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Site Visit Notes

Student Name: Courtney Roof

Date/Site Visit Number: 12/4, 5

School: Midwood High School

Grade Level/Subject: English 1

Using the space provided below, briefly summarize todays classroom experience.
Teaching Diverse Students
Identify the Illinois
Professional Teaching
Standard(s) targeted in
todays experience.

Identify the activities that

occurred today, which
addressed the teaching
standards identified above.
Then describe what you

Describe the impact of the

performance activities on
student learning.

Describe any additional

activities of significance that
occurred today.

General comments and

observations including at
least one emerging question.

-Read and answer questions using inferences

-in groups the students tried to make inferences on the chapter they
were reading
-in a circle the class shared their inferences for the questions the
teacher had them answer

-Using inferences help with multiple other areas of learning other

than just reading
-sharing each others inferences helps students hear other peers
opinions and helps with self-regulation skills
-Teacher is correcting an allegory on the board to show what he

-Teacher praised each student when they participated, whether they

were right or wrong
Question: At what point during a student discussion should the
teacher step in?

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