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North American University

Education Department
M.Ed. in EDLE & CUIN
Name:_____Elif Ozturk___________

Date: _______10/22/16_____________

Topic Selected: Topic 3:

What does the research say about advantages and disadvantages of distance education?

What does the literature/research say about this issue/topic? By using NAU
Library or Online Search engines, conduct a literature review.

You need to include 5 different sources (book, journal article, web article
etc.) in your review. Try to use current sources as much as possible.

You need to summarize and synthesize your sources by discussing a

common theme or issue.

You don't need to critique your sources

You don't need to evaluate your sources (if the sources are trustworthy,
weather the author has a bias or not)

You need to provide background information such as history and


Brief Literature Review:

The literature regarding on-line teaching and learning is growing but is inconclusive.
Much of the literature that does exist does not focus specifically on on-line learning in
rural community colleges, and many of the studies consider the impact of on-line
learning from the students' points of view. A conflict concerning the effectiveness of online instruction also exists within the literature, with some professors' asserting that the
on-line mode is superior, some asserting that on-line and traditional modes are
equivalent, and others concluding that on-line instruction is inferior and less satisfying
than the traditional mode. ( Hurt, J. (2008).) Distance education, or distance learning, is
a field of education that focuses on the pedagogy, technology, and instructional system
designs that aim to deliver education to students who are not physically "on site" in a
traditional classroom or campus. This book presents current research in the field of
distance learning including such topics as virtual classrooms in collaborative distance
learning; metacognitive knowledge and distance education; using a Web-based eLearning system (WebELS) to support flexibility and globalization of higher education in
science and technology; and distance education initiatives for people with disabilities.
( MacTeer, C. F. (2011).) In this case study an improvement-oriented evaluation of the
strengths, weaknesses and constraints of the current situation at this University was
undertaken. Data collection resembled a triangulation mixed-methods design, which
included questionnaire surveys and focus-group discussions among the students and
lecturers in a distance education programmed. ( Makhakhane, B. b., Wilkinson, A. w., &
Ndeya-Ndereya, C. N. (2016)) The whole concept of Internet learning has

revolutionized education. It has no limits --geographically or temporally.

I think that's one of the important changes. Obviously we're at the beginning of a
revolution here, and I don't think anybody really knows where it's going to go. The
Internet's ability to transcend borders has offered many students the chance to realize
their academic goals without losing valuable career time. Communication is a major
issue for distance learning students. Before committing to a course, wise students will
consider how their program facilitates communication with other students and
professors. The greatest advantage distance learning offers is its flexibility. The
students are allowed to complete the course at their own pace. There is an online
student network available, but I haven't had time to participate in any of the discussions.
The computer is used as a cyber meeting space for those doing the course, and, of
course, for contact with the university and my personal tutor, as well as for finding
resources. (Galer, S. 1999).
Advantages and Disadvantages of Distance Learning
Like any kind of educational program, distance learning comes with a host of pros and
cons. Before you enroll in any kind of distance learning program, make sure to carefully
consider these in order to be sure youll be getting an education that meets your
personal needs, strengths, and career goals.
Distance Learning Advantages:
Lots of flexibility. With distance learning courses, students can complete their course
work from just about anywhere, provided theres a computer and internet connection.
This allows students to work when and where it is more convenient for them without
having to squeeze in scheduled classes to an already busy life.
No commuting. Taking a course online can be one way to cut down on costly gas or
public transportation. Since students can often work from home to complete their class
assignments, both time and money are saved in cutting out the trips to and from class.
Numerous choices for schools. Even if you live in a community with few or no colleges
distance learning allows you to choose from a wide variety of schools to complete your
education. You may find online schools that specialize in your particular field or one that
can provide a great general education. Either way, your options for education will be
greatly expanded.
Lowered costs. Prices for online courses are generally cheaper than their on-campus
counterparts and you wont have to worry about commuting, moving or getting meal
plans on campus, some additional benefits to learning from home.
Learn while working. As distance learning can usually be completed on your own
schedule, it is much easier to complete distance learning courses while working than
more traditional educational programs. Keeping your job gives you more income,
experience and stability while completing your degree giving you less to worry about and
more time to focus on your studies.
Distance Learning Disadvantages:
Lack of social interaction. If the classroom environment is what you love most about
learning you may want to take a step back and reconsider distance learning. Youll likely
get some interaction on chat rooms, discussion boards and through email, but the
experience will be quite different than traditional courses.
Format isnt ideal for all learners. Not everyone is an ideal candidate for online learning.
If you know you have problems with motivation, procrastination and needs lots of
individual attention from an instructor you may want to think long and hard before
enrolling in an online learning program.
Some employers dont accept online degrees. While a majority of employers will, there
are some who still see a stigma attached to distance learning. Realize that your online
degree may not be the ideal tool for some job fields or for future learning.
Requires adaptability to new technologies. If youve never been one to love working with
technology you will probably get a lot less out of an online course than your more techsavvy counterparts. Make sure you feel comfortable working with computers and with
online programs before you sign up for a class.

Not all courses required to complete the degree may be offered online. It makes sense
that more practical majors like nursing arent offered entirely online, after all, part of the
degree is learning to work directly with patients. Find out all the requirements of your
degree to see what may need to be completed offline.

What is your personal opinion on this issue? Do you agree with the
research? If you agree or disagree, please explain why?
Provide examples/experiences regarding this issue from school
perspective or If you are not working in a school, from your profession. Be
specific with your examples. You can mention software/hardware names,
specific methods that you plan to use, etc.
How would you implement this research in your career? (At least 1

In my opinion, distance education the energy and time of the students can be saved.
Flexibility is another advantage of distance education as it enables the students to study
at their own pace and perform their coursework at any specific time which fits with their
busy schedule. I can get the opportunity to be the master of my schedule with distance
learning. Distance education has more advantages than disadvantages. For instance, I
can easily go online and take my course while I drink coffee or tea in my home. Since I
feel comfortable at my home, it is a unique opportunity for me. If I dont get distance
education, I have to drive to school and it sometimes takes longer time than I think.
Disadvantage of the distance education is, I think, I dont have a campus life and it
affects motivation. If a student gets education on campus, he or she can socialize with
friends and have conversation about teachers and lessons. These conversations are
important for students since they keep them fresh and motivated.

Cite at least 5 References in APA.

You may use for citing
your sources in APA style.


Hurt, J. (2008). The Advantages and Disadvantages of Teaching and Learning On-line. Delta Kappa
Gamma Bulletin, 74(4), 5-11.

Makhakhane, B. b., Wilkinson, A. w., & Ndeya-Ndereya, C. N. (2016). COMPILING AN EVIDENCE-BASED
AFRICAN UNIVERSITY. Africa Education Review, 13(1), 20-36. doi:10.1080/18146627.2016.1186421
Galer, S. (1999). Distance learning the high-tech way. Computing Japan, 6(8),
The International Association for Distance Learning. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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