I. Instructional Decision Making MDD Standard 5

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MDD Standard 5
The teacher candidate makes adjustments to the lesson plans based on
assessment data and pupils engagement, communicating the analysis and
conclusions regarding the impact of instruction.
3.1 Student Response to Lesson :
In general, students were motivated in our lessons, participating actively in
the activities that we presented. There were a few problems in the
understanding of instructions in some students who had a lower proficiency
level of english; however, any doubt that they had were clarified by us
personally, explaining in simple words the steps of each activity. Although
some students had difficulties in fulfilling certain grammar activities, we were
monitoring every task and explaining them the structures of the tenses;
furthermore, we gave them positive feedback if the task was right. another
remarkable point that we want to point out is that our learners did not work
in groups when they were asked for it, though we encouraged them to get
together, they just split the task and work independently.
3.2 Adjustments for Lesson :
Regarding the previous analysis about student response to our lesson, we
believe that our next tutorial sessions need some arrangements if we want to
have a successful class. Thus, we will rearrange our activities in the instructional
part, simplifying the language and separating the long instruction into small
chunks, in order to be understandable for any student. Furthermore, it is
important to reinforce grammar explanation in the presentation of the content,
considering the functional use of the language to prevent confusions on the
learners. One of the main problems of our tutorials was that students are not
encouraged to participate in groups when they were asked for it, we will
motivate them to work in pairs instead, because they need to know each other
before working altogether. We think that those adjustments will change their
willingness in the class and makes them more confident when performing a task.

3.3 Analysis of Learning Results

3.3.1 Whole Class: Use the assessment data you collected to draw
conclusions about the extent to which the whole class attained all learning
goals. Support all claims about student learning with observable data (e.g.
student writing, test results, specific student comments, or observed

student performances). Include samples of student work. (Attach these in

the appendix.)
As our tutorials were communicative oriented, all the products produced
by the students were oral. In general, we have observed an improvement
of the speaking performance in all the learners. Moreover, we have noticed
the increasement of motivation to speak in front of the class. After our
tutorials the students feel more confident fulfilling speaking tasks.
3.3.2 Individuals: Select two students that represent different levels or
kinds of performance. Describe what these students learned in relation to
two significant learning goals, one of which must represent higher-level
learning. Use specific examples of the students' work including student
writing, test results, specific student comments, or your observations to
draw conclusions about the extent to which these students attained the
learning goals. Student 1 (V.B)

This student is one of the most proficient in her communicative competences
section. During our tutorial she did not learn new things, because she had a well
management of the content, but she learnt how to work in a collaborative way.
The activities of our tutorials were group-work oriented, due to the fact that we
wanted to improve their communicative skills. V.B was used to work alone and
be focused in her individual improvement. Through our tutorials she has
developed the ability of helping her classmates, making easier to the whole
group to fulfil the aim of every session. Student 2 (A.C)
This student speaks fluently, but he is not very accurate. Through our tutorial
A.C has improved accuracy, specifically with the use of present perfect. He used
to have problems with the structure of this tense, moreover, he had a few
problems with the past participle of some verbs. After the three session of our
tutorials we have noticed that he is focused on using grammar properly,
improving accuracy and maintaining his fluency. Also, we noticed that his
motivation to learn English has increased, due to his willing to participate in all
the activities that we prepared to the group.
3.4 Impact of your instruction on Student Learning
3.4.1 Identify what you believe to be the instructional strategies and activities
that contributed most to student learning.

We think that the best strategy to make the students participate and learn in a
easy way is to implement activities that include games. When you make
students play together they do not feel forced to speak, they do it because they
are motivated. Also, we consider that is a good idea to participate in the
activities with them, as we were students. This strategy was implemented in
order to make learners feel more confident. For example, one of our activities
was a board game to practice present perfect. We participated with them playing
and answering questions. As a result, all students were participating and having
fun and, as we could evidence at the end of the lesson, they have all learnt how
to use present perfect properly.
3.4.2 Explain how your teaching behaviors affected student learning. Consider
student response to explaining, giving directions, modeling, organizing activities,
leading discussions, the pacing of the lesson, and the overall organization of the
Students response was positive to our explanations, they were short and clear.
We modeled every activity after giving instructions, making easier to the
learners to understand. Sometimes we made mistakes giving instructions due to
the fact that we were anxious, but students were willing to listen to us carefully.
The class organization was good according to the students. We were going
through the class according to the students pace and rhythm. After the tutorials
students expressed that tutorials were excellent and useful for them.


MDD Standard 6
The teacher candidate identifies the main things learned in this practicum and
ways in which this learning has informed their professional development needs,
reflecting on the meaning, values, and purposes that will orient his or her
professional life.

4.1 Reflect on the main things you have learned about teaching and how these
relate to your understanding of the profession and the values that guide your
During the tutorial sessions, we have learned how to manage a lesson, using
language that our student could understand and being kind and polite with
them. At the beginning, teaching them was difficult because we had not had any
experience before, even though we observed them and monitored some
activities in their Communicative Competence classes; nevertheless, we could
control the anxiety when students felt confident with our labor. We have also
learned how to motivate students to participate in the activities, using authentic

material or games that makes them enjoy the learning process and gives us the
chance of knowing a bit of our learners.

4.2 Describe one or two areas of professional growth (e.g. instructional

strategies, content knowledge).
After finishing tutorials, we realized that we have improved in some areas
that will help us to perform better as a future english teacher. Preparing a
lesson plan gave us the opportunity to show our creativity, searching for
activities and adapting materials to motivate our students to participate
actively in our sessions. We also improve in the content knowledge, because
we already know the content that we taught, but this teaching experience
helped us to reinforce knowledge that we could have forgotten and made us
more confident in the grammar explanation. Although we had certain
problems in giving instructions, we showed improvement in this area
controlling our anxiety and using strategies such as explaining in simple
words step by step that helped us to perform successfully when presenting

References and Credits: If you referred to other persons ideas or material in

your narrative, you should reference these in a separate section at the end of
your narrative under References and Credits.

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