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Drills and Exercises

The objective of drills and exercises is to determine whether shipboard personnel are proficient in
all assigned security duties at all Security/MARSEC levels while identifying any security related
deficiencies, which need to be addressed.
Security drills and exercises are confidential. They cannot be demanded by, and need not be
witnessed by, parties other than duly authorised flag state or Company officials.
To ensure the effective implementation of the provisions of the Ship Security Plan, drills are
conducted at least once every three months, testing individual elements of the Plan.
(Presently we feel more frequently drills to be conducted in order to have crew trained for all
However, in cases where more than 25 percent of the ships personnel have been changed at
any one time, a drill will be conducted within one week of the change to benefit personnel who
have not previously participated in any drill on that ship within the last 3 months (ISPS B/13.6).
These drills are devised to test individual elements of the Plan.
The elements to be tested include:
access control at MARSEC Level 2;
ship searches;
securing restricted areas at MARSEC Level 3;
evacuating the ship while in port;
fire control exercises;
bomb threat reaction;
crowd control procedures;
activation of the Ship Security Alert System;
calling emergency stations;
informing the Port Facility Security Officer of a security incident;
preparing to leave port at short notice;
acting on instructions given by contracting governments; and
using other Contingency Plans as mentioned in SSP Section18.
The nature of all drills will be entered in the ships log and the SSO will record details of all drills
and the persons who participated in them .
Various types of exercises, which may include participation of CSO, Port Facility Security
Officers, relevant authorities of contracting governments as well as SSO, if available, will be
carried out at least once each calendar year with no more than 18 months between the exercises.
These exercises will test communications, co-ordination, resource availability and response.
These exercises may be:

full scale or live

tabletop simulation or seminar; or
combined with other exercises held, such as search and rescue or emergency
response exercises.

The master and SSO will, following consultation with the CSO, participate in any exercises
organised by flag or port states, if invited, and the master will record any such participation in the
ships log.


Name of Ship ..
Ship Identification Number: I M O _ _ _ _ _ _


Security Element

Evaluation of Results

The elements that might be tested include

Access control at MARSEC Level 2
Ship searches
Securing restricted areas at MARSEC Level 3
Evacuating the ship while in port
Fire control exercises
Bomb threat reaction
Crowd control procedures
Activation of the Ship Security Alert System
Calling emergency stations
Informing the port facility of a security incident
Preparing to leave port at short notice
Acting on instructions given by a contracting government
Using other Contingency Plans- As mentioned in Section 18 of SSP

Signature of


Name of Ship ..
Ship Identification Number: I M O _ _ _ _ _ _
Security Element tested..



DRILL: Access control at Security Level 2

Vessel is at Stapleton anchorage, New York.
Minutes of the security drill
1030 LT - General Alarm: Three Short Blasts
1035 LT- Muster: Crew Mustered at primary emergency station.
1040 LT- Briefing of crew by SSO: Contacting government has announced security level 2 This risk level
indicates that a particular segment of the industry may be in jeopardy, but that no specific target has been
identified. Additional protective measures may be expected to be sustained for substantial periods of time.

There is possibility of unauthorised person boarding vessel and we need to take all measures of
Security level 2 for access control Every crewmember asked about his duties same checked with
the security duties as per SSP / Section10
Equipment tried out: Walkie-talkies, Flashlights, and whistles.
1050: Crew proceeds to their respective security duties.
Bridge Control Team: Master: On bridge Overall in charge assisted by SSO (In case SSO is
different then Master)
1055: Duty officer I reported all communication equipment checked.
1105: Emergency Team Chief officer reporting
a) Access point restricted to only port gangway.
b) All other access points being secured
c) Security patrol increased to 2 persons
d) Gangway watch doubled up
e) Restricted area being checked and locked by Boson Shajir
1110: Gangway watch AB Vimal Raj reporting a) 2 person on gangway watch
b) All person seeking to board we will asked
reason for boarding and photo I.D. will be
c) Bags will be searched of all person boarding
d) Gangway is 3 meters above water level.
1112: Security Patrol OS Mahesh and MM Jitender reporting
a) Anchor cable hawse pipe covers fitted
b) Pilot ladder Secured
c) Other ladders Secured
d) Derricks and aft gantry secured.
e) Main deck and Helicopter landing area being patrolled
1120: Duty Officer II Evacuation team reporting - Rescue boat ready for evacuation engines tried out.

1121: Chief engineer Engine room team reporting - a) Access control to engine room enforced.
b) Access only from one point
c) Monitoring and patrolling of engine room
being carried out.
d) Electrical officer Liasing with chief officer
for additional lighting.
e) Fire pump running
1122LT: Gangway watch called Bridge control Team:
We have one boat close by and one person is waving his hand and trying to draw your attention.
He says Boat VHF radio is broken so he unable to contact you reason for boarding is for crew
training and he is superintendent from OMCI.
Bridge Control Team: Let me check up if any information received.
1128LT: Bridge Control Team to Gangway Watch: Check his passport for identity.
Gangway watch to Bridge control Team: Showed him the Gangway Placard OMI/S & E/20
Passport checked photo compared.
1130 LT: Bridge Control Team to Gangway Watch:
a) Check his bags.
b) Check letter of guarantee from OMCI.
c) Enter his name in the gangway log.
d) Brief him on security and safety issues
e) Issue him visitors card
f) AB Rajesh to escort him to ships office.
1135 LT: Bridge Control Team to all teams - Contracting Government has announced security
level 1 Emergency stations called off.

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