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Ander Saez

HESP 120
Dr. Wyant

Post Teach Reflection Questions

1. What was the most important thing you tried to teach
your students?
The most important thing that I tied to teach the students was
follow instructions of the ways to move in order to get on dead
bug position.
2. Were students interested/motivated to learn during the
lesson? Why or Why not?
The students seemed completely motivated to participate.
However the someway seemed disinterested, at some points the
students were looking to other activities.
3. What aspects of the lesson were implemented differently
than you planned? Why did that happen?
Some aspects that were implemented were more ideas of
movements because the students were asking them, like flying
like a plane or jumping like a frog.
4. What surprised you in your lesson?
What it most surprised me on my lesson was that even the
number of the student every time was small, how they actively
did the movements and how well the lesson went.
5. If you were to teach this lesson to the same group of
students, what would you do differently? Why?
If I would have to teach this lesson again, I would probably before
handed come out with more creative movements because of the
age, so it would been funnier to execute the movements.

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