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Transition Plan

Miley Stevenson
Spring 2016

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Student Summary
Miley is a 19-year old, Hispanic female in the 11th grade at Martin Luther King
School. She has lived in the Bryan/College Station area her entire life. Growing up,
Miley lived with her grandmother. She currently lives with her mother, stepfather, two
siblings and two-year-old son in an apartment in Bryan. At two years old she was
diagnosed with a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) due to a fall. Later, family members and
doctors began to notice an incredible increase in Mileys anxiety, which she explained
was related to past sexual abuse.
Miley is currently placed at Martin Luther King School due to poor attendance.
Due to unreliable transportation, Miley starts school everyday at 10:30 am. Fortunately,
Martin Luther King School is a place where students can work at their own pace in order
to complete their high school degree in a more personalized and timely manner. Miley is
working hard to graduate from high school, but her teachers stated her attendance is
significantly holding her back. She has missed more school than she has attended;
sometimes her absences will accumulate into a full week. Mileys absences are usually
due to family issues or her young sons needs. Her peers describe Mileys son as the
center of her world. Her mother stated, she spends almost all of her free time playing
with her son and taking him to the park.
Miley is planning on graduating in May/June of 2016 on a minimum plan.
Currently, she has 14.5 of the 22 credits needed to graduate. She is employed at Wal-Mart
in order to support herself and her son. Based on various career assessments, Miley is
highly interested in becoming a phlebotomist or a dental assistant. She enjoys helping
people and working alone, at her own pace.

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Educators describe Miley as an average to below-average student. However, she

is not failing any of her classes. Miley possesses very strong interpersonal skills, making
her enjoyable to work with. She works well in groups and enjoys learning through hands
on tasks. Mrs. White, her Special Education Content Support teacher, enjoys working
with Miley and described her as, an extremely hard worker. Mrs. White also stated,
Miley is a joy to be around and is always wearing a smile, as well as, Miley has a very
strong work ethic and is willing to work hard whenever she is present. Unfortunately,
she is absent more often than she is present, making it hard for her to complete her
schoolwork. Miley is a very strong reader who struggles in math. She has taken all of her
STAR A, yet she did not pass any of the administered tests. Despite her attendance issues
and struggles in math, Miley has been described as a hard worker from all of her
surrounding peers. She is very driven and is willing to learn, says Mrs. Smith, her
Special Education In-Class Support teacher.
Throughout her educational career, Miley has attended various schools inside the
Bryan Independent School District. When Miley entered Kindergarten, signs of learning
disabilities were so prevalent she was held back. At the age of 17 Miley was a junior at
Bryan High and had her first child, which forced her to miss school and eventually take
the 2014 spring semester off before starting back at Martin Luther King School in the
Miley has presented a strong employment history since landing her first job at 16
at a local bar & grill. She was a hostess at the bar for around three months until the bar
eventually closed down. Currently, Miley is working at Wal-Mart and has been employed
there since August 2015. She holds many responsibilities at work such as zoning,

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organizing and working at the return desk. Miley enjoys working at Wal-Mart, but stated
she intends to look for a new job with higher pay.
When interviewing Miley, she stated she dreams of becoming a phlebotomist or a
dental assistant one-day. After graduation, Miley plans on attending Vista College, in
College Station. She hopes to move out of her mothers apartment and get her own place
with her son and a roommate. During the interview with Mileys mother, Mrs. Piena
stated Miley is completely financially independent. Mrs. White says Mileys dreams are
very well thought out and believes she has all the support and motivation needed to
follow her dreams.

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Assessment Summary
Things That Make You Special
A Students Guide to the Americans with Disabilities Act: Teachers Resource Guide, by
R. M. Balser, B. M. Harvey, and K. L. Rotroff, Portland: Department of
Vocational Services, Maine Medical Center. Copyright 1996.
Description of Assessment:
Things That Make You Special is an informal assessment which requires students
to brainstorm positive characteristics about themselves. The assessment asks for 25
qualities related to the students strengths, abilities/skills, talents, things they have done
they are proud of, things they have learned, and positive things about their personality.
After listing an abundance of characteristics, students are able to see clearly all the
positive attributions which make them special.
This assessment benefited Miley by allowing her to stop and realize how much
she has to offer. This required Miley to brag about herself, which resulted in more selfconfidence.
Summary of Results:
After the completion of Things That Make You Special, Miley was able to see all
of her strengths. Number one on Mileys list was being a good mother. Miley noted the
importance of putting her son first. Other positive qualities Miley listed included being
hard worker, loving herself, working for what she wants and believing in herself.

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Job Site Interest Summary

Source: Unknown
Description of Assessment:
The Job Site Interest Summary consists of seven questions pertaining to a current
work site. This assessment asks students to list three things they enjoy and three things
they dislike about their current setting. After listing multiple characteristics, the Job Site
Interest Summary asks students to focus on the tasks related to the job. It makes students
think about the skills they have gained from this job to assist in searching for future
During the first meeting with Miley she stated she currently worked at Wal-Mart
and was hoping to start searching for a new job. This assessment was appropriate in her
situation to see what Miley liked and disliked about her current job as well as what she
wants in a new job.
Summary of Results:
After the assessment, Miley discovered the skills she gained from working at WalMart. Miley also discovered how these skills could potentially help her in a new, more
desired career. In her next job Miley is searching for a career which possesses the need
for organization and which will utilize her interpersonal skills. From her current
employment, Miley now knows she wants to stay away from inventory work, cash
registers and jobs requiring her to move from department to department.

Your Free Career Test

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Source: Unknown
Description of Assessment:
The test was found online at The informal
assessment included 56 multiple-choice questions. The questions asked a variety of
different career characteristics and required the student to rate them from not interested to
very interested. Once the test is scored, it shows how interested one is in different fields.
The test then shows what classes to focus on and possible careers in that field.
This informal assessment was necessary to narrow down Mileys career choices.
Since she has a very wide range of career options in which she is interested, this
assessment was chosen to get a more specific look on what to consider. The transition
mentor administered the assessment to Miley orally and recorded the answers.
Summary of Results:
Results generated from Your Free Career Test showed Miley was more interested
in Health Science careers. Miley obtained her highest scores in the health science and
helping others categories by receiving an astounding score of 67% in each area. These
test results resemble the career choices she stated she is looking into pursuing, indicating
good self-awareness of good career choices. Since administering the assessment, she has
shown an attraction to nursing and dental assistance.

Vocational Assessment: Teacher Questionnaire

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Green, Joe. (1990) Teacher questionnaire vocational assessment 1-3.
Description of Assessment:
The Teacher Questionnaire: Vocational Assessment is an informal assessment used
to gain information pertaining to a students education and career options. This
questionnaire includes questions in four different areas: student interests, aptitudes,
vocational trainings, and necessary modifications.
Interviewees included both Mrs. Smith, Mileys Special Education In-Class
Support teacher, and Mrs. White, her Special Education Content Mastery teacher. Since
Miley spends a majority of her time in Mrs. Whites room, she was able to provide more
valuable information. This informal assessment allows mentors to see Mileys
performance level from a valuable source.
Summary of Results:
Both Mrs. White and Mrs. Smith had nothing but positive things to say about
Miley. They listed very similar strengths and weaknesses. The interviews made
Mileys work ethic more visible, such as her desire to learn and her persistent work ethic.
The assessment also provided information pertaining to many of Mileys necessary
accommodations needed to allow her to succeed in school, including working in small
groups, oral testing, reduced problem sets, rewording/clarifying/scaffolding, and frequent
check ins for understanding.
As far as Mileys educators were informed, she is undecided of her career choice.
Mrs. White was informed of her desire to become a dental assistant or phlebotomist,
however Mrs. Smith didnt know either of those were options. Mrs. White stated Miley is

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capable of reaching her goals yet she will need the assistance from her accommodations
to get through whichever post-secondary path she takes.

Self-Advocacy Statement(s)

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Post-Secondary Education
First, Miley will need to contact the disabilities services at Vista College and
provide documentation of her disabilities. Miley will also need to inform the disability
councilor of the necessary accommodations to ensure her success in the classroom. Miley
may need to find a tutor to strengthen her skills in math and science. To ensure Miley is
present at all of her classes, a post-secondary mentor will be necessary.
Mileys current accommodations include: working in small groups, oral testing,
reduced problem sets, rewording/clarifying/scaffolding, and frequent check ins for
understanding. All accommodations listed must continue to be implemented in her post
secondary education. Since Miley struggles most in math and science, a tutor will be
imperative for her to be successful in these content subjects. Absences are the main
setback to Mileys graduation date. Mileys mother stated a mentor would be necessary to
keep her on track in continuing her education in college.
Miley must get her drivers license to ensure she has a reliable source of
transportation. She will also benefit from finding a math tutor to strengthen her money
skills in order to receive a pay raise at Wal-Mart. Last, Miley needs to express her need of
hands on learning when introduced to a new task at work.
Miley must self-advocate to ensure a healthy work environment. Receiving her
drivers license would allow for her to provide her own transportation to work. Miley
stated in her Job Site Interest Summary she struggles when working with money.
However, mastering this vital skill could result in a pay increase to help support her

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family. Last, both Miley and her employers will benefit from Miley expressing her most
successful learning styles.
Independent Living
Miley will need to find a mentor while living in her own apartment. To further
strengthen her independent living skills, Miley will need to utilize a planner and/or
weekly checklist to ensure her duties around the apartment are completed. If comfortable,
Miley should also express her emotional disabilities to her roommate in case an
emergency situation arises.
Although Miley already possesses strong independent living skills, she could
benefit from using a planner or weekly checklist to keep up with everything she need to
do as well as informing her roommate of her disability. Having a roommate around will
assist her as it should reduce her tendency for anxiety as well as accommodate Miley
with taking care of her son. This would benefit Miley from becoming overwhelmed with
daily tasks which cause her to miss school.
Recreation and Leisure
Miley currently participates in leisure activities without support, however, she
will benefit from researching parks close to her apartment/school to ensure she is visiting
safe parks with her son. She will also benefit from joining at least one organization on
campus to ensure she makes new friends and has a solid support group in college.
Miley stated in the first meeting she spends her free time playing at parks.
Researching parks and getting referrals on them will go a long way to ensure her and her
sons safety while there as well as seeing to it the park has the facilities she wants She
should also be aware of resources near the park should trouble arise. Knowing if there is

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a local police storefront, emergency clinic, etc. should be a priority. Getting involved on
campus should help Miley avoid feeling overwhelmed. In a dramatically new
environment it will be easy for her to feel insecure and become confused. The presence of
friends, peers, and a mentor will prove valuable to her stability and self-confidence.

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Transition Outcomes & IEP Goals

Transition Outcome:
After graduation, Miley will attend Vista College to receive a two-year career
training in dental assistance/phlebotomy.
IEP Goal:
By June 2016, with support from the Bryan High GO Center and a Vista College
admission counselor, Miley will apply to Vista College.
Time Line:

Attended Vista College Seminar at Martin Luther King School

Met with Vista College advisor
Apply to Vista College
Apply for FASTFA
Attend Admission Conference

March 2016
March 2016
June 2016
June 2016
August 2016

Narrative Explanation:
Miley has known she was interested in becoming a dental assistant. Through
informal assessments her interest in this field was further defined. After attending a
seminar at Martin Luther King School about Vista College, Miley and her mother both
agreed it would be a suitable college program for her. Miley has been in contact with an
advisor through the college and is on a promising path.
Transition Outcome:
Through out college, Miley will continue working at Wal-Mart until graduating
with her Associates degree. After College graduation, she will start her career in dental
assistance/ phlebotomy.
IEP Goal:

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From August 2016 through May 2018, Miley will maintain a steady employment
in a familiar environment to transition to college more smoothly and provide selfsufficiency and self-esteem.

Continue working at Wal-Mart

Job search if unhappy with current setting

May 206 May 2018

As needed

Narrative Explanation:
Miley stated she plans to continue working at Wal-Mart through college. Miley is
financially stable from her earnings at Wal-Mart. Both Miley and her mother agree she is
making a steady income and is able to support herself and the baby. Although Miley is
unhappy with the hours and managers at Wal-Mart, she knows continuing to work is her
best option until she finds a new job similar to her current position.
Independent Living
Transition Outcomes:
After graduation, Miley will move into her own apartment with her son and a
IEP Goal:
By August 2016, with help from her caseworker, Miley will find an apartment
suitable for her, a roommate and her son.

Begin saving money for rent

Talk with caseworker to review acceptable apartments
Begin apartment/roommate searching
Select a desired apartment
Move into desired apartment

April 2016
June 2016
June 2016
July 2016
August 2016

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Narrative Explanation:
Miley is more than capable of moving out of her mothers apartment. She
possesses many independent living skills necessary to living on her own. Her mothers
only concern is she is a homebody. Since Miley is confortable at home she plans to get a
place close to her mothers apartment, near her sons daycare and one accepting
government housing.
Recreation and Leisure
Transition Outcome:
Prior to graduation, Miley will receive her drivers license in the state of Texas.
IEP Goal:
By May 2016, given assistance through the Austin Driving School, Miley will
receive a valid drivers license from the state of Texas.

Sign up for driving school

Receive valid permit
Practice driving skills & study written portion
Pass all test required for Texas state license

March 2016
April 2016
April 2016
June 2016

Narrative Explanation:
Miley was given a car; however, she has yet to receive her drivers license. Miley
and her mother both stated they have made little progress on getting the process started,
but agree it is an achievable goal. Miley currently receives rides from her mother and
sister to work, school and daycare to pick up her son. Receiving her drivers license will
make transportation significantly easier on the entire family.
Job Analysis

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Miley has stated from the beginning she was interested in becoming a dental
assistant. Informal assessments confirmed Mileys high interest level in this particular
field, which lead to the interview of Pricilla Lemon, a dental assistant currently employed
at The Dentist at North Cypress. The Job Analysis form was used to guide questions
while interviewing Mrs. Lemon. The interview was conducted face-to-face.
Mrs. Lemon described many helpful characteristics pertaining to working as a
dental assistant. She stated she has become a part time employee due to her health;
however, she worked as a full time employee at The Dentist at North Cypress for 16
years. Her old schedule required Mrs. Lemon to work from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.,
Monday through Friday. Her daily schedule is very routine and requires excellent social
skills. Her job consists mainly of cleaning teeth and/or prepping for the dentist. She also
expressed the importance of detail and time management when preforming cleanings.
Mrs. Lemon stated many other requirements necessary to her job.
After completing the Job Analysis interview form with Mrs. Lemons help, Miley
completed the Match portion of the analysis. Fortunately, Miley discovered how well her
wants in a career matched the characteristics of a dental assistant. Out of the 16 different
qualities, only 2 were not a match. Mileys interest differed from Mrs. Lemons job when
considering the amount of people she works with and the pace at which she works.
Although those seem like important aspects, when explaining to Miley Mrs. Lemons
work she still sounded very interested, although the latter aspect will have to be managed
if Miley is to be successful in her new role.

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Moving forward with Mileys plan, she is more than excited to continue pursuing
this career path. Mileys personal characteristics match well with Mrs. Lemons, which
would indicate becoming a dental assistant could be a great career choice for Miley.

Student Progress Summary

Miley has advanced greatly since the transition planning began. Her
school attendance has improved tremendously. Since the planning began, there have
recently been some major changes to impact her normal routine. Miley is currently in the
middle of switching daycare for her son. This conflict has caused Miley much stress,
however, her caseworker is in the process of finding a new suitable daycare. Miley has
decided she wants to begin looking for a new job since her hours at Wal-Mart are taking
away form watching her son. She has also recently decided she is very interested in
working in a nursing home. Both, Miley and her teachers see the transition plan running
smoothly and successfully thus far.
Miley has been excelling in school lately and has only to complete three courses
before graduating; two English classes and a math models course. Her attendance has
always been a large contributor to Mileys delayed graduation date; however, her
attendance has since improved, setting her graduation date as May 2016.
The goals for all four areas of the transition plan still remain. After graduation,
Miley plans on attending Vista College. Together, we are working on scheduling a visit
with an advisor and tour of the college. Mileys employment goals still remain, although
she has decided to begin searching for a new job earlier than she expected. She is still
planning on living in an apartment after graduation, but stated now is not a great time to
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begin apartment browsing. Miley is also working towards getting her drivers license, but
her mother says it is a slow but steady process. Her goal is to receive her license by her
expected graduation date.
Prior to the Job Analysis, Miley said her interest in dental assistance has
heightened. She was pleased to know how well her wants matched the characteristics of
Mrs. Lemons job. Although her career options are still quite vague, they all share similar
characteristics, making the process a bit easier. Miley recently stated she is interested in
working at a nursing home.
Since creating a timeline for enrolling to Vista College, Miley has completed
multiple steps. She has already talked to a representative and scheduled a meeting with an
advisor. Although she had to cancel the meeting she has gained helpful knowledge of
who to contact and how. In spite of such issues, she continues to move forward toward
her goal, indicating she is committed to seeing them through. Miley also stated
she has been practicing driving with her mother, however, she has yet to begin studying
for the written exam.
Miley has been informed of the next steps necessary to completing her transition
goals. During previous meetings, deadlines were discussed for having vital checkpoints
completed. By the next meeting she will have begun creating a resume for her new job
search and rescheduling her meeting with Vista. Mileys transition plan is running
extremely smoothly and seems very promising.
Throughout the duration of the semester we have focused solely on transition
planning. This project has contributed to many different aspects which have shaped me
into a more valuable asset to students with disabilities. As a result of this detailed

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transition plan, I have strengthened my skills in five different areas: social/global

competence, critical thinking, assessment, instructional planning, and collaboration. I
have discovered the amount of detail necessary and lengthy time required for meaningful
transition planning and have experienced the overwhelming pride coming from its
Prior to this project I was unfamiliar with both mentoring and working with
families from diverse backgrounds. However, as a result of completing many
multicultural education courses, I felt prepared and knowledgeable enough to begin this
project unbiased. Although the cultural differences didnt bother me, I was frightened by
our extremely different backgrounds. Miley, who was born and raised in Bryan, Texas,
lives a much different lifestyle than do I as a result of growing up in Houston. Our
diverse pasts made it difficult to relate to her situation at first. I experienced multiple
failed attempts to put myself in her situation until realizing I needed to look from a
different perspective. As a transition mentor, I needed to view the planning process as a
leader, not an equal. I learned a lot of valuable information about myself as a result of
forcing myself out of my confront zone. I have never been a strong leader; however,
leading my first parent interview and the presentation of my completed plan to multiple
adults allowed me to see just how effective a leader I can be.
In order to think critically, one must master a handful of skills such as analyzing,
reflecting, problem solving and decision-making. This project has provided an abundance
of practice is all these areas. I was required to analyze many different characteristics
which make up Mileys personality such as her past, her strengths and weaknesses, and
her dreams. I was also forced to problem solve when a question arose of which I was

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unsure. Decision-making was also a large part of the transition plan. I was given
information from Mileys mother which she request I kept secret form Miley. As a result
of my improved critical thinking skills, the situation was handled in a professional
manner. From the practice this project provided I was able to utilize these skills to
support her as transition mentor by learning what her goals were for her life and
constructing a plan to help her see a way to achieve these goals.
Collaboration is key in transition planning. Not only are you working with your
transition student, but you are also working with as many peers related to your student as
possible. The completed plan consists of many different interviews, which require
mentors to utilize their networking skills. As stated before, I had never interviewed a
students parent. The multiple uncomfortable situations I faced only made me a stronger
transition planner in the end.
To continue to develop skills in transition planning, it is important I stay educated
on the areas around me fundamental to working effectively with each student. As a result
of community mapping I was able to provide Miley with the appropriate resources
available to her. By continuing to explore the community I can ensure I am providing
each of my transition students with the support they need to be successful.

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