Nguyen 1

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Nguyen 1

Jimmy Nguyen
Professor Lynn Raymond
UWRT 1104
WP 4
I have many different and unique people within my family, but the one person I am most
interested in would have to be my older brother. Tai, my one and only brother, is now twentynine years old, and is currently residing as a citizen in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. I would
describe Tai as a fairly hefty man, approximately five feet and seven inches, and very intelligent
(both book-smart and street-smart). My brother is a college graduate from Penn State, and has a
job as an engineer after getting his degree in engineering. He is a Vietnamese man with short
buzzed black hair, with a tend to wear basketball shorts and never a shirt. I dont know why, but
he never wanted to have a shirt on. I brother did not look much like me. It seems like the only
physical trait we have in common is the similarity of our mouths. One of the major possibilities
why we dont have similar physical traits with one another is probably due to the fact that we
have completely different mothers. Tai is my half-brother. I didnt find this fact out until a few
years ago, but it doesnt change the fact that I still look up to him as I would to a full-blood
brother. I see my brother as an interesting figure that I find myself looking up to very often. Tai
was born on April 12, 1987 in a poor part of Hanoi, Vietnam. He was raised by my fraternal
grandmother and my aunt until he moved to America at the age of ten. He came to the United
States not knowing any English, and having to adapt to a new environment mentally and
physically. He studied hard, and made something great out of the little that he had to start with.

Nguyen 2

Not only was he a hard worker, but he was also a great brother. I was a child when I met him. He
quickly became one of my most favorite people in my life. I would soon see him rise to
greatness, and try to learn from both his successes and failures.

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