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Beh 1

Alex Beh
Mrs. Raymond
UWRT 1104
September 12, 2016
Writing Prompt #2
An event that has profoundly shaped my literacy narrative is taking college level courses
English Courses in high school. In my opinion, I felt like it was a giant leap from the regular
honor classes that you take a freshman and sophomore. The class curriculum did not cover
grammar because they said that once you already reached that level you should already have
proficient grammatical ability. But during the class and discussions that the class has as a whole
really influenced my literacy narrative through public speaking and being able to understand
different viewpoints and gain more knowledge on reading comprehension. We would read
various books over the entire year. Books such as the Scarlet Letter, Grapes of Wrath, the Jungle,
of Mice and Men, and one self read. As a class we discussed the books we read heavily, we really
dove deep into the author's purpose and reasoning for why they wrote the book and why they put
that specific dialogue within the book. Though I never scored well enough on the AP exams to
get college credit it was a revelation for me. It made me realize that I needed to strive for better
and expand my English knowledge and to read more. I wanted to be able to understand why an
author wrote something and their true meaning behind every word in the book instead of taking
everything for face value.

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