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Name___________________________ Date ________________________________

Social Studies - Chapter 7 Lesson 2

New Taxes for the Colonists

1. In 1764 Parliament passed a law that became known as the ___________ Act.
2. When colonist bought a pound of sugar, for example, they had to pay an extra
amount in addition to the item's price. The extra money they paid was a_________
a tax paid on goods brought into the country.
3. The tariff angered the colonists. What bothered them the most was that they had
no __________ in making this _______ law. The ________ and ____________
had taxed the colonists without their ____________.
4.Two of the first colonists to speak out against the new taxes were Mercy Otis
and her brother ___________ Otis.
5. Some people agreed with the British view. These colonists were called ______________ or
6. Less than a year after the Sugar Act, Parliament passed another tax law. This was
called the ____________ Act. Almost anything printed in the colonies had to have a
______________ on it. What really bothered them the most was that they had not
____________ to the taxes.
7. They had no ________________ in Parliament - no one acting or speaking for them.
8. Most colonists in Boston started repeating Otis's words "no ___________ without
9. In Virginia ___________ Henry told the members of the House of Burgesses that they alone
should decide what taxes were placed.
10. What James Otis and Patrick Henry had said about the Stamp Act influenced
_____________ _____________, or what people thought.
People Protest in Different Ways p.234
11. a. Some colonists wrote __________________.
b. Others held public ______________.
c. They sent long ______________ - requests for action signed by many people.
d. In Massachusetts two groups formed to act against the new taxes. They
were the Sons of _____________ and the ___________ of ___________.
e. They asked the people to stop buying or ___________ any British goods.
f. Some attacked the _________ of tax collectors.
g. Some sent representatives like Ben ______________ from Pennsylvania
to ask Parliament to consider the colonists' wish for _________________.
The Stamp Act Congress
12. In 1765 representatives of nine of the thirteen colonies met in ___________ City. This
meeting was called the ___________ ________ Congress.
13. The Stamp Act Congress decided to ask people in all the colonies to refuse to buy
_________ goods.
14. When Parliament heard of the Stamp Act Congress and the anger of the colonists they
_______________ the Stamp Act.
15. In 1767 Parliament added new tax laws called the ______________ Acts. These laws were
to show the colonists that Parliament could still make laws for the colonists.
16. By 1770 there were more than ___________ soldiers in the colonies. Having British soldiers
in the cities angered the colonists. The soldiers seemed like a police force. This sometimes led to
rock throwing and name-calling. The colonists called the British soldiers "___________" and
17. The shooting into a crowd of colonists in Boston where 5 colonists died was called the
_______________ Massacre. A massacre is the killing of people who cannot defend themselves.

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