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Music Video Evaluation

What went well?

My group and I were tasked with creating a shot by shot remake of our
choice. The music video we chose to remake was All about the Bass by
Meghan Trainer. I believe that one of the main positives from undertaking
this task was the camerawork. I think that all the shots from the music
video were included correctly although this was fairly difficult due to the
number of shots and the pace at which they were put together.
Another positive aspect that could be taken from our remake was the
timing. The timing of each shot was difficult although we had created a
shot list prior to filming in order to make timing each shot easier. Despite
this factor I think that the duration of each shot was accurate enough and
each body movement that was in the original was mirrored in the remake.
I believe that there a few positives and there is a lot of improvements that
I would make if I were to do this task again.
How would you improve it?
Firstly If I were to improve this remake I would make a change of the music
video. I think that this song was too difficult and that there were too many
short shots, which affected the schedule and editing. However, I think that
this task could have been completed if it was planned a lot earlier. For
instance we should have had a shooting schedule and shot list .As the
filming could have been completed at an earlier date so that I could have
edited earlier than I planned although I am quite confident with editing I
need to improve the rate at which I edit.
Another aspect that I would improve is how quickly I edit the remake
because I decided to edit far later than I should have. If I had planned to
edit while my other group members were finishing off the filming I would
have finished editing before the deadline.
One technical aspect that I think I should have improved is the
camerawork because there wasnt a variety of shots. Perhaps if I was more
involved with the camera I would use more angles and movements
because some of the shots from the original video were not on point in the
remake. Despite this I think tall the other technical aspects were covered
as we did the best with what we had.
How confident are you about editing?
I think that I am more confident than I was ever before at editing. This is
because I already knew the basics of deconstructing footage and
organising it into a video. However, in this task I gained the opportunity to
increase my knowledge and gain new techniques such as scaling the
frame and altering the colour gradient in order for the remake to match
the original.
What challenges will be different when it comes to filming your
own music video?
I believe the most important challenges that were evident during the
construction of the remake was the planning. Since we did not

communicate well with each member of the group in my opinion there did
not involve much planning. So filming only began once everyone was
available during lessons. When it comes to my own music video we will
have a clear shooting schedule which will work around each members
schedule ensuring that we are able to film and complete filming as quickly
as possible so that we can move smoothly to editing what we have and
focusing on the promoting of the music video.

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