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Notetiook 34 ‘The 3 X-Ray Torget interactions Drawing A Heat Production: oczurs when incident photons leaves the anode and tis causes the vibration ofthe stom. These photore have such high kinetic energy but are unable to transfer Ito the outer shel of he atoms and suse ortation. nstea, they vanser tls energy tothe outer shell which excites the electrons in the way of lntrared redation as heat). This accounts for 99% ofthe kinetic energy that occurs outside of the tube. Onl 1% ofthe kinetic energy is converted into x-ray photons that penetrate the patient (comes Kom either Brem or characteristic interactions). ‘his nteretion occurs at all ines Drawing s- Bremsstrahlung interaction: occurs only when the incident electron interacts withthe force el of the rileus. The incident electron slows down and "bounces off” the nuclear force field which causes 2 changes direction. The end result ofthe change in direction becomes an xray photon (this interaction makes up 85-100% of all xray photons). The exiting photon energy isthe difference between the ‘entering kinetic ene-gy and the exiting kinetic energy ofthe photo. This interaction occurs at all Y settings Drawing c- Chorocteristic Interaction: only occurs when the inedent electron interacts with the iner-shell election ata kp of 68.5 oF more. The Inldent electron interacts rectly wth the K-shell electrons and "knocis” ‘them out of thle shall. This energy ie strong enough to create xay photons but makes the atom unstable. n oder forthe atom to once again become stable, the electrons have to move down and fl ‘the next energy level known as characteristic cascade). This interaction is also responsible forthe production of way photons but these photons are of lower power. ow KeVoffects Chracteistc ond Bremsstrahlung xrays: The high energy endo the spectrum Is determined but the KV (lilo-oltage) applied to the xray tube. This Is because the KV establishes the energy ofthe electrons as they reach the anode. No xray photon can be created withan energy greater than that of the electrons. The maximum photon energy, ‘therefore, in KeV sequal tothe maximum applied potential in KV. Iinsome xray equipment, the voltage aplied to the tube may vary during the exposure because ofthe alternating nature (KC electrical system in pace. The maximum photon energy is determined by the peak voltage durngthe voltage cycle. This values generally referred to as kVp and is one ofthe adjustable factors olxray equipment. as @ Key: @ Nucleus Vibration '@ electron DAA xRay Photon Incident econ O sre 5:0 shell'0.1 kev) 4: Neshel(t keV) 3: Meshell(3 keV) 2: Lshel (2 keV) Shell 69 keV) Refere bua //aculty snus du/cadsi/earvmorrisan/RADS 151%/Chanters 7B12/% ‘ay Production and interactions pdf htos:/£9775328/ch7-2-ay-prodution lash

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