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Nguyen 1

Jimmy Nguyen
Professor Lynn Raymond
UWRT 1104
WP 7
The topic that my partner, David, and I chose for this semester long project is very
important to me for many different reasons. I strive to seek more information on this topic
because it is very interesting to me, and because I just want to know more about it for future
references. As a partnership, we chose the topic of the immigration policy (1970s-2000s in
general). I wanted to embark on the research of this topic because this policy is a major reason
for why I am here in America right now. My familys history dates to Vietnam, so the reason for
my family being able to immigrate to America is because of this policy. Learning more about it
helps me understand my family past more, and why my family had the chance to immigrate and
why not others could not. My interest in this topic lead me to research more and more into the
immigration policy. At first I knew that I wanted to research this topic, but I had no clue where to
start. I started to look up the immigration policy on government websites that looked reliable, but
it was harder than it seemed. The information on the websites were so scattered, difficult to
summarize, and difficult to make sense of. I was lost in where to start for the very important
semester long project.
With the help of class discussions and writing prompts, I inquired the information I
needed to find a start for me and my partners project. The writing prompts made me dig deeper
into how I wanted the project to look like and how the project should include. The more I wrote

Nguyen 2

about the immigration policy, the easier it made it to find what I wanted to include into my
semester long project. Other projects that were assigned for class gave me practice for the big
semester long project. With the help with everything in class, I was able to find what I really
wanted to include in my semester project.

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