hydroxide)
Ilvaite (Calcium Iron Silicate Hydroxide)
Idocrase or Vesuvianite (Calcium Magnesium Aluminum Silicate
These usually present in a sheet formation:
Apophyllite (Hydrated Potassium Sodium Calcium Silicate Hydroxide
Cavansite (Hydrated Calcium Vanadium Silicate)
Chrysocolla (Hydrated Copper Aluminum Hydrogen Silicate
The Clay Group:
The Chlorite Group:
Chlorite (Iron Magnesium Aluminum Silicate Hydroxide)
Clinochlore (Iron Magnesium Aluminum Silicate
Cookeite (Lithium Aluminum Silicate Hydroxide)
Kaolinite (Aluminum Silicate Hydroxide)
Pyrophyllite (Aluminum Silicate Hydroxide)
Talc (Magnesium Silicate Hydroxide)
Gyrolite [Hydrated Calcium Silicate hydroxide]
The Mica Group:
Biotite (Potassium Iron Magnesium Aluminum Silicate
Hydroxide Fluoride)
Lepidolite (Potassium Lithium Aluminum Silicate Hydroxide

Muscovite (Potassium Aluminum Silicate Hydroxide Fluoride)

Phlogopite (Potassium Magnesium Aluminum Silicate
Hydroxide Fluoride)
Zinnwaldite (Potassium Lithium Aluminum Silicate Hydroxide
Prehnite (Calcium Aluminum Silicate Hydroxide)
Serpentine (Iron Magnesium Silicate Hydroxide)
These present in single chains:
Lorenzenite (Sodium Titanium Silicate)
Neptunite (Potassium Sodium Lithium Iron Manganese Titanium
Okenite (Hydrated Calcium Silicate)
Pectolite (Sodium Calcium Silicate Hydroxide)
The Pyroxene Group:
Aegirine (Sodium Iron Silicate)
Augite (Calcium Sodium Magnesium Aluminum Iron Titanium
Diopside (Calcium Magnesium Silicate)
Enstatite (Magnesium Silicate)
Hedenbergite (Calcium Iron Silicate)
Hypersthene (Magnesium Iron Silicate)
Jadeite (Sodium Aluminum Iron Silicate)
Spodumene (Lithium Aluminum Silicate)
Rhodonite (Manganese Iron Magnesium Calcium Silicate)
Serandite (Sodium Manganese Calcium Silicate Hydroxide)
Shattuckite (Copper Silicate Hydroxide)
Wollastonite (Calcium Silicate)

These are the double chain group:


The Amphibole Group:

Actinolite (Calcium Magnesium Iron Silicate Hydroxide)
Anthophyllite (Magnesium Iron Silicate Hydroxide)
Cummingtonite (Iron Magnesium Silicate Hydroxide)
Edenite (Sodium Calcium Magnesium Iron Aluminum Silicate
Hornblende (Calcium Sodium Magnesium Iron Aluminum
Silicate Hydroxide)
Riebeckite (Sodium Iron Silicate Hydroxide)
Tremolite (Calcium Magnesium Iron Silicate Hydroxide)
Astrophyllite (Potassium Iron Titanium Silicate Hydroxide)
Babingtonite (Calcium Iron Manganese Silicate Hydroxide)
Inesite (Hydrated Calcium Manganese Silicate Hydroxide)
The common name for your stones and crystals may be different than the
official names you see here. To determine if your crystal or stone is a silicate,
please research its common name to find out what class of mineral it is.
Then use this list to determine if it is a silicate. If so, this energy system will
assist to heal and provide your mineral being with reconnection with its soul
The tetrahedrons which comprise many of the silicates are a spiritual
geometry which channel higher dimensional energies, easily. It is one reason
why crystals are so attuned to the higher dimensions naturally, when they are
whole and healthy.
An attunement or empowerment is a dose of energy frequencies that match
the energy of this energy system
Once you have received that dose of energy, your body and spirit will
recognize that energy and easily access the energy stream from Eternal
Sacred Source that IS the energy stream of this particular energy system.

Attunements can be sent long distance by means of an energy sphere, often

called a chi-ball and it is kept safe by your Angels and guides of Eternal
Light. It is released to you when you call it in, like a prayer to receive it.
Please spend a few minutes to invite the attunement your teacher sent you of
Silicate Crystal Care, to release fully unto you. Simply say, out loud or in
your mind: I ask to fully receive my Silicate Crystal Care as sent out by
my teacher and made perfect by Eternal Sacred Source, NOW! Think of a
ball of light and energy above your head that streams down to you!

Your attunement will easily arrive to you because Eternal Source is not
limited by space or time. Silicate Crystal Care arrive to your body and
energy fields, providing you with the ability to direct care and healing for
your silicate mineral beings.

When you are ready to work with Silicate Crystal Care for your mineral
beings, follow these simple instructions with strong intention of feeling.
1) Set your sacred space and clear your own body and energy fields.
2) Collect a few crystals, jewelry or stones that you want to start with.
3) Say, audibly or in your mind: Silicate Crystal Care, please activate
for (name of the rock or crystal or these silicate mineral beings.)
4) Now set your intention strongly on wanting to channel this energy
for your rocks and crystals. Silicate Crystal Care is an energy that is perfectly
safe and indeed beneficial for you to channel through your own body on
behalf of the crystal beings there in your household.
5)Beam or shine the energy of Silicate Crystal Care out of your heart or
hands or forehead to the crystals beings you have right there.
6) Then, say with strong feeling, preferably audibly, unless others are
present who would not understand and thus impeded the process:
Silicate Crystal Care, please reconnect these crystals (or stones) with
their soul group and bring complete healing to them right here and now!
7) I find it wonderful and helpful to do this for each individual crystal
or stone. Yes, that will take longer, but it makes for a more complete
reconnection for each crystal. If you are sensitive to subtle energies, the
amazing difference in the quality of the stone or crystals energy will be
immediate and such a breath of fresh air to witness!!
8) I do prefer and recommend that the soul group reconnection be done
individually for each stone or crystal. Not all of the same types will be from
the same soul group. Yes, doing it for a large number of stones will take
awhile. You can do this for all of them at once to help bring some
reconnection, and then go back and do them individually at a later time.


For continued care and maintenance, activating this energy system by

intention and sending the energy through your house or in public is well.
Some people wont spend the time to tend to each crystal individually, despite
being willing to grab that individual crystal when they want help healing.
If that is the case with you, no judgment from me, just PLEASE activate
Silicate Crystal Care and send the energy by your thought intent through your
entire house and anywhere else there are crystals and rocks that you work
CARE means: Calling all Responsive Eternals of Light, Love and Life.
As it is with the other systems Ive channeled with the CARE Team, you do
receive a team of eternal beings to assist you when you activate the energies
of a care energy system. So to is true with this Silicate Crystal Care.
A team of eternally living energy beings will arrive to assist your silicates.
If you have crystals or stones that you want to help heal and they dont seem
to be in the silicate mineral class, please ask the Silicate Crystal Care Team to
bring forth beings to reconnect those minerals with their soul group.
The very fact that a human asked for assistance, means that Divinity will
respond and provide for those crystals and stones in your care!
If other people who are not attuned to this energy system ask you to heal and
reconnect their stones and crystals with their soul group, you can do so.
You may do so in person. If you are Reiki or Seichim attuned to at least level
2 or another energy system that has taught you how to work with energies
over a distance, you may do so.
This energy system is also a wonderful way to assist crystals and stones you
encounter at fairs and stores. There are so many out there that really need
healing and reconnection with their soul groups.
If you already know how to work with energies over a distance, you can
simply think of a location and speak the commands I wrote of on the previous
pages and assist those silicate mineral beings.

True, it may not be as complete a work as when you individually do this for a
specific stone. But it will be much, much better than the condition many
stones and crystals are in.
The amazing states of consciousness and clarity of spiritual vision healthy
whole silicate crystal beings can glide you into is incredible! I wish for you all
manner of co-creative synergy as you interact with crystals and stones who
know who they are and work with you from the perspective of their soul
group. They, being here in physicality with you, and in full connection with
their spiritual soul group are power packed and spectacular to be with.
Thank you for caring about the health of your silicate mineral beings.
This energy system will also provide some clearing for the crystals and
stones. I highly recommend that you utilize the clearing skills you already
have in clearing your crystals before starting the sequence of instructions Ive
provided. If you dont know how to clear your crystal, please activate this
Silicate Crystal Care energy system and say the following affirmations with
strong intent. That will work just fine.
Silicate Crystal Care Team, please activate and assist!
Clear all programs within this stone,
set forth by any other human or being
which are not in alignment with eternal living light, love and life.
Clear all programs that are not in my highest joyful good
no matter what quality of light love and life they are!
Clear all imprints, records and ghosts of emotions or intentions
from any other person or being within this mineral being
anywhere it may exists in all directions of space and time.
If this stone/crystal so desires to live and work with me
Please prepare it to do so.
If not, please assist me to know where it is to move onward to.
Sometimes we are only caretakers of a stone or crystal until we meet the
person who is really supposed to work with it. Sometimes we are used as
transport to get a stone or crystal to a different area of the world. Sometimes
they then want to be put back out in nature. We dont own stones and
crystals, we simply care for them for so long as they so desire to remain.

Many people have stories of rocks or crystals that will dematerialize and
disappear from sight. Others have found the same ones in a different place!
They are beings with a sentient aware all of their own and each has their own
abilities. Feel grateful that the ones in your environment wish to be there with
you and your family and treat them well.
If you are a Reiki or Seichim Master Teacher, you can confidently send a
Silicate Crystal Care attunement in the manner which is most sacred to
Advise your student on the best way to receive the attunement you have sent
out. Silicate Crystal Care manual must be included fully intact with no
changes when its attunement is provided.
If you are not a Reiki or Seichim Master Teacher, you can still pass along an
attunement to Silicate Crystal Care by following these directions and
sincerely wanting to pass the attunement.
Please ask your energy team, your helping healing guardians in the Light of
Eternal Sacred Source, to bring you a Sphere of Light.
It doesnt matter if you can see it or not. It doesnt matter if you can perceive
it or not. Trust that the Sphere of Light is there and ready to hold a dose of the
energy frequency of Silicate Crystal Care.
Activate and pray, asking for all of your helping healing ones in the Light of
Eternal Sacred Source to send the Silicate Crystal Care attunement for
(name of student) into the Sphere of Eternal Light. Ask that it be sealed and
carried to (name of student).
Ask that it be securely protected by that persons guardians in the Light of
Eternal Sacred Source until the person calls in their Silicate Crystal Care
attunement. Intend that their attunements release perfectly to them at that
time. And so it is complete! Now notify your student that their empowerment
is ready to be called in and tell them to relax and spend a few minutes
receiving their meet and greet their Silicate Crystal Care Team!

Silicate Crystal Care is an original energy system channeled by Rev.

Mariah Windsong Couture, RGMT and is unlike any other or any system that
may arrive in the future by anyone.
August 21st, 2011 ~All Rights Reserved
Attention Resellers: From August 21st through August 31st , 2011 Mariah
Windsong and Rosemary Noel have exclusive rights to sell, or gift Silicate
Crystal Care energy systems attunement and manual.
Silicate Crystal Care attunements, there is a suggested retail price of a
minimum of $25.00 USD each or the equivalent in your currency and do so
after. Always provide this manual with any Silicate Crystal attunement,
fully intact, with no changes.
Please sell this energy system for $25 or a higher amount compensatory with
other highly respected, pure divine energy system in your local region or
By accepting these attunements, you agree that Silicate Crystal Care may
NEVER be traded for another system. You agree that if you pass an
attunement of Silicate Crystal Care it will either be sold by accepting
money in currency or youll gift it if you feel so guided.
Uncertified self attunements of this energy system may be used for personal
self healing, but do not certify you as a Master or teacher of this system.
Uncertified self attunements do not provide you with a certificate, lineage or
If you copy text or any portion of this manual please display my name
prominently as author. Please contact Mariah at
for permission to translate this manual. If you translate you agree to send
author a copy and manual must portray the meanings of the energy
descriptions accurately.



For Legal Reasons, Mariah Windsong Couture states that this Silicate Crystal Care

attunement/empowerments is/are for entertainment purposes only.

Silicate Crystal Care is not affiliated with any form of natural energy healing, and is not to be confused
with any other system of attunement, empowerment or initiation now, in the past, or to come in the
future. This empowerment/attunement is not meant to replace any professional medical or legal advice.
Mariah Windsong Couture is not engaged in rendering medical service or diagnosis of any kind. Mariah
Windsong Couture has made every effort to provide accurate information and takes no responsibility for
recommendations made and no guarantees are issued toward the validity of information. By receiving
the empowerment/attunement in this manual you are agreeing to indemnify Mariah Couture from and
against any and all claims of libel, defamation, and violation of rights of privacy or publicity and
infringement of intellectual property or loss or damage allegedly caused. Mariah Windsong Couture is
not responsible for claims made by others in advertising this empowerment. You further agree to
indemnify Mariah Windsong Couture from all liabilities and expenses including lawyers fees arising
from such claims based on this manual. This manual may contain inaccuracies and typographical errors.
Mariah Windsong Couture does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the materials or the
reliability of any advice, opinion, statement or other information displayed or linked in this manual. By
purchasing this manual or receiving this empowerment or attunement, you acknowledge that any
reliance on such opinions, statements, energy or energy streams or information shall be at your sole
risk. Mariah Windsong Couture reserves the right, by her discretion to correct any error or omission or
change this manual as she sees fit, by revising the manual. It is your duty to check and see if updates and
revisions to the manual have been made.
August 21st, 2011
Some content falls under the fair use permission to copy.
Classes of silicates excerpt from:
All photos I own lifetime license to use commercially.

Other Original Divine Energy Systems

Founded by Mariah Windsong
always available first at Cosmic Goddess Empowerments
Please browse and purchase my systems from Rosemary at:
4th Eye Activation
Acupressure Therapy
Ajna Lense
Alabaster Caverns Empowerment
Amplified Tachyon Mirror Body Deflector
Angelic Elemental Templates


Angelic Elim
Angelic Erelim
Angelic Ishim
Angelic Ophanim
Angelic Sealtiel Empowerment
Arch Angel Michael Alignment
Ascension Vibration
Astral Body Radiance
Augustus Empowerment
Azure Shakti (for connection with your soul)
Bandicoot Berry Plant Empowerment w/ Leea Indica Cancer Inhibitor
Barberry Plant Empowerment
Bio Life
Bio Life Fuel
Bio Life Kundalini
Bio Life Spiritual Awakening
Bio Life Sphere and Bio Life Elixir
Blood Care
Body Care ~ for the spaces between your cells!
Bone Care
Calla Lily Deva
Cedar Smudge (Ethereal)
Chaos Flush
Chiropractic Care
Clairsentient Awakening
Connective Tissue Service
Copper Elemental Spirit Empowerment
Craniosacral Care
Crystal Being Therapy
Daat Void of Potential Awakening
Depression Eclipse
Digestive Care
Diltiazem Essence
Disappointment Flush
Divine Provision Reiki 1-3
Dream Scenario Clearance
Drop-in Care (coming soon)
Earth Soul Anointing
Efficient Memory Empowerment
Elohim of Emanation Empowerment
Epsilon Aurigae Empowerment (a star)
Epsilon Ident Chamber
Etheric Hand Awakening
Eternal Trikaya
Eternally Exalted Sexuality 2011
Excess Fat Care
Feline Love
Flicker Empowerment
Financial Fear Flush
Flow Care of the Lymphatic Care Systems
Fluorite Cluster Empowerment
Foot Care
Force Factor Five Fear Flush
Four Fold Circle Security
Fractal Reiki Levels 1-3
Full Presence 2011


Ganesha Anointing
Goddess Fortuna
Hand Care
Heart Care with Valve and Vessel Care
Heart Root Chakra Synergy
Histamine Blocker Field
Holograph Brain Root Flush
Hydrostatic Pressure Adjustment
Image Impact Intensity Reducer
Infection Inhibitor Field
Injustice Flush
Inner Body Protector
Inner Truth Reiki
Intelligence Awakening
Inter-Demensional Medical Team
Joint Care
Kidneys and Bladder Care
Kundalini Omega Minus Function Activations Levels 1-5
Labradorite Sphere (headache relief)
Lattice Bridge 2010 (for long distance energy work safely)
LaVa Reiki
Lavandula Officinalis Attunement
Leyline Bio Life Symmetry
Life Light
Light Concentration Increase Rays
Liquid Love
Liver Care
Llama Empowerment
Love Gratitude Octave
Loyalty Empowerment
Lung Care
Mea Nang Kwak Empowerment (coming soon)
Media Influence Flush
Mental Care
Mountain Laurel Deva Empowerment 2010
Moxibustion Therapy
My Eternal Love
My Way Home
Nadi Care
Nerve Care
Nickel Body Protector with Ethereal Taenite
Opulent Living Empowerment
Orchid Empowerment
Pancreas Care
Parental Pattern Flush
Pearlized Silver Seichim levels 1-3
Pelvic Basket Shakti Set
Petroglyph Key Awakening
Pregnancy Care
Prolific Sales Activation
Proper Perspective Empowerment
Punishment Flush
Purchase Attraction Rays
Pure Perpetual Potency (raising your energy by numbers)
Radium Chakra Protector
Replenishing Shakti


Rainwater Tea Essence

Random Increasing Numerical Generator Shield Overlay
Resentment Flush
River Sleep
Root Chakra Re-Alignment
Sandals Empowerment
Self Knowledge Rays with Self Acceptance Rays
Sephiroth Care
Sexual Imprint Flush
Shaman Care Session
Skin Care
Slate Shakti (for your lower self)
Snow Spirits Empowerment
Soul Care Levels 1-5
Sovereignty Empowerment
Sphagnum Moss Gifts
Spirulina Spectrum Ray
Spiritual Course Composition Initiation
Strategic Skills Empowerment 1-2
Strength Movers of the Light Card Deck System
Subconscious Healing Shakti
Synapse Care
Synergy Within Empowerment
Telepathy Gene Awakening
Thymus Heart Activation
Toning Vibration
Tooth Care
Tornado Tension Tamer
Tourmaline Spectrum Ray
Trager Team
Trauma Care
Triple Warmer Meridian Care
Virus Inhibitor Field
Vocal Cord Care
Wing Care
Womb Care
Worry Flush
Wound Healer Reiki Levels 1-3
Yellow Dock Plant Empowerment
YodHehVodHeh - 15 Permutations of the YHVH Mantra
Yungang Grottoes Empowerment
ZeOr Continuum Empowerment


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