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Fall 2016

Immersion I Lesson Plan Format

Name: Kylee Williams
School: Park Elementary
Grade Level: 3rd Grade
Number of Students in Class: 22
Unit: CREW: Diversity: Different but the Same
Lesson Duration: 35 to 40
Day, Date, and Time of Lesson: October 2016 (Date TBD)

1. Objective(s):

At the conclusion of this lesson, the students will identify signs of tolerance and
share the information with their classmates. This activity will enable students to
increase respect for differences and gain a deeper understanding of universal

2. ABE Goal: Diversity 6:

Students will express comfort with people who are both similar and different from
them and engage respectfully with all people.
*Note: Park Elementary classrooms in all grade levels have a morning session called
CREW, which lasts from 8:05 to 8:35. It is related to relationships, academics, and
service work with staff and students. It is outside of standard subjects such as math,
science, social studies, and language arts, thus no Colorado Standards.

3. Learning Target(s):
I can identify the similarities and differences in each person.
I can show respect to each person who is different from me.

4. Assessment:
Students will contribute describing words to a t- chart of whats different and
whats similar during a discussion about tootsie pops. Students will label each
trait throughout the discussion and in their exit tickets where students should make
the connection of individuals being different on the surface but similar in more ways
than one. Teacher will have taken note of students struggling with acknowledging
differences, accepting and expressing comfort with diversity during guided practice
and at discussion points.

5. Materials:
-Tootsie Roll Pops (enough for whole class)
- Tootsi Roll Pop Activity Instructions-
- White Board and Markers

Fall 2016
- Projector
-Youtube Video The Human Family- shot on an iPhone)
- Exit Ticket Sheet (22 copies)
- Pencils

6. Essential Questions or Big Picture Statement:

- What is Tolerance?
- What does Tolerance mean in the classroom?
- What could it look like?

7. Introduction/Anticipatory Set: The CREW Session will begin with the students
gathering into a circle in the reading area and participate in a morning greeting
activity and Mindful Breathing. This will be lead by the cooperating teacher.

Fall 2016
8. ****Step-by-Step Lesson Process:****
Direct Instruction of the Content: 7 minutes
- The teacher will introduce the topic of Tolerance: Today, well be talking about
Tolerance. Now, who has an idea what tolerance could mean?
- Teacher will tell students that she will pick sharers based on if their hands are
raised and are quietly waiting in their spots (later chairs).

- Studentresponsesmayvary;couldinclude:
- Knowingpeoplearedifferent.
- Noteveryoneisthesame.
- Treatingeveryoneequally.
- TeacherwillexplainwhatToleranceis:Toleranceisanattitudeofopennessandrespectforthe
- Teacher will have students look around the circle, asking them to think to
themselves any noticeable differences among them and any differences that might
not be obvious at first sight.
- Teacher will then ask students to return to their desks and watch the video The
Human Family (1 minute)
- Teacher will as what they noticed about the video: What have you noticed about
each person that appeared in the video? What were some similarities, what were

Modeling: 3 minutes
-The teacher will show the class her tootsie pop. The teacher will have students
describe her tootsie pop and add terms into two columns making up the t-chart on
the board (On the Outside and On the Inside) They will do the description on
their own with a second tootsie pop.
-Teacher will go around the room checking for understanding and making sure the
students are participating and encourage students to share at least once during the
entire activity, acknowledging some students may be reluctant to share due to
shyness or unwillingness to participate.
Checking for understanding: 5 minutes
-Content: Make sure the students understood the objective. The teacher will refer
back to the essential question: - What is Tolerance?
- What does Tolerance mean in the classroom?
- What could it look like?
-Process: To make sure the students understood the teacher would call on students
to ask them what they learned about tolerance from todays lesson. This will
continue throughout the guided practice.

Fall 2016
Guided Practice: 15 minutes
-Students will bring their attention to the tootsie roll pop in the teachers hand and
to the t-chart on the white board.
- Students will contribute to the t-chart on the white board by telling the teacher
what they noticed about the other tootsie roll pop. Teacher will chose students who
have their hands raised and waiting mostly quietly in their chairs. Some students
may say that the tootsie roll pop is a different color, theyre hard, have different
color wrappers, etc. for differences and are soft, chewy, supported by a paper stick,
etc. for similarities.
-Teacher may help lead the discussion with questions like:
- How are tootsie pops like people- on the outside and inside?
- If you choose Toostie Roll Pops by the wrapper color, do you also pick
friends by appearances (clothes, hair, etc.)?
- Just as you look forward to reaching the chewy center of a tootsie pop,
what reward do you get from making the effort to get to know new people?
- Can anyone think of a time where you judged someone by the outside then
later found that the person was different on the inside?
- Do you try all the flavors of tootsie pops? Do you always chose the same
types of friends, or do you sometimes move outside your comfort zone to get to
know new people?
Assessment: 2 minutes
- Teacher will summarize the main concepts and briefly mention the material that
has come up during discussion and ask how it connects to the concept of CREW
they have been learning all year..
Closure: 5 minutes:
- Everyone has something valuable inside that we might not see at first. The soft
center of people represents what we all have in common: feelings, hopes, dreams,
fears, and insecurities.
-Teacher will ask some students to share their new knowledge about tolerance.
-She will ask the students why it is important to look at themselves and others and
make the effort to get to the soft center of each person.
- Students will fill out the exit ticket with ideas of how to get to the Soft Center
before transition to math groups.
- Teacher will give students a tootsie roll pop for a sweet finish! Students must put
in backpacks for afterschool
9. Reflection on Lesson to complete after you have taught:
1. To what extent did the students meet the learning objective(s), and what
evidence do you have to support your conclusion?
2. Based on the success in achieving the objective, what would be your next

Fall 2016
instructional steps?
3. What aspects of the lesson went well, and how do you know?
4. What would you do differently next time, and how did you know this part of the
lesson did not work as well as it could have for you and/or the students?

Fall 2016


NAME: _____________________________________

What is one way to get through the hard shell of a person to see
their soft center?


NAME: _____________________________________

What is one way to get through the hard shell of a person to see
their soft center?

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