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But Sir S.Z.

Ferranti, in the year 1890, came up with an astonishing theory about

medium distance transmission line or long distance transmission lines suggesting that
in case of light loading or no load operation of transmission system, the receiving end
voltage often increases beyond the sending end voltage, leading to a phenomena
known as Ferranti effect in power system.

Why Ferranti Effect occurs in a Transmission Line?

A long transmission line can be considered to composed a considerably high amount
of capacitance and inductor distributed across the entire length of the line. Ferranti
Effect occurs when current drawn by the distributed capacitance of the line itself is
greater than the current associated with the load at the receiving end of the
line( during light or no load). This capacitor charging current leads to voltage drop
across the line inductor of the transmission system which is in phase with the sending
end voltages. This voltage drop keeps on increasing additively as we move towards
the load end of the line and subsequently the receiving end voltage tends to get larger
than applied voltage leading to the phenomena called Ferranti effect in power system.
It is illustrated with the help of a phasor diagram below.
he inductor stores electrical energy in the form of magnetic energy and capacitor
stores electrical energy in the form of electrostatic energy. Neither of them dissipates
it. Further there is a phase shift of 90-between voltage and current. Hence when we
consider the entire circuit consisting of resistor, inductor and capacitor, there exists
some phase difference between the source voltage and current. The cosine of this
phase difference is called electrical power factor.
This factor (0 < cos < 1 ) represents the fraction of total power that is used to do the
useful work.
The other fraction of electrical power is stored in the form of magnetic energy or
electrostatic energy in inductor and capacitor respectively.
The total power in this case is, Total electrical power = Voltage across the element X
current through the element
This is called apparent power and its unit is VA (Volt Amp) and denoted by S.
A fraction of this total electrical power which actually does our useful work is called
as active power. It is denoted as P.

P = Active power = Total electrical power.cos and its unit is watt.

The other fraction of power is called reactive power. This does no useful work, but it
is required for the active work to be done. It is denoted by Q and mathematically is
given by,
Q = Reactive power = Total electrical power.sin and its unit is VAR (Volt Amp
This reactive power oscillates between source and load.
To help understand this better all these power are represented in the form of triangle.

Mathematically, S2 = P2 + Q2 and electrical power factor is active power / apparent

Power Factor Improvement

The term power factor comes into picture in AC circuits only.

Mathematically it is cosine of the phase difference between source
voltage and current. It refers to the fraction of total power (apparent
power) which is utilized to do the useful work called active power.

Need for Power Factor Improvement

Real power is given by P = VIcos. To transfer a given amount of power at certain
voltage, the electrical current is inversely proportional to cos. Hence higher the pf

lower will be the current flowing. A small current flow requires less cross sectional
area of conductor and thus it saves conductor and money.
From above relation we saw having poor power factor increases the current flowing
in conductor and thus copper loss increases. Further large voltage drop occurs in
alternator, electrical transformer and transmission & distribution lines which gives
very poor voltage regulation.
Further the KVA rating of machines is also reduced by having higher power factor

Hence, the size and cost of machine also reduced. So, electrical power factor should
be maintained close to unity.
Methods of Power Factor Improvement

Capacitors: Improving power factor means reducing the phase

difference between voltage and current. Since majority of loads are
of inductive nature, they require some amount of reactive power for
them to function. This reactive power is provided by the capacitor or
bank of capacitors installed parallel to the load. They act as a source
of local reactive power and thus less reactive power flows through
the line. Basically they reduces the phase difference between the
voltage and current.
Synchronous condenser: They are 3 phase synchronous motor with no load
attached to its shaft. The synchronous motor has the characteristics of operating under
any power factor leading, lagging or unity depending upon the excitation. For
inductive loads, synchronous condenser is connected towards load side and is
overexcited. This makes it behave like a capacitor. It draws the lagging current from
the supply or supplies the reactive power.
Phase advancer: This is an ac exciter mainly used to improve pf of induction motor.
They are mounted on shaft of the motor and is connected in the rotor circuit of the
motor. It improves the power factor by providing the exciting ampere turns to produce

required flux at slip frequency. Further if ampere turns are increased, it can be made to
operate at leading power factor.
Power Factor Calculation

In power factor calculation, we measure the source voltage and

current drawn using a voltmeter and ammeter respectively. A
wattmeter is used to get the active power.
Now, we know P = VIcos watt

Hence we can get the electrical power factor.

Now we can calculate the reactive power Q = VIsin VAR
This reactive power can now be supplied from the capacitor installed in parallel with
load in local. Value of capacitor is calculated as per following
MPORTANT: In power factor improvement, the reactive power requirement by the
load does not change. It is just supplied by some device in local, thus reducing the
burden on source to provide the required reactive power.
Concept of Power Fac

Load Curve
A graphical plot showing the variation in demand for energy of the consumers on a
source of supply with respect to time is known as the load curve.
If this curve is plotted over a time period of 24 hours, it is known as daily load curve
. If its plotted for a week, month, or a year, then its named as the weekly, monthly or
yearly load curve respectively.

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