Reflection Paper

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Steelman, 1

Dawn Steelman
Dorhout, Kenneth
Engl 1001-024
December 7, 2016

When I reflect on some of the things I have learned in this class I cant help
but get excited. I started this class believing that I was a horrible writer and
basically just got by in all my English courses. I have always been great at writing
sentimental things or sweet and caring things for people I care about. I have
actually been asked to write acceptance letters and poems for funerals but when it
comes to writing papers I never know what to write. However, writing assignments
and papers have never been my strong suit. I have even been told numerous times I
try too hard which makes me sound ridiculous and results in my papers not being as
good as they can be.
I started this semester out with zero confidence when it came to my writing. I
used too many contractions and even had to google the definition of composition.
That was embarrassing. I think I get too nervous about writing to where I just freeze
and forget anything I have ever learned. I was horrible at research papers which I
have learned great techniques from this course to help me find the proper research
needed for my topic. Before this course, I was not good at taking my audience into
consideration. I would just write about the topic and not think of how I needed to
relate and pull the audience in.

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I feel I have learned so many different things from this course. I have learned
little things like an essay does not have to have the layout of an introduction
paragraph, three middle paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph. I have found it
easier to write my paper no matter how many paragraphs it may contain which will
help my paper flow better. This may sound silly but I did not even know how to
properly cite my sources in a paper. So now I know that I do not only need to put
quotations but I must put the source in parenthesis after the sentence. Another
thing I have learned from this course is how to write using arguments and
counterarguments. I have written papers in the past where I would write my point of
view but never wrote using counterarguments. One thing I really like that I learned
was how to include both points of views in my papers. Although I may see things
one way I learned I must include both sides of an argument even though I am trying
to persuade the audience to see mine.
I feel I am more confident in my writing because of this course and the way
Mr. Dorhout teaches. The reason I am where I am with my writing now is because of
the writing assignments and discussion board assignments we were given. I will be
honest I am extremely paranoid of using contractions now because Mr. Dorhout has
made it very clear not to. I have noticed my papers flow and sound much better
without using so many contractions. The readings from the textbook and discussion
board assignments helped me to learn how to relate and decide what audience it is
that I am writing to.
I enjoyed many aspects of this English course. One English course I took I felt
as if I did not learn a single thing. We would listen to the professors power points
during class and then be given a topic to write a paper on. Also, we did not get
much feedback from the professor of what we could improve and how. I enjoyed

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how in this class we received feedback from the professor and our classmates. The
discussion boards helped me so much because I could read the other students
comments on what I did well and what I could improve on. This class was both
interesting and easy to understand. I have never been good at working in groups or
writing knowing my peers would read my work but I enjoyed it in this class. I found
out that I do well with critism and use it. I also enjoyed being able to bring my paper
in and have my classmates read it and write their comments on what I needed to
change. One of my favorite things that I can take from this course is the helpful tip
to read my paper out loud and have someone else read my paper out loud to me. I
can not express enough how much doing that during this course has helped me
because when I have heard my friend read my papers out loud I have thought what
was I thinking writing that! numerous times.
I know I am not ready to teach an English course but my confidence in my
writing has increased and I enjoy writing more. There are still many things I can
improve on. For example, I am sure I have lost your interest in reading this paper
and I need to figure out how to keep my audiences attention with my writing. I feel
I can still improve on how I ramble when I write instead of staying on topic. Reading
some of my classmates work I feel I am still behind and sometimes I write in a
boring and simple way. I also need to do more research on how to properly cite my
sources. Overall I feel like I have learned a lot from this course and have also
learned what I still need to work on. This course and Mr. Dorhout has helped me to
realize I need to relax when I write and quit trying so hard. That is my downfall and
always has been. I will continue to read my papers out loud and have a peer read
my papers out loud and hopefully continue to improve my writing skills.

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