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Curriculum Vitae

Marco Antonio Prez Rosas

Personal Statistics:
Date of Birth


(Last revision: 2016-12-02)


Academic and Professional Attainment:

Doctor of Engineering, PUC - RJ, Mechanic Engineering, 2010
Master of Engineering, PUC - RJ, Mechanic Engineering, 2006
Bachelor, UNSA, Mechanic Engineering, 2002

Summary of Professional Experience:

Expertise areas: Structural analysis of offshore units, Structural analysis of subsea equipment, Pipeline Integrity
Work experience:
DNV GL experience: Passive-Fire-Protection analyses in Topsides, Member importance analyses in jackets,
Fatigue analyses, Dropped objects, Pipeline Collapse analysis, Fitness-for-Service, Crack propagation, Push-down
analysis, ECA analysis
Previuos experience: Pipeline integrity analysis, Life extension, Extensometry techniques, Pipeline repair,
Predictive maintenance, Ultrasonic testing
Softwares: Ansys, Usfos, Abaqus, Sesam, SolidWorks, Orcaflex
2014 - Present
Company: DNV GL
Sector: Marine & Technical Services
2013 - 2014
Company: DNV GL
Sector: Surf & Pipelines
2008 - 2012
Company: PRIMA-7S Structural Integrity, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
Industry: Oil and Gas
Company specialized in structural integrity analysis of equipments and structures
Sector: Projects
2003 2004
Company: Mechanical Continental Industry - IMCO, Arequipa, Peru.
Industry: Mechanical and Steel
Sector: Projects.
Responsible for designing new products and revising existing projects
Summer 2002
Company: Cerro Verde (Phelps Dodge company), Arequipa, Peru.
Industry: Mining

Curriculum Vitae
Marco Antonio Prez Rosas
Sector: Projects

Present Position:
Senior Engineer

Language Capabilities:




Winner of the "Petrobras Technology Award 2004" In the Transport of Oil and Gas Sector

Two patents application filed at Brazilian Institute of Industrial Property (INPI)

Publications and Papers:

Progressive Collapse Approach Compared to the Traditional Temperature Screening on Structural Assessment
of Offshore Structures Against Fire Proceedings of the ASME 2016 35rd International Conference on Ocean,
Offshore and Arctic Engineering OMAE2016, June 19-24, 2016, Busan, South Korea.
Hydrostatic Collapse Pressure and Radial Collapse Force Comparisons for Ultra-deepwater Pipelines Proceedings of the ASME 2014 33rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering,
OMAE2014, June 8-13, 2014, San Francisco, CA, USA.
Use of Fiber Bragg Grating Strain Gages on a Pipeline Specimen Repaired with a CFRE Composite System SEM XII International Congress & Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics 2012. June 11-12, Costa
Mesa, CA USA.
Burst Tests on Pipeline Containing Corrosion in the Seam Weld - Proceedings of the Nineteenth (2009).
International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference. June 21-26, 2009, Osaka, Japan.
Testing of a Steel-Adhesive-Repair System for Pipeline - Annual Conference in Experimental and Applied
Mechanics 2006, June 4-7, Saint Louis, Missouri, USA.
Measuring the Remaining Strength Factor of a Steel-Adhesive-Repair System - 6th International Pipeline
Conference - IPC, September 25-29, 2006, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Comparao da eficcia de reparos de material compsito e reparos de camadas metlicas coladas no
controle das deformaes em dutos com defeito de perda de espessura - 11 Coteq (2011), Pernambuco,
Avaliao da Resistncia de Dutos com Defeitos de Corroso do Tipo Pite em Locais de Intensificao de
Tenses - 9 Coteq (2007), Bahia, Brasil.
Mtodo Analtico para Anlise e Dimensionamento de Reparos com Multicamadas Metlicas Coladas para
Dutos com Perda de Espessura - 9 Coteq (2007), Bahia, Brasil.
Anlise do Desempenho de um Reparo de Duto Corrodo Utilizando Multicamadas Metlicas Coladas.
Boletim Tcnico da Petrobras. Vol. 51, n1/3 abr./ago./dez. de 2008.

Curriculum Vitae
Marco Antonio Prez Rosas
Corte e Conformao de Metais. Aranda Editora, Ano III, n36, Abril 2009. (Seo Noticias Pesquisa brasileira
testa mtodo para o reparo de tubos corrodos).
Use of Small-Scale Pipeline Specimens to Test a Steel-Adhesive Repair System Experimental Techniques
(Journal), Volume 31, Issue 6, Date: 31 October 2007, Pages: 64-72, home page:

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