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Dzogchen Dragpa Khorsum

Complete Transmission of the Textual Traditions by Khenpo Tenpa Yungdrung

Yeshe Rabphel Ritrod, Germany, 2014, May 29th June 1st
Traditionally a complete transmission has three parts, the empowerment, the transmission of
the textual traditions und the related teachings and instructions (dbang rlung khrid). In
Dzogchen the main aspect of the empowerment is the direct introduction into the nature of
mind (ngo sprod) directly received from a highly qualified Master. Subsequently, in order to
read, understand and practice the Tantras, Upadeshas and the related teachings and
instructions as those given by Yongdzin Rinpoche, Lopon Tendzin Namdak, in the last twenty
years the best is to receive the complete transmission of the textual traditions. On our request
Lopon Tenzin Namdak agreed that Khenpo Tenpa Yungdrung will grant the rare opportunity
of the complete transmission.
This year we will enjoy the textual transmission Dzogchen Dragpa Khorsum or The Threefold
Proclamation of the Great Perfection (rDzogs chen bsgrags pa skor gsum) which is the root
scripture of the Dzogchen Yangtse Longchen (rDzogs chen Yang rtse klong chen).
These teachings are transmitted for the first time in the West; only the main parts were
transmitted last year.
Lishu Tagring concealed the teachings of The Threefold Proclamation of the Great
Perfection together with the The Great Space of the Supreme Peak of the Great Perfection or
Dzogchen Yangtse Longchen at the time of the second persecution in the eight century.
Together with the Yangtse Longchen collection, which belongs to the cycle of Bn teachings
from Zhangzhung (Zhang zhung gi bon skor) Dzogchen Dragpa Khorsum (rDzogs chen
bsgrags pa skor gsum) is one of the major Dzogchen cycles. Both cycles were mainly
discovered by the Tertn Zhtn Ngdrup Dragpa (gTer ston bZhod ston dngos grubs grags
pa) in 1180 CE. inside the temple of Lhodrag Khomting (lHo brag khom mthing) in southern
Tibet near the border to modern Bhutan.
This year we will follow the brand-new and complete two volume edition of Dzogchen
Dragpa Khorsum (rDzogs chen bsgrags pa skor gsum smad cha dang stod cha).
The transmission will take place in the retreat place Yeshe Rabphel Ritrod, the Mountain
Hermitage for the Utterly Increase of Primordial Wisdom, which was consecrated and
empowered by Lopon Tenzin Namdak in 2003. For a limitted number of participants the
traditional transmission (lung) will be related to the Guru-Yoga of Tapihritsa and Lishu
Tagring, the practice of the protectors, together with other practices such as Sang and Chd.
2014, May 29th 7 am, end June 1st 3 pm.
195 Euro with the possibility for a personal donation to Khen Rinpoche
Contact and registration: +49-0160 97800751
Further Informations on the Yeshe Rabphel Ritr, the Mountain Hermitage for the Utterly
Increase of Primordial Wisdom
For a limited number there is the opportunity to stay at the retreat place in simple but nice
rooms and dormitory with your own sleeping bag/bedding or in one of the nearby hotels and
guest houses. On request a list will be sent and you are asked to book after making your
personal request. A simple lunch will be provided and basic foods for making Your own

breakfast and dinner; tea, coffee and cakes are offered all day. Instead the hotels and
guesthouses can provide meals.
During the years 2000-2001 when Yongdzin Rinpoche Lopn Tenzin Namdak was looking
for a center in Europe Yeshe Rabphel Ritr was conceived. At this period it was difficult to
find a peaceful place for him to stay; in Nepal there was a riot with the Maos and in Europe
no place was found yet after the suggested places in Paris and in Les Vosges failed.
Chgyal Namkhai Norbus advice was asked for and he gave his `blessing and bestowed
valuable advice, too. Also Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche supported the project and promissed to
continue teaching the Chagtri in Europe when it will be established.
Since building activities, individual and collective practices, retreats and teachings as well as
courses are taking place. In 2003 Yongdzin Rinpoche Lopon Tenzin Namdak together with
Khenpo Tenpa Yungdrung and some Geshes came for several days; he empowered the place
and gave some transmissions. In 2007 Khenpo stayed for several days and we newly
enshrined the complete collection of the Kanjur and Katen together with the complete works
of Shardza Tashi Gyaltsen and Yongdzin Rinpoche as well as other texts. Chongtrul Rinpoche
made a visit and Geshe Geleg taught the practice of Tsalung and Tummo in the context of
Dzogchen in 2009 and 2010. Dzogchen teachings and transmissions were bestowed by Menri
Lopon Trinle Nyima, Khenpo Tenpa Yungdrung and Geshe Gelek.
The place is situated in south-eastern part of Bavaria called Lower Bavaria about 100 km
from Munich and the same distance from Austria and Czech Republic. The nearest airports
are Munich (80 km) and Salzburg (110 km); highway connection Munich-Passau is reached in
about 15 kilometers.
The land extends for some m2 situated on top of a hill and overlocking a small valley
with a winding rivulet above the small village called Aham. There are two houses for practice,
study and family life on several hundred square meters. Retreat rooms with daylight and a
dark retreat room and outside facilities are nearly finished. The foundation of a Lukang is laid.
Personal archives of teachings are checked and coordinated with those of other practitioners
and possibly Shenten.
The main emphasis of the retreat place is on individual and collective Dzogchen Practices, but
also on deep instructions and transmissions.
For more information write to: +49-0160 97800751

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