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Geometry: recognize, name, build, draw, compare, and sort two- and three-dimensional shapes;
describe attributes and parts of two- and three-dimensional shapes
Recognize and draw shapes having specified attributes, such as given number of angles or a
given number of equal faces. Identify triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons, and cubes.
Use appropriate tools strategically
1. Students will be able to describe geoblocks, and will be able to comment on the shape, as
well as number of sides, and vertices.
2. Students will be able to identify other blocks with similar, and different features.
Drawing Geoblocks:
1. Give each student a sheet of paper
2. Have each student pick out a geoblock
3. Go over what 3 dimensional is
4. Tell them how we have been looking at 2-D shapes, but now we are going to try and draw
the geoblocks as 3-D shapes
5. Have each student try and draw a few shapes
6. Have students share how they drew their shapes, and how it was hard to draw something
3-D on a 2-D surface
Finding Geoblocks:
1. Show students 5 different geoblocks
2. Have students match the geoblocks to the task cards that they have recently made/worked
with in class
3. Have students describe features of the blocks (shape of the faces, number of sides, etc.)
4. Have students work with a partner to try and match all the geoblocks with the correct task
5. After all students have finished, go over the answers with the students, and why they are
correct, or incorrect

Sorting Geoblocks:
1. Give each student a geoblock
2. Have them describe their geoblock to the person that is sitting next to them
3. Go around and have each student share one thing about their geoblock (its pointy, square,
smooth, etc.)
4. Have two pieces of paper in the middle of the table and label them match and dont
5. Have one student put their block in the middle of the table and say one thing about their
6. Give the other students sticky notes, and have them write things that either match the
students block, or dont match the students block, and then stick it on the piece of
7. Do this with several different geoblocks, and point out good vocabulary students use.
Drawing Geoblocks:
1. What is it like to draw something that is 3-D on a 2-D surface?
2. What did you notice about your block that helped you draw it?
Finding Geoblocks:
1. Was it easy, or had to match the geoblocks to the task cards? Why?
2. What helped you match the geoblocks to the correct task cards?
Sorting Geoblocks:
1. How did you know if your geoblock was similar, or different from the block in the
middle of the table?
2. What could have made this easier for you?
Blank paper
Primary number cards
Find the block task cards
1. Drawing a 3-D block on the sheet of paper (if it has been done correct, or incorrect)
2. Matching the geoblocks with the task cards
3. Writing things on sticky notes that match, and do not match, and putting them in the
correct place.


1. For ELL it could be difficult to understand the activities when counting the sides, and
faces, and trying to name the shapes. To help them, we could make a chart of the shapes,
and help them to count the faces, and the vertices that they can use throughout the
duration of the activities. This way, the student(s) would be able to refer to their chart
throughout the day, and would be able to keep up with the other students in the class.
a. Example: teacher asks Im looking for a block with ___ sides, and ___ vertices,
which block is it?
2. Read the question to the student and have them verbally give the answer instead of
writing it down.
andvisualization.Kidsshouldbeabletotellthedifferencebetween two and three dimensional
objects, drawing and naming both. This is required in the elementary ages. They can tell what
makes shapes the same and different, being able to describe characteristics. Shapes need to be
classified dependent on their properties. Shapes can be moved in a plane without changing its
shape (slides, flips and turns). Students need to be able to create shapes with symmetry. At this
point, students should know how to count and be able to draw shapes. Students should be able to
identify and describe the basic shapes. Misconceptions to be aware of are that kids don't need the
vocabulary. Kids need to know what they are doing, not just a repeat-after-me projects. Another
misconception is that geometry is just made up. It is actually rich in history. (Helping Children
Learn Mathmatics, Reys, ect., 8th ed, Chapter Fifteen) (Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics,
Van de Walle ect., Chapter Sixteen).
o Geometry:Atypeofmaththatdealswithshapes
o Corners:Wheretwoormoreedgesmeet
o Edges:Thesideofsomething
o Faces:Theflatsideofashape
To develop this lesson, we used the work book that the students use throughout their units. We
were able to look at the instructor copy to see what specific goals the students needed to reach by
the end of unit 2 so that we could touch on a few of the important points during our lesson. We
were able to adapt one of the lessons that we found in the instructor copy of the work book by
setting up different stations for the students, and having them rotate, instead of just having them
all participate in the same activity. By doing this, we were all able to be at one of the three
stations, drawing geoblocks, finding geoblocks, sorting geoblocks, which made it so we could
work with smaller groups of students instead of the entire class.

Students will need
o Number cards
o Pencils/markers/pens
o Math notebooks
They will use previous knowledge of shapes for these activities

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