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Running Head: Praxis Core Exam Analysis

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Praxis Core Exam Analysis

EDU 299
Ryan Moore
November 13, 2016

Running Head: Praxis Core Exam Analysis

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Praxis Core Exam Analysis

Exam Requirements
In my final semester at CSN, I must pass the Praxis Core Exam before continuing on my
studies at UNLV. I must pass the Praxis Core Exam in order to start my Bachelors degree in
Secondary Education. The passing score for the Praxis Core in Nevada for Reading is 156. For
Writing it is 162, and for Math it is 150.
Exam Preparation
I could have definitely prepared more for the practice Praxis Core Exam. Although it is
no excuse, I have had a hectic week. I did take today and yesterday to read about the exam, as
well as familiarize myself with what math topics will be covered in the exam. I read about the
requirements, and how to study for this exam.
Exam Results
As stated above, I did not adequately prepare myself for these practice exams. I am
disappointed in my scores, but determined to study extra hard in order to better these score. In
Math, I scored in the 79% range, which means I am borderline when it comes to passing this
section. I was impressed due to the fact that it has been well over 2 years since my last math
class. In Reading, I scored in the 48% range, which means I need to significantly improve my
scoring. In Writing, I scored a little higher in the 63% range, which still means I need to make
Future Exam Preparation
In order to prepare for the actual Praxis Core Exam, I plan on using all tools that are at
my disposal. I plan on registering for Praxis Core Review courses through CSN, as well as

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ordering study books. I have one friend who already passed their Praxis Core Exams, and plan on
getting together with them study.

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