Annotated Bibliography

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Annotated Bibliography

Hartford, B. (2013, February 13). The Roots of Poverty. Retrieved October 03, 2016, from

The author is Bruce Hartford, a member of the Civil Rights Movement Veterans. It was
published in February 2013 and explains what some of the roots of poverty may be and how
poverty may be related to the basic civil rights of humans. I feel that the information in the
source can help build credibility in my paper as it describes a possible reason for poverty in
America as discrimination has been around for generations.
Sutter: How to end child poverty in America (Opinion). (2015, March 1). Retrieved
October 03, 2016, from

John D. Sutter is an award winning columnist for CNN. He provides ways that may reduce and
stop poverty as well as child poverty in America. I feel that this can be relevant to my paper as it
describes an effect of poverty. Children across the nation are affected by economic negligence.
CNN, as well as the author provides the article with statistics showing those families who are
affected most, this information provides supporting evidence on claims there may be in my
Hoynes, H., Page, M., & Stevens, A. (2006). Poverty in America: Trends and
Explanations. The Journal of Economic Perspectives, 20(1), 47-68. Retrieved from
The authors from this source are credible and distinguished experts in economics and finanace
ranging from college professors to directors in organizations researching American poverty and
economics. This source provides economic trends from past decades and explanations for these
trends. This information could prove to be critical evidence and explanations for claims in my
Williams, W .E. (2011). Poverty Is Easy to Explain. Retrieved October 05, 2016, from
Williams provides broad and simple explanations of poverty itself and how it came about in the
United States. Walter Edward Williams is an academic economist, commentator, and is the John
M. Olin Distinguished Professor of Economics at George Mason University. In his article he
claims that poverty is a simple fix, and that if we as an economy simplified our financial systems
we could end poverty quickly. This provides my paper with different opinions from experts on
how poverty can be fixed.

@.(2012, July 26). Ending Extreme Poverty in a Generation. Retrieved October 05,
2016, from
Moss describes his opinion on what the three big issues in poverty are. He also explains our roles
in poverty and what we as citizens can do to stop it. Global citizen provides articles and blogs
dealing with governmental problems in the United States as well as around the world. Simon
Moss is the Managing Director of Programs and Co-Founder of Global Poverty Project. The
article provides information on the different ways poverty can be dissipated within a short
amount of time.

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