Human Resource Management

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d.Strategic goals should be specific, challenging and measurable.

e. Recruitment process is negative.


SESSION 2014-2015
Time:3 Hours

Max Marks:100

Questions Paper is divided into three
Each group is of ---- marks.
Figure to the right in brackets indicates
the marks
Assume suitable data if necessary

GROUP A:Answer any three questions.(Question No 1st is

Q.1What are the importance and function of HRM.
Q.2Define Personnel and explain the characteristic of an ideal
personnal policies.
Q.3How much manpower is important in any of the
organization. Discuss
Q.4Give the need and importance of recruitment in the present
competitive market.
Q.5Discuss the causes of promotions.

GROUP B: Answer any three questions.(Question No. 6th is

Q.6Differentiate between recruitment & selection. Explain the
process of selection.
Q.7Discuss the steps involved in recruitment process .How will
you reconcile the internal and external sources of recruitment.
Q.8Money cannot motivate all people under all circumstances
Q.9Explain the various stages involved in the selection of
candidates for jobs in an organization.
Q.10What are the meaning, definition and process of manpower

GROUP C: All questions are compulsory.

Q.11 Fill in the blanks (Each question carries 2 marks)


The process of analyzing jobs from which job descriptions are

developed are called___________.
Promotion is a ____________________source recruitment.
__________________-will be done when an employees is
suspected to be guilty not yet proved.
When an employee is appraised by all the members in the
organization like superior, subordinate, peer, customer etc.,is
called as___________________appraisal.
Campus selection is a ______________________source of

Q.12 Multiple choice question.(Each question carries 2

a. The company's HR department can create an 'advisory'
relationship through

i.Line authority
iii.Staff authority

ii. Hiring authority

iii. All of the above

b. The company is defining authority & communication channels for

employees, it is performing

i. Staffing function

ii. Controlling function

iii. Organizing function iv. Leading function

c. The HR plans of any organization does not includes
i. Personnel plan ii. Production Plan
iii. Compensation planiv. Training & Development plan
d.What is that describes the duties of the job, authority
relationship, skills requirement, conditions of work etc
i.Job analysis.ii. Job enrichment
iii. Job enlargement iv.Job evaluation

e.The following is (are) concerned with developing a pool of candidates

in line with the human resources.
i. Development
ii. Training
iii. Recruitment
iv. All of the above

Q.13 True or False (Each question carries 1 marks)


a. Employees who are committed to their organization tend to be very

loyal toward it.

b.Young managers generally do not feel uncomfortable

directing work of people who are old enough to be their
parents and grandparents

c.Human resource plans do not require continual input

from all functional area managers

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