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Ian Nelson

Final Paper
Nov. 23, 2016
Flight 3272 was an Emb-120RT Brazilia manufactured aircraft that lost
lift over the left wing due to an uneven distribution of in-flight icing. After
studying this crash as well as the aerodynamic concept of lift Im here to
show us as pilots how we can better fly our planes in icing conditions by
overviewing the aerodynamic events of flight 3272. First I will cover the
general aerodynamic concepts and aerodynamic characteristics of the airfoil
on Comair flight 3272, next Ill describe the aerodynamic effects of icing
while relating the discussion towards the crash of 3272, and finally I will
cover ways we can fly as pilots to maintain stable lift from our aircrafts wings
within, and out of, icing conditions.
Flight 3272 is an EMB-120RT which is a Brazilian airplane equipped
with a NACA 23018 (which I will refer to as the EMB-NACA) airfoil (fig. 1). Like
any other airfoil, the wings of the airplane are designed to create lift so for
now, I will focus on the basic aerodynamics of lift then discuss how the EMBNACA could have contributed to the crash of flight 3272. An airfoil generates
lift by creating a low pressure zone on the side of the airfoil that has a

greater surface area. On most aircraft the side with a greater surface area is
the area on top to create a low pressure that literally sucks the airplane up
by its wings. This happens because the air flowing around the airfoil must
flow faster over it to reach the other side and resume its equilibrium. Some
airfoils are designed to create lift while others
are designed symmetrically to open the
possibility of flying inverted. Looking at the
Figure 1.


EMB-NACA (fig.1) you can tell that the surface

area on the top of the airfoil is only slightly more than that on the bottom.
Because NACA 23018 is an airfoil that is slightly symmetrical the airfoil will
operate in an inherently unstable manner yet still creates lift. This has many
advantages but could have increased the likelihood of a stall pertaining to
the EMB in severe adverse conditions like icing.
Ice buildup on the airfoil creates an aerodynamic challenge for the
airfoil to maintain lift. Ice buildup on the airfoil can hinder the lift force
generated by the airfoil in many ways, however the biggest way that ice
retards life is changing the shape of the airfoil! The airfoil (in its natural
state) is designed carefully to direct airflow around it in a way that optimizes
connection to the airflow, both on the top and bottom portions of the wing.
When ice accumulates on the airfoil the leading edge of the wing gets bulked
up with ice that redirects airflow over the wings in an unusual way that
increases drag and reduces the lift designed to keep the aircraft in the air.
The ice creates drag which breaks the connection of air to the airfoil sending

the air tumbling over the wing and retarding the lifting force (fig. 2). Put
simply, when ice builds up on the wings, the airfoil cannot produce lift
effectively, and puts the aircraft at a higher risk of stalling.
On Jan 9, 1997 the weather was inclement and posed a threat of icing
to the EMB120 making a flight from Cincinnati to Detroit amongst the
moisture in the atmosphere. An ice storm
had been growing over the northern United
Figure 2. Airflow loss over a
frosty wing.

States for enough time to place

temperature below freezing and given the
atmosphere enough moisture to frost icing on the

Figure 3. Surface observation

chart VALID 2000Z 9 January

wings of flight 3272 (fig.3). The county sheriffs

office in Monroe (located on the ground) stated to

NY times journalist Keith Bradsher that There was heavy, heavy snow and
visibility was almost zero. The dew point spread varied between 1 and two
degrees within the hour of the crash (reports the NTSB) and paved the way
for very low hanging clouds. Because the clouds were so low the plane was
very likely to spend much of its approach within saturated clouds building
icing on the wings. In fact, the flight 3272 was in a holding pattern outside of
DTW before being vectored in by ATC for landing. Because of this the flight
had substantial time for icing to accumulate on the wings.

In the case of flight 3272 on approach to Detroit, the aircraft was under
many circumstances that created its fatal stall. The first, and biggest factor
contributing to the stall was ice buildup on
the wings. Apart from the weather being
inclement and accumulating ice on the
wings, upon investigation of the NTSB it was
Figure 4

A.P. corrections before

disengagement on flight 3272

shown that the flight data recorder recorded

the pilots never using the pneumatic de-icing

boots on the approach to Detroit! This contributed to the buildup of ice on

the wings and consequently, the loss of lift for the airfoil. The second factor
contributing to the stall of flight 3272 was its low speed (and consequently,
its lifting force). On approach the EMB was vectored towards the airport at
150 knots. Under normal circumstances the EMB120 could have flown at that
speed however on Jan. 9th the aircraft was flying in icing conditions! While the
autopilot was engaged the airplane was vectored into a left turn by ATC
unaware of the icing built up primarily on the left wing (reports the NTSB).
Considering the slow air speed and the loss of lift on the left wing the plane
was prone to falling to the left. During the turn, the autopilot was correcting
the loss of lift to the left by heavily turning the yoke for a right turn (fig.4).
During the turn the autopilot disengaged and because of the loss of lifting
force on the left wing and the returning yoke to neutral, the airplane entered
a steep turn diving towards the ground at 4,000 feet AGL. After the
aerodynamic stall the plane hit the ground outside of the DTW airport.

As pilots there are a few ways we can assure adequate airflow over our
wings during normal flight, as well as in icing conditions. The first way we
can keep airflow over our wings is to be familiar with the minimums for our
aircraft and maintain a faster airspeed to keep connected flow on our airfoil.
Likewise, it is important to adjust our minimums under icing conditions so we
can avoid stalling in flight and on the approach. Secondly, it is important to
use de-icing equipment during IMC conditions where icing is likely! We must
do this because it is vital to maintain the airfoil shape. Without the
consistency of air flow over a smooth unobstructed airfoil we come closer to
the possibility of airflow loss and consequently a fatal stall.
In conclusion, it is important to observe our aerodynamics during flight
and create the best possible for the airfoil by avoiding ice buildup on the
wings and carefully monitoring our angle of attack (). In the case of Comair
flight 3272, (being an EMB-120 Brasilia) flew into IMC and icing conditions on
January 9th, 1997 crashing just outside of DTW international due to a loss of
airspeed over the left wing (NTSB 1997) and entering a steep left dive. We
can all learn from this crash by being observant to our aerodynamics as it
relates the forces acting on the airfoil to prevent loss of airflow and
consequently, aerodynamic lift over our wings.

Cited Sources

"Deicing/Anti-icing." My Airline Flight, a Guide to Your Flight! My Airline Flight, n.d. Web. 05 Dec.

"Accident Report Detail." Aviation Accident Report AAR-98-04. NTSB, 04 Nov. 1998. Web. 05 Dec.

"Snow and Ice Storm, January 9, 1997 - Surface Maps." Snow and Ice Storm, January 9, 1997 Surface Maps. RaymondCMartinJr, 2005. Web. 05 Dec. 2016.

Bradsher, Keith. "All 29 on Commuter Aircraft Die in Crash Outside Detroit." The New York Times.
The New York Times, 09 Jan. 1997. Web. 05 Dec. 2016.

NTSB Animation Comair Flight 3272. Perf. Comair Flight 3272. NTSB Animation Comair Flight 3272.
Youtube, 14 Aug. 2009. Web. 5 Dec. 2016.

Smith, Hubert. The Illustrated Guide to Aerodynamics.

Blue Ridge Summit, PA: Tab, 1992. Print.

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