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Duffard 1

Megan Duffard
RDNG 468
29 February 2016
Oral Language & Listening Comprehension Lesson

Duffard 2
Topic: Birds
ELAR TEKS Objective:
Reading/Comprehension of Literary Text/Theme and Genre
6(A) Identify moral lessons as themes in well-known fables, legends, myths, or stories.
Story used during the lesson: The Vain Crow pg. 160 of Activity Book (3rd Edition)
1. Purpose: Listen to the story (fable) and be able to comprehend and explain the lesson that
is learned.
2. Naming
Name different types of birds
Name parts of a bird (beak, wings, feet, talons, eyes, feathers, etc.)
Name birds that can fly, cannot fly, can be pets, are harmful, are helpful, eat meat, eat

insects, eat nectar

Rank birds by size (Ex: emperor penguins are larger than sparrows)
Multiple meanings of the word wing: a bird's wing, a plane's wing, wing of a

3. Describing (show picture of a peacock feather and a crow feather)
Name the objects in the pictures
Name categories that the peacock feather and the crow feather belong to
Name the functions of the objects.
Name the objects' color, size, and shape.
Compare each to another object.
o Let's compare the peacock feather to the crow feather. The peacock feather is
_______, __________, and _________ than the crow feather.
o The crow feather is __________, _________, and ___________ than the
peacock feather.
Use a simile or metaphor.
o The crow feather is dark like the night sky.
o The crow feather is dark, soft silk.
o The peacock feather is colorful like a rainbow.
o The peacock feather is a shiny, staring eye.
4. Retelling (Read the story and provide pictures that mark actions, events and key points.)
Students generate interesting words they hear throughout the reading.
Students draw a crow
Students draw a picture of colorful peacock feathers

Duffard 3

Students draw a picture of a flock of birds.

Students draw the word peck next to a bird's beak.
Students draw a sad face.
Students take turns retelling the passage using the pictures as prompts and they
incorporate the interesting words they wrote down (words like: discard, strut,

ordinary, despised, etc.)

5. Questions
Why did the crow want to wear the peacock feathers?
How do the other crows feel about him wearing the peacock feathers? If someone

tried to show off or look better than you, how would that make you feel?
What do the peacocks do when they see the crow wearing their feathers?
What do you think the crow should do once his peers turn their back on him at the

end of the story? What would you do if you were the crow?
What do you think the crow has learned in this story?

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