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Schools of Thought

1940s and 50s: Linguists and Psychologists

Language is structurally linear
Language = Grammar (a set of rules)
Primacy of Surface structure
Language is a verbal behavior
No place for mind (a non-mentalistic view)
Speaker is merely locus of control, no the cause
Describing language in terms of separate components that could comprise a
As a result:
Structural drills and Pattern Practices Mechanical Responses
- Route learning and memorization to form habits
- Immediate Treatment of errors to avoid fossilization.
1960s there was the emergence of generative Linguistics, Chomsky
Were genetically equipped with a Language Acquisition Device
What a learner produces is Performance
His underlying knowledge is Competence
The role of mind as a processor creativity is accounted for
We are only able to test ones Performance
As a result:
- Language follows a logical development of rules (hypotheses)
occurring in the minds of learners rather than a cycle of habit
- Errors were natural part of learning process. They could be mistakes
- Focus should be on meaning (content) rather than form (grammar)
1970s: Vygotskys view:
Interaction at the heart of language learning process.
Language is socially constructed
Help from a skilled helper is needed to produce independent learners.
The role of teacher is to provide scaffolding, student should move from
Classroom Connection:
ZPD is the distance between what learners can do on their own and what
they can do with guidance
Communicate to learn the language
In working with ESL learners, teacher involvement, adaptability and
alignment are necessary.
Krashens monitor model:


input hypothesis
affective filter hypothesis
acquisition/learning hypothesis
monitor hypothesis
natural order hypothesis

1) The Input Hypothesis

Acquire not learn i (input at level of learners) +1
Students throw a net around target language
2) The Affective Filter Hypothesis
Instrumental motivation (means to an end)
Integrative motivation (identity, to fit in)
Anxiety as a filter is up (shuts-up) or down (phew)

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