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4 Risalah
We sent a messenger to every community saying Worship God and shun false
gods. Surah 16:36
Risalah: the belief in prophets/messengers from Allah.
Why is Risalah important to Muslims?

It is one of the six Beliefs for Sunnis and the five roots of Usul ad-Din for Shias.
It represents how Allah communicates with people.
Allah has spoken to many prophets and Muslims are required to follow their teachings.
All the prophets demonstrated great qualities and set an example of how to live. Many Muslims name
their children after prophets and strive to raise them to imitate them.
It reminds Muslims of the common heritage they share with other faiths, particularly Judaism and

What can Muslims learn from the different prophets?


The first prophet.

Called Allahs khalifah (representative), whom angels had to serve.
Adam is regarded highly in the Quran because he was chosen by Allah over all the people of his time
(Surah 3:33) and Allah treated him with great mercy.
Adam and Hawwa (Eve) lived in a beautiful garden and were told to enjoy its contents. They were also
commanded to keep away from a tree (representing evil) but they were deceived Satan made them
slip (Surah 2:36). They were cast out of the garden. However, Muslims believe it is impossible for a
prophet to sin, so they believe approaching the symbolic tree was a mistake.

The story of Adam teaches Muslims to follow Allahs commands and not allow Satan
to tempt them.
Abraham in the Bible/Torah
Called Allahs friend (Surah 4:125)
One of the Prophet Muhammads ancestors.
The Quran says he was an example to others, obedient to God.
The Quran says he was honoured in both this world and the afterlife.
Very committed to his faith and family, and wanted his children to serve Allah too.
It was Ibrahims prayer for a prophet to be born in the future that Muslims believe was fulfilled by the
appearance of Muhammad. Our Lord, make a messenger of their own rise up from among them..
Surah 2:129

Ibrahim shows Muslims high moral standards

Important to learn from his life and faith.

Ishmael in the Bible/Torah
One of Ibrahims sons
Muslims believe Ibrahim and Ismail were chosen to rebuild the Kabah in Makkah.
In the Quran Ibrahim has a dream from Allah that he was sacrificing Ismail. When he shared this with
his son, Ismail did not hesitate to offer his life. Just as Ibrahim was about to sacrifice Ismail, God
called out to him to stop and praised them both for their spirit of dedication.

Through this story, Muslims are taught to always trust and put Allah first, and to be
prepared to offer themselves for the service of faith.
This event is commemorated at Id-ul-Adha.
Moses in the Bible/Torah
The main founder of Judaism.
Appointed by Allah to free the Banu Israil (Israelites) from slavery under the harsh rule of Firawn
(Pharaoh) in Egypt.
Given the Al-Kitab (scripture) and Al-Furqan (the ability to distinguish right and wrong).
Famous for many miracles, e.g. parting of the seas which allowed Musa and the Israelites to escape
before the waters closed in to drown Firawn and his people who pursued them (Surah 26:52-68)

For Muslims, Musas life is an example of how Allah rewards perseverance in the face
of suffering, and how good will overcome evil.


David in the Bible/Torah.

One of the messengers (rasuls) of the Banu Israil.
Remembered for his wisdom, prayers, and fasting,
Beat the oppressive Jalut (Goliath), after which he was made king of the Israelites.
David killed Goliath, and God gave him sovereignty and wisdom and taught him what He pleased.
Surah 2:251

Dawuds story confirms for Muslims that Allah gives honour to his chosen ones, and
that they can be blessed with both worldly and spiritual honour.
Prayers by Musa and Dawud have been preserved in Islam and are regularly recited by


Jesus in the Bible

Among the most honoured prophets of Allah.
Allah revealed the Injil (Gospels) to Isa.
Isas many miracles are described in the Quran, including his own birth, which did not involve a
biological father.
Also attributed with bringing the dead back to life (Surah 3:49), although many Muslims understand
these accounts to have a symbolic meaning (he brought people out of the darkness and into the light).
The Quran says he wasnt divine and didnt die on a cross, but instead was saved by Allah (Surah

Muslims are taught about Isa being a prophet who honoured Tawhid.
Muslims follow his example and worship Allah as one God.

The only prophet to have been given a universal message that was meant for all times
and that the previous prophets prepared the way for Muhammad.
He is described as the seal of the prophets (Surah 33:40)
This means that a) the qualities of all the messengers were found in him and b) he was
the last messenger to bring a revealed scripture: the Quran.
The Quran describes Muhammad as a light (Surah 5:15), a teacher of wisdom (Surah
62:2), a mercy [] to all people (Surah21:107), and an excellent model (Surah 33:21).
The Quran tells Muslims to offer prayers for him because of his honoured status: God
and His angels bless the Prophet so, you who believe, bless him too and give him
greetings of peace. Surah 33:56

The Quran teaches Muslims that they have been given the final

guidance for humanity and that by following the example of

Muhammad they will please Allah.

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