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91% projects
got green nod
in 2015: Govt

bout 91% of projects got

environmental clearance last year, compared with nearly 54% in 2014.
In a written response to a Parliament question, environment minister Anil Madha
Dave said, Average percentage of such projects for the period from 2009 to 2014 was
87.79%. He noted that 53.86%
of the projects had got clearance in 2014 while 90.70% got
the green nod in 2015. P 6

Kannadigas to
get job quota
in pvt sector?

he Karnataka labour
department has dusted
up a 30-year-old Sarojini Mahishi report to bring in
jobs quota for Kannadigas in
the private sector, reports
Sandeep Moudgal. Technical and white-collar jobs in
the IT-BT sector are exempted from the quota move. However, some of these posts are
likely to be reserved for Kannadigas in other private sector industries in the state. P 5

Friday not off for

govt madrasas

ssam education minister

Himanta Biswa Sarma
said government madrasas
would not be allowed to close
on Fridays and an hours break
would be given for prayers, reports Naresh Mitra. Friday
is a holiday in Bangladesh and
Pakistan... Theres no law in
India which recognises Friday
as a holiday, he said. P 8

SC to Roy: Pay
`600cr by Feb 5

he Supreme Court told

the Sahara group on
Monday to deposit Rs 600
crore with market regulator
Sebi by February 5 for extension of interim bail to Subrata Roy and two directors. The
group has submitted a threeyear roadmap by which it
aims to clear Sebis dues of
Rs 13,000 crore. P 9

Defamation case:
Scribe convicted

Hubballi court on Monday convicted journalist

Gauri Lankesh and handed
her a six-month simple imprisonment in a defamation
case. The case was filed by
Dharwad MP Prahlad Joshi
and BJP activist Umesh
Dushi. Gauri moved an application for bail which was
granted immediately. P 2


Shell out 50% tax if you come Wife of cash van driver
with `78 lakh
clean, much more if caught surrenders
Dominic Gets
25% Of Disclosed ACTIONS & OUTCOMES
Sum To Be Locked
money is declared under
caught with
(Prime Minister
In Welfare Fund
Garib Kalyan Yojana 2016)

Prabhakar Sinha
& Pradeep Thakur TNN

Pay 50% tax and deposit 25%

interest free for 4 years

New Delhi: Those who made

and disclosed bank deposits
of unaccounted money in the
wake of the demonetization
decision on November 8 will
have to forego 50% of the
amount, a part of which will
go into a special fund being
created for welfare measures
for the poor.
In fact, the depositor will
be able to access only 25% of
the amount as the government has decided to keep the
rest locked in for four years
as interest-free deposits for
the Pradhan Mantri Garib
Kalyan Yojana.
The stiff provision has
been provided for in the bill
which was moved by finance
minister Arun Jaitley on

 BLACK OUT? P 2, 10, 15, 16

Modi to attend LS? Page 10
Monday to carry out necessary changes in the existing
Income Tax Act. Experts immediately called it the second
version of the Income Disclosure Scheme which the government had refused to extend beyond September 30.
The bill provides for even
sterner punishment for those
who are found to be in possession of undisclosed income
after the new scheme comes
to an end. Those falling in this
category will have to pay
82.5% of their unaccounted
cash. The proposed fine
marks more than a 50% increase in what has been laid
down in the existing law.
The fine will go up to
95.4% for those whose declared income exceeds Rs 1
crore. Those below this
threshold will be marginally
better off and will be required
to pay up to 90.9%. This is

If caught under-reporting
or mis-reporting

Pay tax between 45.9 and

90.9% (if income is less than
1cr), between 50.5 & 95.5%
(if income more than 1cr)

Pay 82.5% tax

If caught in search
and seizure

Pay tax between 60.9

and 90.9% (if income is less
than 1cr)
Between 65.5 and 95.5% (if
income is more than 1cr)

Salary rush has

bankers worried

Woman seeks PMs

help to treat dad

anks are gearing up to

meet the salary rush at
branches from Tuesday, but
the erratic availability of Rs
500 notes and intermittent
supply of cash to branches
may pose a challenge. Every
day, we get a little more than
the previous day. But small
increases might not be enough
to meet the month-end spike,
a bank official said. P 15

25-year-old Agra woman

has tweeted to PM Modi
and Uttar Pradesh chief
minister Akhilesh Yadav for
help, saying she could not leave
her cancer patient father alone
at home and stand in bank
queues to withdraw money.
Juhi Prakash, whose mother
died of cancer 3 years ago, said
she was unable to access her
fathers savings as well. P 10

Badly hit auto industry cuts production

he automotive industry is so badly hit by Prime Minister

Narendra Modis demonetization decision that vehicle plants
have either reduced production or introduced block leave for
their employees, reports Rajesh Chandramouli. In some cases,
the drop in the demand for vehicles is as huge as 65%. Daimler
has stopped production for three days a week, while factories of
Renault and Nissan are not producing cars in the third shift.
Other players, like Hyundai and Ford, are reported to have scaled
down production. Car financiers say there is a steep reduction in
footfalls, calling the decision a bolt from the blue. P 10

with regard to undisclosed income that comes to the notice

of official agencies.
TOI had exclusively reported the creation of the
PMs welfare fund for the
poor in its edition on Saturday. The proposal to raise the
fine, lock in 25% of the disclosed amount and put the
money thus gained into the
welfare scheme amplifies PM
Narendra Modis political
message that his decision to

Chennai / Madurai /
Hyderabad: Four al-Qaidainspired terror suspects
were arrested from hideouts
in Chennai and Madurai on
Monday for allegedly planning to target Prime Minister Modi and 21 other VIPs.
Three suspects, from Madurai, have been identified as
Dawood Suleiman, 23, a TCS
software engineer working in
Chennai, Abbas Ali, 27, a house
painter; and Samsum Karim
Raja, a commerce graduate.
They were allegedly involved
in five low-intensity attacks in
southern India. The suspects
allegedly set off an explosion
in a parking lot in a district
court complex in Chittoor,

Banks may bring

down deposit rates

ontrary to expectations
that demonetization may
lead to a rate cut, the RBIs
move to hike CRR to 100% may
delay any such decision on the
part of banks. The new rules
will see banks incurring a loss
of at least 4.04% on the
incremental deposits, forcing
them to cut deposit rates. P 15

32 days to go, page 16

Need 2.5cr devices, P 10

Andhra, on April 7. On June 15,

the group triggered a blast in a
car parking area of chief judicial magistrates court in Keralas Kollam district, followed
by an explosion in a court complex in Mysuru on August 1.
They were arrested in a
joint operation by the Nation-

Mumbai: The government is

pushing banks to install 10
lakh credit card swipe machines in the next three
months and SBI alone is expected to install 6 lakh machines. To incentivize banks
and manufacturers of point of
sales (PoS) terminals, the government has waived the 12.5%
excise duty and 4% special excise duty on these machines.
There are 14.6 lakh PoS terminals in India. But the number of outlets accepting card
payments is estimated at 10
lakh since many outlets have
multiple devices and some are

demonetise notes of Rs 500

and Rs 1,000 is meant to be a
strike against those with
hordes of illegal cash and
will deliver tangible benefits
for the poor.
While there is no estimate
of how much the government
expects to mop up through
the hike in fines and by locking in 25% of the deposits,
sources said .

NIA gets sanction

to try Jaish chief

Terror suspects were allegedly

involved in Mysuru court blast

inactive. To achieve this network of a million shops, banks

have taken over five years and
the same target is now sought
to be achieved in three months.
We have placed an order for
1 lakh machines, which we expect to be delivered in January
and have sought request for proposals for an additional 5 lakh
machines, said SBI MD Manju
Agarwal. SBI has sought customs duty exemption for the imports and is expecting the Centre to respond favourably.

4 suspects who plotted

to target PM held in TN

Install 10L card

swipe machines
in three months,
govt tells banks

aving the way for charging

Jaish chief Maulana
Masood Azhar in the Pathankot
air base attack in January, the
home ministry has given
prosecution sanction to the
NIA to file a chargesheet
against the Pakistan-based
terrorist and three others. P 8

al Investigation Agency, Counter Intelligence Cell sleuths of

Telangana and a CID special
team. Two suspects escaped
during the Madurai raid and
cops are yet to release the identity of the fourth suspect .
Al-Ummah connect, P 8

UGC: Ban junk

food, measure
students BMI

he University Grants
Commission has directed varsities and
colleges in the country to
collect data on students
body mass index (BMI),
body weight percentage,
waist-hip ratio and other
health indices, reports
Deepika Burli. This exercise comes amid the UGCs
plans to ban junk food in
campus canteens. Accord-


ing to UGC, the ban would
help reduce obesity levels,
helping students live and
learn better. Most institutions in Bengaluru are all
for promoting healthy food,
but campus canteens dish
out a mix of both nutritious
meals and junk food.

Ktaka RTO suspends 55k DLs in 29 months

Aparajita Ray

Bengaluru: Road transport

authorities in Karnataka
have suspended 55,621driving
licences (DL) from April 2014
to August 2016 for serious violations. About 65 licences a
day have been revoked on average, signaling the extent of
traffic violations in the state.
In a worrying trend, every
second licence revoked in Karnataka is on charges of drunken driving. According to Regional Transport Office (RTO)
statistics, 26,529 licences have
been impounded in the 29month period under assessment against motorists allegedly driving under the influence of alcohol. At least 22,183 li-


Karnataka issued 13.44
lakh licences in 2015-16,
of which 13.16 lakh are for
private vehicles
Out of 65 lakh registered
vehicles in Bengaluru, 42
lakh are two-wheelers
The city has just 45
trafc inspectors, which
means one inspector for
every 1.45 lakh vehicles
cences have been impounded
for violations such as reckless
driving, performing wheelies
on public roads, souped-up engines and overspeeding.
The number of driving licences suspended in Bengaluru which has about 35%

Vehicles in

In Bengaluru



(Till Sept 2016)

13.44 lakh

DLs suspended


(For 2015-16)


Year 2015

Year 2016 (till Oct)



of the total vehicles in the

state is hotly contested because drunken drivers are
challanned in two different
ways. However, traffic police
said they have booked 47,289
cases of drunken driving in
Bengaluru from January to

October this year. As many as

943 cases were booked from
October 31 and November 6.
Disparity in figures put
out by two enforcement agencies is primarily because
drunken drivers licences are
impounded in the very first
instance of violation from
August this year. Additional
commissioner of police (traffic) R Hitendra said: Earlier,
we used to send driving licences to RTOs for suspension only after a driver was
caught for the offence a third
time. From August, weve
been suspending the licence
for first-time offenders too.
Interestingly, not all drunken-driving cases easily translate into those of licence suspension. In some cases, those

caught driving in an inebriated condition claim they dont

have a licence so that they escape the law rather easily. Karnataka transport officers admitted that such cases do exist.
Additional commissioner
of transport (enforcement)
Maruti Sambrani said: The
number of drunken-driving
cases sent in by cops are more
from Bengaluru. The city also accounts for a major share
of other traffic violations like
driving on footpaths and performing daring stunts like
wheelies. But the total number of licences suspended
doesnt mean violations are
few in Bengaluru. This
means enforcement net must
be spread wider to cover all
vehicles on the road.


Cold Feet, Runs

Away With `14L

Bengaluru: The wife of Dominic Roy, who drove away

with currency notes worth
Rs 1.37 crore, surrendered before police on Sunday night.
The cops recovered Rs 78 lakh
from Evelyn Mary Roy, and
are hunting for her husband.
He still has nearly Rs 14 lakh
of the cash he stole on Nov 23.
Banaswadi police detained Evelyn, 40, at 10.10pm on
Sunday. She was accompanied by her lawyer Nancy Prince, who police sources said
had succeeded in convincing
Evelyn to give herself up. Dominic, police said, also wanted to surrender but changed
his mind at the last minute.
Evelyn told police she and
her husband were in Vijaya-

Nov 23 | After heist,

Dominic abandons
vehicle, takes auto to
Majestic, where Evelyn
waits. They shove loot
into a bag, catch a bus
to Vellore, TN
NOV 23-25 | Couple
and their son stay at
a church in Vellore,
travel to Coimbatore,
then leave for
Thrissur in Kerala

K Sunil Prasad

NOV 26 | Aware
cops are looking for
them, family leaves
for Coimbatore,
travels to
Vijayawada in AP
NOV 27 | Couple
decide to surrender,
catch a bus to
Bengaluru, edgy
Dominic gets off bus
at KR Puram, Evelyn
gives herself up

wada on Sunday when their

lawyer told them they had no
escape route. We decided to
return to Bengaluru and surrender. The couple and their


12-year-old son boarded a bus
to Bengaluru. When the bus
reached the citys outskirts at
around 8pm, Dominic told his
wife he would not surrender.
We had a heated argument.
He told me I could surrender if
I wanted to. He got off the bus

Drugs for flu, cold &

pain to get OTC tag?


New Delhi: Commonly used

medicines for flu and pain
relief that are available over
the counter (OTC) despite
some being prescription
only, will now be put on a
specific OTC list while a legal framework will set out
penalties on sale of antibiotics and other high-risk
drugs without prescription.
Medicines for cough, cold,
flu and pain relief, such as paracetamol, ibuprofen and other analgesics, may soon be
available OTC without prescription. But while the Centre is set to categorize more
drugs as OTC, it is also drawing a legal regulatory framework to avoid misuse of high-

Prescription-only drugs for

cough, cold, u and pain relief
are available over the counter

Evelyn Mary Roy

at around 8.30pm. The remaining cash is with him, Evelyn told investigating officers.
Additional commissioner
of police (West) KSR Charan
Reddy told TOI that Upparpet
police completed the procedure and arrested her at 2pm.
We have collected Rs 78.08
lakh that was in her possession, he said. Evelyn was
then taken to Victoria Hospital for a medical examination.
They shopped, dined, P 2

outfit chief
held in Delhi

risk drugs, especially antibiotics. Once these are in

place, the government plans
to make it mandatory for companies to label such drugs
OTC on the package, making
it easier for consumers to distinguish, an official said.

New Delhi: Barely 15 hours

after armed men had stormed the Nabha jail in Punjab
to free Khalistan Liberation
Force (KLF) chief Harminder Singh Mintoo, the terrorist was re-arrested from
Delhis Nizamuddin railway station on Monday,
from where he had planned
to board a train to Mumbai.
Mintoos calls to a relative in Delhi, who was under
surveillance, helped cops to
trace the KLF chief. He also
visited his relatives, after
which cops started to tail
him, leading to his arrest.

No legal recognition, P 7

Spoke to kin in Goa, P 7

Centre plans legal framework

to avoid misuse of high-risk
drugs, especially antibiotics
Companies to label OTC on
prescription-only drugs
Stores violating rules face
penalty and punishment

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