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A stockbroker is a regulated professional individual, usually associated with a brokerage firm or brokerdealer, who buys and sells stocks and other securities for both retail and institutional clients through a stock
exchange or over the counter in return for a fee or commission. Stockbrokers are known by numerous
professional designations, depending on the license they hold, the type of securities they sell, or the services
they provide. In the United States, a stockbroker must pass both the Series 7 and either the Series 63 or
the Series 66 exams in order to be properly licensed.

Educational requirements in the USA[edit]

Stockbrokers typically earn a bachelor's degree in finance or business administration. [citation needed] A finance
degree prepares students to work as stockbrokers by focusing their studies on financial laws and
regulations, accounting methods and investment management. Students study the principles of economics
and currency, financial planning and financial forecasting. On-the-job training programs are often available to
aspiring stockbrokers, which allow them to gain practical experience and work towards earning the required
professional licenses.[3]

Licensing and training requirements[edit]

In Canada, a stockbroker is called a "Registered Representative" or an "Investment Advisor". To be licensed
as a Registered Representative and thus qualified to offer investment advice and trade all instruments with
the exception of derivatives, an individual employed by an investment firm must have completed
the Canadian Securities Course (CSC), the Conduct & Practices Handbook (CPH), and the 90-day Investment
Advisor Training Program (IATP). Within 30 months of obtaining their designation as a "Registered
Representative", the registrant is further required to meet the post-licensing proficiency requirement to
complete the Wealth Management Essentials course (WME). A Registered Representative is also required to
complete 30 hours of professional development (product knowledge) and 12 hours of compliance training
every three year continuing education cycle as set out by the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of
Canada (IIROC). To trade options and/or futures, a Registered Representative must pass the Derivatives
Fundamentals Course (DFC) in addition to the Options Licensing Course (OLC) and/or the Futures Licensing
Course (FLC), or alternatively, the Derivatives Fundamentals Options Licensing Course (DFOL) for options. [4][5]

Hong Kong[edit]
To become a representative one has to work for a licensed firm and pass 3 exams to prove one's competency.
Passing a fourth exam results in obtaining a 'specialist' license. All tests can be taken with the HKSI.
However, passing all tests doesn't result in automatically obtaining the license. It still needs to be approved
by the financial regulatory body.

In Singapore, becoming a trading representative requires passing 4 exams, Modules 1A, 5, 6 and 6A, from the
Institute of Banking and Finance and applying for the license through MAS and SGX.

United Kingdom[edit]
Stockbroking is a regulated profession in the UK and brokers must achieve a recognised qualification from
the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)'s Appropriate Qualifications list.
A number of qualifications are available and the one a trainee does will depend on their duties and their
Qualifications include:

CISI Level 4 Diploma in Investment Advice

CISI Level 7 Diploma in Wealth Management

The Chartered Institute for Securities and Investment (CISI) is the largest UK professional body for
those who work in the securities and investment industry. It evolved from the London Stock Exchange,
has around 40,000 members in over 100 countries and delivers more than 37,000 exams each year.

CFA UK also offers qualifications. It represents the interests of around 11,000 investment professionals and is
part of the worldwide network of members of the CFA Institute.

United States[edit]
While the term "stockbroker" is still in use, more common terms are "broker", "financial advisor", "registered
rep." or simply "rep." the latter being abbreviations of the official [7](FINRA) designation "Registered
Representative," obtained by passing the FINRA General Securities Representative Exam (also known as the
"Series 7 exam") and being employed ("associated with") a registered broker-dealer, also called a brokerage
firm or (in the case of some larger money center broker/dealers) a "wirehouse", typically a FINRA member
firm.[8] Other FINRA licenses or series exams exist. Individuals holding some of those licenses, such as the
"Series 6", cannot be called stockbrokers since they are prohibited from selling stock and are not trained or
licensed in the full array of capabilities of a Series 7 stockbroker (see list of securities examinations). Selling
variable products (such as a variable annuity contract or variable universal life insurance policy) typically
requires the broker to also have one or another state insurance department licenses.

The first stockbroking began in Rome, where the first recorded buying and selling of shares occurred in the
2nd century BCE. After Rome fell, stockbroking did not become a realistic career until after the Renaissance,
when government bonds traded in Italian city-states such as Genoa or Venice. New stock exchanges opened
their doors in the 16th and 17th centuries, including the London Stock Exchange, which was opened at a
coffee shop in 1698.[1] In the 1800s, in the United States, the New York Stock Exchangeopened its doors under
a buttonwood[disambiguation needed] tree in New York City. 24 stockbrokers signed the Buttonwood Agreement, agreeing
to trade five securities under that buttonwood tree. [2]


stock broker interview questions In this file, you can ref interview materials for stock broker such as
types of interview questions, stock broker situational interview, stock broker behavioral interview
For top job interview materials for stock broker as following, please visit:
Free ebook: 75 interview questions and answers Top 12 secrets to win every job interviews Top 8
interview thank you letter samples Top 7 cover letter samples Top 8 resume samples Top 15 ways
to search new jobs Top materials: ebook: 75 interview questions with answers, top 7 cover letter
samples, top 8 resume samples. Free pdf download
2. 2. What challenges are you looking for in this stock broker position? A typical interview question to
determine what you are looking for your in next job, and whether you would be a good fit for the
position being hired for, is "What challenges are you looking for in a position?" The best way to
answer questions about the challenges you are seeking is to discuss how you would like to be able to
effectively utilize your skills and experience if you were hired for the job. You can also mention that
you are motivated by challenges, have the ability to effectively meet challenges, and have the
flexibility and skills necessary to handle a challenging job. You can continue by describing specific
examples of challenges you have met and goals you have achieved in the past. Top materials: ebook:
75 interview questions with answers, top 7 cover letter samples, top 8 resume samples. Free pdf

3. 3. Describe a typical work week for stock broker position? Interviewers expect a candidate for
employment to discuss what they do while they are working in detail. Before you answer, consider the
position you are applying for and how your current or past positions relate to it. The more you can
connect your past experience with the job opening, the more successful you will be at answering the
questions. It should be obvious that it's not a good idea talk about non-work related activities that you
do on company time, but, I've had applicants tell me how they are often late because they have to
drive a child to school or like to take a long lunch break to work at the gym. Keep your answers
focused on work and show the interviewer that you're organized ("The first thing I do on Monday
morning is check my voicemail and email, then I prioritize my activities for the week.") and efficient.
Top materials: ebook: 75 interview questions with answers, top 7 cover letter samples, top 8 resume
samples. Free pdf download
4. 4. What is your biggest weakness? No one likes to answer this question because it requires a very
delicate balance. You simply cant lie and say you dont have one; you cant trick the interviewer by
offering up a personal weakness that is really a strength (Sometimes, I work too much and dont
maintain a work-life balance.); and you shouldnt be so honest that you throw yourself under the bus
(Im not a morning person so Im working on getting to the office on time.) Think of a small flaw like
I sometimes get sidetracked by small details, I am occasionally not as patient as I should be with
subordinates or co-workers who do not understand my ideas, or I am still somewhat nervous and
uncomfortable with my public-speaking skills and would like to give more presentations and talk in
front of others or in meetings. Add that you are aware of the problem and you are doing your best to
correct it by taking a course of action. Top materials: ebook: 75 interview questions with answers, top
7 cover letter samples, top 8 resume samples. Free pdf download
5. 5. Why should the we hire you as stock broker position? This is the part where you link your skills,
experience, education and your personality to the job itself. This is why you need to be utterly familiar
with the job description as well as the company culture. Remember though, its best to back them up
with actual examples of say, how you are a good team player. It is possible that you may not have as
much skills, experience or qualifications as the other candidates. What then, will set you apart from
the rest? Energy and passion might. People are attracted to someone who is charismatic, who show
immense amount of energy when they talk, and who love what it is that they do. As you explain your
compatibility with the job and company, be sure to portray yourself as that motivated, confident and
energetic person, ever-ready to commit to the cause of the company. Top materials: ebook: 75
interview questions with answers, top 7 cover letter samples, top 8 resume samples. Free pdf
6. 6. What do you know about our company? Follow these three easy research tips before your next job
interview: 1) Visit the company website; look in the about us section and careers sections 2) Visit
the companys LinkedIn page (note, you must have a LinkedIn account its free to sign up) to view
information about the company 3) Google a keyword search phrase like press releases followed by
the company name; youll find the most recent news stories shared by the company Remember, just
because you have done your homework, it does not mean you need to share ALL of it during the
interview! Reciting every fact youve learned is almost as much of a turn off as not knowing anything
at all! At a minimum, you should include the following in your answer: 1. What type of product or
service the company sells 2. How long the company has been in business 3. What the company
culture is like OR what the company mission statement is, and how the culture and/or mission relate
to your values or personality Top materials: ebook: 75 interview questions with answers, top 7 cover
letter samples, top 8 resume samples. Free pdf download
7. 7. Why do you want to work with us? More likely than not, the interviewer wishes to see how much
you know about the company culture, and whether you can identify with the organizations values and
vision. Every organization has its strong points, and these are the ones that you should highlight in
your answer. For example, if the company emphasizes on integrity with customers, then you mention
that you would like to be in such a team because you yourself believe in integrity. It doesnt have to be
a lie. In the case that your values are not in line with the ones by the company, ask yourself if you
would be happy working there. If you have no issue with that, go ahead. But if you are aware of the
company culture and realize that there is some dilemma you might be facing, you ought to think twice.

The best policy is to be honest with yourself, and be honest with the interviewer with what is it in the
company culture that motivates you. Top materials: ebook: 75 interview questions with answers, top 7
cover letter samples, top 8 resume samples. Free pdf download
8. 8. What kind of salary do you need? A loaded question. A nasty little game that you will probably lose
if you answer first. So, do not answer it. Instead, say something like, Thats a tough question. Can you
tell me the range for this position? In most cases, the interviewer, taken off guard, will tell you. If not,
say that it can depend on the details of the job. Then give a wide range. Top materials: ebook: 75
interview questions with answers, top 7 cover letter samples, top 8 resume samples. Free pdf
9. 9. Do you have any questions to ask us? Never ask Salary, perks, leave, place of posting, etc.
regarded questions. Try to ask more about the company to show how early you can make a
contribution to your organization like Sir, with your kind permission I would like to know more about
induction and developmental programs? OR Sir, I would like to have my feedback, so that I can
analyze and improve my strengths and rectify my shortcomings. Top materials: ebook: 75 interview
questions with answers, top 7 cover letter samples, top 8 resume samples. Free pdf download
10. 10. Top useful job materials for stock broker interview: The below materials are availabe at: Free ebook: 75 interview questions and answers Top 12 secrets to win
every job interviews Top 36 situational interview questions 440 behavioral interview questions 95
management interview questions and answers 30 phone interview questions Top 8 interview thank
you letter samples 290 competency based interview questions 45 internship interview questions
Top 7 cover letter samples Top 8 resume samples Top 15 ways to search new jobs Top materials:
ebook: 75 interview questions with answers, top 7 cover letter samples, top 8 resume samples. Free
pdf download

Objectives and aims

1. The main strategic aim and objective for the nearest period is a dynamic development of the
Bank and achievement of a qualitatively new level with the standards of the Basel Committee
on Banking Supervision. The development strategy of the Bank is based on the components,
which together will ensure strengthen of the financial and economic situation of the Bank
and the preservation of its credibility with its customers.
2. Main strategic aims of Joint Stock Commercial Bank APABANK (Closed Joint Stock
Company) are:
3. 1. Increase of authorized capital, raising size of own capital.
4. 2. Expansion of activity of the Bank by obtaining a License providing right to carry out
transactions in foreign currencies and further entry into the deposit insurance system.
5. 3. Constant expansion of customer base with a priority on attracting small and microbusinesses.
6. 4. Formation of a diversified and sustainable resource base.
7. 5. Commencement and active development of cooperation with financial institutions and
mortgage systems.
8. 6. The increase in capitalization of the Bank.
9. 7. The introduction of international standards of banking operations.
10. 8. The introduction and development of modern methods of marketing and PR.
11. 9. Improvement of risk management system.
12. 10. Improving the quality and diversity of the range of services for individuals, small and
medium-sized businesses, in raising the volume of transactions and the pursuit of cost
reduction of managing business, increasing its level of technology and control.
Final result should be the creation of modern technologically Bank, which will possess by an
optimal required network of service centers, provide high quality services to clients and enjoy
significant authority in the market.

Stock Trading Methodology

rofitability begins with a plan, and good plans require establishing some boundaries. Every
decision we make at comes only after weighing that decision against specific
criteria. Experience has shown us that by starting with better trade candidates and working
through our checklist of requirements, the best potential plays will make the final cut. Were left
with a much more systematic, repeatable process by which our decisions are made. Its all about SP-E-E-D (Selection, Projection, Efficiency, Execution, Defend), which well elaborate on shortly.
That translates into less emotion, increased consistency, and greater net profitability. If youre
looking to become more methodical in your trading efforts, narrow the search for only the best
opportunities, and have a structured plan for making your trading decisions, youve come to the
right place. TheStockBandit approach will streamline your trading process, and were eager to
show you how. Be sure to check out our trading courses for in-depth training, and the nightly
service to see the principles put into practice.

Theres a sea of stocks out there to choose from, and today its easy to get lost in the list when
searching for actionable stocks. Finding the best plays begins by looking in the right place.
Price & Volume Requirements. By eliminating the stocks which are outside our criteria for price and
volume, were not only quickly narrowing down the potential list of candidates, but were also
avoiding what can be the most dangerous segments of the market. The ability to effectively enter
and exit stocks at or near the price levels we want cannot be underestimated in these times of
extreme volatility. Furthermore, we want a competitive market when we go to place that trade.
Reducing our list of stocks to only those which meet our standards will help to ensure that theres
adequate interest in the stock.
Technical Analysis. Once weve reduced the universe of stocks to a more manageable list, its time
to hone in on the stocks which meet our next requirement an identifiable chart pattern. Locating
stocks which are poised to continue their existing trends can offer up well-defined areas for
entering trades, thereby allowing us to participate in those trends. Additionally, finding stocks
which may be set for a meaningful turnaround may prove equally beneficial. Not only does this
approach help us to narrow the field of prospective plays, but it also greatly improves the timing
aspect of our activities. Its important here at TheStockBandit that were only putting our money at
risk when the chances for success are the highest, so accurate timing is a crucial element in our

Having located an identifiable chart pattern, we now have some critical elements to our trading
formula. Perhaps the most important one is the risk well be taking on the trade. An identifiable
pattern enables us to have a directional expectation for the stock, which we can act on. That
pattern will also provide us with a well-defined level at which well place a trade to enter the stock
as the pattern is confirmed.

Now that weve located a potential play and have well-defined entry and exit levels which are based
upon the chart pattern, its time for a decision. Here at TheStockBandit, were not interested in
flipping coins. Rather, we want to put money at risk when theres potential for real gains.

With the previous steps having provided us with a trade candidate and a specific game plan for
managing the trade, the next step is to ensure that the plan is carried out. Today, most brokerages
offer sophisticated order types, which truly enable us as individuals to take a set it and forget it
approach. That means the tools are in place for us to plug in the trade variables and allow the stock
to determine what happens next. This prohibits the need for us to jump to conclusions or be overly
anticipatory or emotional about what the stock will do. Further, it gives us the ability to structure
trades exactly how we want to and then move our attention to something else.

The final facet of our methodology is Defend. Not only must we defend our trading capital, but we
also must defend our profits when we have them. This step includes the trading rules by which we
abide, as those give us guidelines for when to take action and when to stand aside. With a trading
plan in place, conditions may still call for adjustments to be made to that plan.

One of the most important investment decisions you will make has nothing
to do with which stock, bond or mutual fund you buy. We're talking about
selecting a broker. Hopefully the information in this tutorial will assist you in
your search.
Brokers are the people who handle customer orders to buy and sell
Don't forget that a broker is a salesperson.
Minimum balances required to open an account range from thousands of
dollars to nothing at all.
All brokerages charge commissions to execute orders. This fee varies widely
depending on the type of brokerage.
Look out for hidden fees for transactions like the transfer of assets or
Full-service brokers offer much more, but they're expensive.
Discount brokers don't offer the extras, but they're affordable.
Online brokerages have changed the industry by lowering costs and blurring
the line between discount and full-service.
The type of brokerage you require depends on your investing style.
It's possible to check the background of all brokers and firms.
The type of account you need depends on the type of securities you want to
There are many ways to execute an equity order.

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