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ADDIE Template

Project Title: Replace this text with the title of your project
your full name

Name: Replace this text with

Briefly describe the instructional unit here.

Problem Identification (Why?)

Contextual Analysis (Where?)

Include both a description of your environment and also specifically where training will be given. Include information about
specifications provided by the entity for whom you are working that may constrain what you can do.

Learner Analysis (Who?)

Include both a description of your learners and a description of how you collected this information.

Content Analysis (What)

Include both a description of your general content and a description of the methodology used for content analysis.
Elaborate on where in the curriculum this particular content falls, what is prerequisite knowledge, are you laying the
groundwork for future training... Is there any preexisting text or material you will use?

Delivery Analysis (How?)

Include an explanation of the materials you will be developing to accompany the training/lesson. Include any differentiated
strategies you plan to integrate for learners with visual, mobility and/or auditory challenges.

Project Plan (When?)

Include the target date and any other milestones identifiable at this point.

Concept Statement
Briefly describe the overall purpose and point of the instructional unit.



Learning/Training Activity








Rationale for Sequence

Briefly describe why you believe this particular sequence will be effective.

Advance Organizer
Create an advance organizer to use as a preinstructional strategy; this element may be either graphic or text. Describe
the rationale for your organizer here, attach the organizer as a separate document.

Gagnes Nine Events of Instruction

Note: K-12 students will need to use the Regis Lesson Plan Template for this portion of your design document. If so, simply
copy/paste it here, replacing the table below. Or, replace this with a modified OCPA chart or training blueprint.
Describe how each instructional event will be addressed in your instructional

1. Gain attention
2. Inform learners of
3. Stimulate recall of prior
4. Present the content
5. Guide learning
6. Elicit performance
7. Provide feedback
8. Assess performance
9. Enhance retention and

Implementation Checklist: Create a checklist of items and tasks that would need to be ready before this
instructional unit is presented.

Items (physical things like flipcharts, notepads, refreshments)

Tasks (jobs to be done, such as setting the chairs in a horseshoe or copying handouts)

Use the space below to document your plan for a formative evaluation. For this course project, you need not address summative
or confirmative evaluations.

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