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Scan the text in order to find the following information:

1.Mention a name of a planet mentioned into the text:_______________________________

2. Mention 2 years from the text_______________________________________
3.Find out into the text the name of a country________________________
4. When the crew mentioned into the text is going to launch on Mars?_____________________
5. Whats the main reason of choosing Mars for making research?___________________
6.Mention the name of the spacecraf that looked for micro-organism on the Martian surface___________
7.Who is already working on finding out more information about live on Mars?____________________

Scan the text in order to find the following information:

1.Mention a name of a planet mentioned into the text:_______________________________
2. Mention 2 years from the text_______________________________________
3.Find out into the text the name of a country________________________
4. When the crew mentioned into the text is going to launch on Mars?_____________________
5. Whats the main reason of choosing Mars for making research?___________________
6.Mention the name of the spacecraf that looked for micro-organism on the Martian surface___________
7.Who is already working on finding out more information about live on Mars?____________________

Scan the text in order to find the following information:

1.Mention a name of a planet mentioned into the text:_______________________________
2. Mention 2 years from the text_______________________________________
3.Find out into the text the name of a country________________________
4. When the crew mentioned into the text is going to launch on Mars?_____________________
5. Whats the main reason of choosing Mars for making research?___________________
6.Mention the name of the spacecraf that looked for micro-organism on the Martian surface___________
7.Who is already working on finding out more information about live on Mars?____________________

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