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Noemi Reyes

Period 2

Apple Computer, Inc. v. Microsoft Corp.

1. Year which this court case happened;

March 6, 1991

2. Two Parties involved;

Theyre both top manufacturers of computers

3. Description of the Case (what's it about);

Apple accused Microsoft of stealing a lot of their software

4. What happened to cause a copyright violation?

Apple gave a few software components to Microsoft and in return

Microsoft promised to help create important software for Mac.
However, when Windows 2.0 came out, Apple thought it looked too
much like Mac.

5. What law or laws were violated?

Visual theft

6. What was the outcome of the case?

Windows won the lawsuit on the basis that ideas cant be copyrighted
(merger doctrine). And that most displays had a license.

7. Do you think the right decision was made?

I think so. Apple originally gave software to Microsoft, so they probably

felt threatened after they saw how Microsoft was developing. Business
is war.

8. What do you think could have been done differently?

Nothing really, both parties lost something. Apple lost the case and
Microsoft ended up with a tainted reputation.

9. Citation - What is the web address(es) you obtained your


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