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Rebekah Hall
General Information
Status Submitted at 2015-10-29 14:47

SPED Block 2

Student: Hall Rebekah (rebekahannehall@tamu.edu)

University Supervisor: Karen Garcia (mkranch@msn.com)
Principal: not available
Mentor/Cooperating Teacher: Misti Moser (mmoser@csisd.org)
District: CSISD

School: Cypress G

Grade Level: Int

Subject: Life S

Internship Start: 2015-10-12

SPED Block 2

Observation Date: 2015-10-28

Time in: 10:20am

Time out: 11:20am

Overall Ratings
Overall Rating: 4 - Exceeds expectations
Overall Comments and Recommendations:
Rebekah taught a calendar lesson (identifying and finding present, past, and future dates) to a group of four students
(Grades 5 & 6) in a Life Skills classroom setting. Detailed, complete lesson plan available for University Supervisor.
Proficiently addressed all competencies of the lesson cycle and exceeded expectations in several of the competencies (See
comments in the appropriate sections of the evaluation form). Secured students' attention with interesting topic and
maintained their attention with interactive, hands-on activities. Excellent student participation during lesson. Students
actively engaged and on-task throughout the lesson. Excellent teacher presentation skills and voice. Strong organizational
skills and ability to development and implement a lesson using a multisensory approach. Exhibits calm demeanor, patience,
and ability to adapt to situations that arise in the classroom. Demonstrates enthusiasm for learning. Rebekah possesses very
developed teaching skills in both academic and behavioral areas. Her performance in the BK II program has been exceptional
this semester.

Special Education Block II Evaluation

Questions marked in yellow are the Block 1 emphasized areas.

Questions marked in blue are introduced during Block 2. Students in Block 2 are responsible for competencies marked in yellow and
Section 1 - Introduction / Motivation



1. Related lesson to prior


Exceeds Expect

All of you have been working on the calendar for October. Let's do a review of
the days of the week together.

2. Stated lesson objective

clearly and comprehensively

Exceeds Expect

Well, today you are going to be learning something new about the calendar.
You will be able to find both past and future dates on the calendar.

3. Established purpose of the


Exceeds Expect

Why is this so important? We need to know how to find dates on the calendar
to know about events that are happening, like a birthday party or Halloween.

4. Related the content to

student's interests/experiences

Exceeds Expect

5. Secured student attention

Exceeds Expect

Why do we need to use a calendar? It helps us to know about important events

that are happening, like your friend's birthday party, or a holiday, like
Halloween that coming up soon. And, we are going to be doing a fun calendar
activity today.

Section 2 - Instructional Procedures




1. Modeled the learning

Exceeds Expect

Modeling included review of previous learning (ex. days of week, mos. of yr.), a
detailed, step-by-step explanation of the new learning (locating past or future
dates on a calendar), examples & guided practice using the Smartboard, and
independent practice (each student created their own October calendar by
putting the numbers in proper order and gluing them on the calendar).
Incorporated the "I do, we do, you do" model in the instruction. Utilized a
multi-sensory approach to learning.

2. Presented accurate
information in appropriate


3. Solicited student participation Proficient

4. Used questioning strategies
for higher-level thinking

Exceeds Expect

5. Related practice to the



6. Monitored students'
throughout the lesson


7. Monitored/assessed student
progress and adjusted
instruction appropriately


8. Implemented IEP objectives

and provided appropriate


9. Incorporated modifications


Asked appropriate higher-level thinking questions about the calendar and

finding dates that were both past and future dates (Ex. What date is today?
How many days in a week? What date was it one week ago? What date is
Halloween? Is that date in the future?) Used the Smartboard calendar to assist
students with answering the questions. Also, pointed out that when the date is
one week in the "past", you look up one row on the calendar, or if the date is
one week in the "future", you look down one row on the calendar to locate the
date. Student participation was good during questioning and the activities.

Section 3 - Independent Activity


1. Matched independent
activities to lesson objectives
(individual or groups)

Exceeds Expect

2. Modeled examples of the

independent activity

Exceeds Expect

3. Used appropriate assessment

strategies (informal/formal)

Exceeds Expect

Independent activity involved an interesting, hands-on activity for students to
create their own calendar. This activity met the needs of all the students and
was one they could accomplish with minimal teacher assistance. Students
really enjoyed the activity and actively participated.

Section 4 - Environment Management

1. Established behavioral

Exceeds Expect

Verbally stated behavioral expectations prior to beginning lesson that were
appropriate and specific (Ex. Sit at table. Follow teacher directions. Stay in
chair until teacher calls on you to come to Smartboard. No talking at table
unless teacher gives permission.).

2. Had instructional
ready for classroom use
3. Used instructional
4. Gave clear procedural and
instructional directions


5. Time used efficiently (start



6. Maintained focus of the lesson


7. Students on task/actively


8. Redirected off
task/inappropriate behavior


9. Reinforced/praised students'
efforts and desired behavior

Exceeds Expect

10. Established a climate of

courtesy and positive support


No off-task, inappropriate behavior observed.

Excellent job providing positive praise and reinforcement to students

throughout the lesson (Ex. Awesome job gluing the days. Student A, you are
correct on naming that day (Thurs.), great job. Thank you, Student B, for being
ready and participating so well. All of you did a wonderful job knowing the
days and finding certain dates on the calendar.).

Section 5 - Closure


1. Restated objective and



2. Engaged student participation

in lesson closure


3. Set anticipation for future



Section 6 - Professionalism




1. Completed thorough lesson



2. Started lesson on-time


3. Accepted & implemented



4. Displayed respectful rapport

with professionals



Student Reflection
Reflecting on your lesson, your interactive conference and your University Supervisor's written observation
report, please answer the following questions.
What worked well? Provide three examples.
What would you have done differently?
I made sure to appeal to several senses throughout the lesson (visual and kinesthetic through the smart
board and coordinating manipulatives). The students were engaged in the lesson because of this multisensory approach. I also clearly provided my expectations for the students, behaviorally and academically.
They knew what conversation level was expected, as well as how I expected them to respond to what was
being taught. I made sure to provide continual specific positive praise, which further encouraged the
students to participate and be engaged in the lesson.
If I were to do this lesson in the future, I would not try to cram so many items into such a short time frame.
The review took just as long (if not longer) as the presentation of the new material, and a lot of time was
lost in having to glue so many pieces to our blank calendar. Overall, I just need to tweak this lesson until it
can run smoothly, without my constant having to stop and redirect, help glue, etc. (Submitted at 2015-11-02
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