Unveiling The Miracle Power of Thanksgiving

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It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord and to sing praises unto thy
name, o most High Psalm 92:1
Thanksgiving is an expression of your faith in God and a celebration of Gods
faithfulness in your life. It is, a timely return of gratitude, for the overwhelming
breakthroughs you have enjoyed over time. Thanksgiving is a carrier of the
unusual presence of God and it is a proof of our remembrance of the acts of God
in our lives. Gratitude or thanksgiving is a major highway to our high place in life.
It is mandatory and not optional because God deserves and demands it from
every true believer. Every act of ingratitude is an act of pride. That is why failure
to give God quality and timely thanks angers Him. An individual who constantly
gives thanks is guaranteed a next level because he can never go down in life. It is
for this reason we must always appreciate God for that who we desire, especially
when we dont know how to get it done, because, when you thank God for His
finger in your life, you will see His hand and when Gods hand is at bear in any
situation, performance is at work. 1 Sam. 2:9, Psa. 28:5, 118:23-24, Eccl. 9:11,
Isa. 14:27, 53:1, 51:11, Jere. 13:15-17, Mal. 2:1-2, John 15:5, Rom. 4:17-21, 9:16,
Eph. 2:9.
To know why we must thank God, we must understand that thanksgiving is the
missing link between now and tomorrow. Thanksgiving engenders divine
presence, thereby granting us access to God and gives us quick response to our
prayers. It multiplies, perfects and preserves our blessings and it is a covenant
requirement that secures Heavens attention on our behalf, so that we can have
a change of level and gain altitude in life, Psa. 138:8, 127:1-2, 114:1-7, 100:4,
Jere. 30:19, Mal. 3:7, Luke 17:11-19, John 15:5, Rom. 8:31, Heb. 10:35-36, 1 John
As a Commission, we are to give God thanks for His divine direction over the 35
years of our existence and for His unfailing Word that He gave to His servant
Bishop David Oyedepo, which have all come to pass. God is the source of
everything we can see in the Living Faith family, that is why we are to give Him
thanks for His unending supplies and for His invisible hand that has been behind
every great happenings, miracles, signs and wonders in this Commission. Num.
23:19, Josh. 21:45, 23:14, 1 Kings 8:16, 24, 2 Chron. 6:4, 1 Thess. 5:24.
God is not looking for who to use but who to bless, that is why there are unending
benefits and rewards for every act you carry out in the Kingdom of God. In this
regard, thanksgiving is not an exception. When you thank God, you enjoy His
presence, live in divine health and vitality, experience the manifestation of the
supernatural, gain victory over the enemy and receive fresh oil continually. In
summary, thanksgiving helps you attract Gods attention, because it is the
password to Gods throne room. Without God in our lives, we are nothing; but if
God be for us, every challenge will go down for our sakes. Therefore, it is
important to note that no matter how interesting your prayer life is, without
thanksgiving, you will not get results. Without the command of thanksgiving, your
demands in prayer can never be accessed because thanksgiving is the will of God
concerning us. Neh. 8:10, Psa. 14:1, 22:3, 68:11, 91:11, 92:1, 89:20-23, 100:4,
107:20, 114:2, John 11:40-45, Prov. 17:22, Isa. 44:26, Mark 6:20, 1 Thess. 5:18,
Philp 4:16, Heb. 10:38, James 5:13, 18:14, 1 Pet. 1:8-9.

If you dont want God to be angry with you, never boast and pose yourself as the
doer of the happenings in your life.


WEEK and WISDOM NUGGETS here. Thank you.

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