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Lowe . . \ Ino ber. l L Tn electric e\ceurts - we rr Connected -bo wires and devices sada ag ligt bulbs typically, electrons move Heroughest Kee wire due to the elechic 2 field Larned Hncoughout Me wire boy Phe batters The movement of charges is known aS current We deine curcent gs the Grnouwnt of charoe, AY, passing some point in @ given amount of time , Mt I: } cureen’ too types of current we will encounrer: diveck current (de) - divection of current shoys Bre Same, aberneting carrent (ae) - direction of current changes over Hme © we will cepresent Oeenirs Yh ira diagrors: if vs He movement of five charaes my * even rough Negarve Charges (electrons) ral | are he on down, poe movement, i a rll | Ths \s an unforlumete. historical Lor convention, bottery, Common, a radhery, \ 3 | AN vesistor a_i capacitor Olore's Low ' ou The volhage La eatery is related te the curcent gupplied to a Ciccurh \ However, when charges move Horowghoat a circuit 2 they do not do se freely ~ Hoey will ercount’e — cesi stance As chorges move Hrroughot re direst, resistance will couse them to moe Slower is defined as @= 4 = Voltage ( Ean resistance current (A Cobn)) whic oe of voltages constant Ly many, waeterials rl 1 . This alse known as Ohms Law | R= = constent or VWeTe | "Ohm's Lao” HI< Now, devices That offer resiskance are known af resigtecs properties such as material, shape, and site delenwing the resistance of a resister ~ we will discuss His ficther ofler an example or hoo with Ohm's law Example Problem ea A car battery, has a rat ing of 220 ampere - hours (Ah), how much chatge Oe et H Pre wading is bind of a measure of a weer, con provide beGre Faring (@) whet is the 4tobal change is badlery can provide 7 290 Avh= a0 S Ks Set 408 . [749 000 c : & a ® (b) Deering Phe matimum curren hak Hoe laateery can erevicle for 3% mautes . rc \ . uy A Fay machine uses 0.110 Poe cerrenk in its normal mode of operat ion , but only 0.00 A in We ctondby mode, The machine uses & potertiel difference of \Q0V, In one minute boo rach more Charge parses Pacough re machive Rian in stondlboy mode, and hos. much mere ¢ ener ay, is used? a v min): O.MOA ls = 6-6C in normed mode chacde in normal mode ( charge in chandby mode Clmin) 1 0.067A. bs = 50, Wel 4.0C* a how much more energy used ? ones. gV- (.edt2ev): Ba] @® 7 4.00 Resistence and Resistivity go, the material ao resistor 1s made of and he Shope and size of the resister will of eet its resistance This is determined boy’ Le benghh oe resister R= ¢ Ree cross-sectional area of cesgishet cesistivihy of he ynecreri el) every maleral has oO property i BO | copper called cesishvity Canits : Ao) arog Rweneasures Wow strongly Hed Lace. k—L-—-—4 specific malerial opposes \s Cena of Flow af — current Eress-sechianal © esister) area (imagine catting a slice ) Electric Porer When a boaters is connected to a citeuib ib is delivering energy to all devices in the excourh | now let's see net the aa } % My Gs detwered is, Le. energy del ered. ; ® St Lime elapsed Pewee Tmegine we lave Lottery Comected tow 1 : ; - side connected to positive cs side of oodlery is maintained ab o higher potential {oink A) 3 = ee connected to negotive side of bedkey is mointoined ot 9 lower potential (poist B) tay As oo dor ge WSeatie! _~ Merge oy to a . &. pokential ond loses — moves Horo oh gleckrrea\ energy, Yas device... energy gees to Pre device Vow potential As o chorge. Va no moves Varough ox roe bedbery .. - charges ges to igh ow poleninal and genes energy Lorn re beter, this energy +o be delwered to. bectery loler on & polerial Now, a5 Ye dearges move — Harough We device, he (point Bo’ 8) change in Energy is Aan , so he power delivered 4 Pe deve is Ps energy delwered F ag _{& alopsed Hime at (yy t ae rhe Hence, Mre power delwered aS cuccent cutcent moves Lom one pont to onother is [@-zy| USING, Ohew's Lae, VEER we can express Wis 1 ree ways > Ss ~Exome \e “Peden - Ta the US. abort fd vill Most THs use roughly is ep on for bS hes o day, TF electrical energy costs HON per kWh, how mucky rane 1s Spent eer dey leeeping the TVs ont? BOND goF% | : » oo GS hes es oe electric cosh \ oe Pe ww BO-F3 | soo 2 H0.ISG ty keep ee pre TV on | total cost. (a Ose) IG. milion) = 191%. million t ee f per das! ~\ Example Prete a ee Vor of current af HOV Loe US min, A personal computer uses 2.3 A of current ot lov. WiHh Yre energy used by the clethes dryer hod lone Cin hours) In doing a lead of clodres, a clothes dryer uses coulh you use the computer? ® enerou, used by dlothes dryer’ CoN Ged auov) =3g4 aw energy = (Se40 Ww). (Us min =) =D. 0% 7 how Long can we Se computer @ P= (a.2 A\(iaov) = 3a4wW B dime = jeder Ty 32,000 s+ Imin | lhe q 304 Ts tos | Loma pent hes | w eas Wednesday K covers material in Lies G homeworks Ch. \& (1-8) Ch, 20 (1-8)

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