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Lesson Reflection (For students use)

Lesson unit/page


Student teacher

Khadija Mohammed


Mrs. Samantha




Year 2SB


7th November 2016

Overall aim and context of the lesson:

Differentiating between floating and sinking, as well as students must choose the right
materials to build a boat that floats on the water.

Choose two aspects from the competency areas to evaluate and discuss (one paragraph each) according to
1. Discuss one aspect that you feel you did very well. Try to analyse why you think it worked well and
what hints you would share with other teachers about the successful strategy/
resource/activity/management style etc.

Positive aspect of the lesson:

In my opinion, I think that my strengths of this lesson were: I have successfully
grabbed the students attention and ensured that they were enjoying the lesson instead of
loosing their concentration and activeness. This is because, the lesson had more hands on
activities in which, students had to create their own boats. Therefore, all of them were
actively engaged and excited to build their own boats and test them in order to ensure that all
of the boats floats. Such activities grabbed the students attention and all of them were
involved throughout the lesson. In addition, students were busy during the whole lesson in
building their own boats and experimenting some experiments. In which, they had to test
some objects that floats and sinks, such thing made all of the students get involved as well as
they predicted what is going to happen to the objects (float or sink). This ensures that
students were actively engaged because they had many things to accomplish and most
importantly they enjoyed the lesson. Thus, I would share with other teachers my own ideas of
how to engage and attract students towards learning. In which, they could suggest me and

expand on my ideas of several things that could adapt my lesson.

2. Elaborate on the aspect identified by you that requires attention. Discuss what the problem was, why it
occurred and what action you intend to take to be more successful in the next lesson.
Requires Attention:
In my opinion, I noticed that some students finished building their boats earlier
than the expected time. This occurred because, some students didnt bring out their creativity
while building the boats whereas, some students took a longer time to build and design their
boats. In which, students who finished building their boats early were asked to sit down on
the carpet and discuss with each other how did they build their own boats. Such thing could
be enhanced by providing the students with an extension activity in order to make them busy
accomplishing a task.

3. Outline the personal focus and goal of the next lesson.

Personal focus for the next lesson:
In my next lesson, I must be aware that some students might finish their given tasks
earlier than other students. In which, I should provide an extension task for the students in
every lesson that I will teach to ensure that students are busy accomplishing something.
Therefore, if students are left out doing nothing negative aspects could occur such as:
misbehaving, distractions and interruptions etc.

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