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ca \Pobential " urbaces ore surfaces where the elechic potentiol is constant : AY —— a ; \ eqs fae sur Face elecvic Lid The elecbic Lield is dean perpendicular ee equipetential surfoces and ports in the divection where We electric pokeotial \g decreasing This ges new qualitative pictuce, but how can we Aad out > ghankitedively how strong 4 5 the field is? For Us we weed te ee 4 ee ee) og ola Lem citerence de distance behoeen rem, Hee ry) MS AV=V,.-) AM = Vg - Vy Cone coy | ee oe u ~ yk £ Tht magnrirtrdce OF lecnic field we can : oe Hen 4s Simpy 19 the dicechon of ne rs pore a\ A Dielechics Sapeese we hae a parallelplate capacitor : - \ where the Oo metal pleies Ore separored f have a poler (A, and ha f Then ly a distance diference, V, be-+ween them, r. Fiedd is | feleemrie Leld ~ parallel ole capacitors ® ley pb bet GQ Capacrtor dheh are capacttors foce, of — charae ib duces proper ional capacitance iS es a measuace of a cagacrter's ability we can alse place insulerting mater al hacen Lhe plates of a capaciter - mekecial is called a dielecte By placing the die leclvic behseen Me plates Yre Gield is decreased and more charge is able to pile wp on Ake plates Let's See tro His orks... a ty . \ oy . decdv« Geld wrtrot dielectric inserting dielectric... 4 -% fe chorge, 18 induced on the dielectric a which Bems a eld that : partially cancels the field diclecine from the — plates \ \d Neck “This causes meee chavge To puild up on the Piet and imerenses the capac trance pL Ane capacitor much does. the She diclectrve a pike greele eller “Lapp sR capacitance Increase | Se ‘by how This determued by Hie wolerial which we denote Por Pre capacitance of a One con chow Capocrror ee paralle\ ~ plate Coo povallel -plate He.A _ copacrtance ° bor des ene 1s being stored 1” the Ay a copacitor Lore of Grange, Hoo much energy 1s Stored? 3 \ a ail 2 £loyve dev (since 42%) eagevntent 3 2) a vac a3 CK PHEEVONS £42) 2 (si e Vee) For a parallel-glede capantor, energy = soy ok 4 (S \eay = SAE (a 8) Ye product Ad is he yolume of & belween the capacitor , so eee energy density | energy density = SS “See [erect See alone * | Velume TH tures out Bis 16 Arve for any, electric Geld ©

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