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Notebook 8

1. Single Phase Waveform- This is a half wave with 60 pulses/second and a 100% ripple. This
produces one usable pulse per cycle and it is the least efficient because half of the wave is
2. Three phase six pulse waveform- This is more efficient than the single phase because it has more
waves going at a time. IT produces approximately 35 percent more average photon energy than
a full-wave rectified, single phase with 360 pulses/second with a 13-14% ripple.
3. Three Phase Twelve Pulse Waveform- This produces 720 pulses/second and is more efficient
than the single wave and three phase six pulse waveforms. It has multiple waves going at a time
producing more power. It has a 4% ripple.
4. High Frequency is the most effective waveform with 1000 pulses/second with a 1% ripple. Has
the most waves giving off a lot of power.



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