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10 Advanced Robots


Designed by honda to be used as a personal assistant, this robot has many

applications and can be runed by a controller or a computer. Asimo is a very
sensible robot in the sense that it can sense the sound, posture and even
face of people and distinguished between them and also, respond to them

2. Atlas

DARPA unveiled the most technologically advanced robot to this day. It was
manufactured by Boston Dynamics who designed it to act like a human
responder in situations like nuclear meltdown. The dexterity with which this
robot can react to situations is unprecedented and has not been observed till
yet in any other robot.

3. Morpheus

Controlling a robot with gestures or controllers is quite normal in this

technologically advanced world but can one imagine controlling a robot by
using mind. Yes, the technology enabling mind-control is available and has
gained significant popularity with time. Morpheus - a robot launched recently
is based on mind-control technology as it has the ability to follow directions
given by thought.


The next technologically advanced robot that we have in the list is Actroid. It
is the advanced version of HRP-4C which also had a humanoid face. It was
first made by kokoro company LTD which is known to be an advanced player
in the market. Actroid has a special ability to respond to different kind of
tactile data in a different way due to the air-powered actuators placed at
several points in the body. For instance, if it apprehends that it is going to be
slapped then it will move out the way but wouldnt respond the same way
incase a gentle tap on the shoulder.


Ever since uncanny valley theory was propounded, the scientist have shied
away from making robots who look alike human beings. However , scientist
at university of Pisa are attempting to prove this theory wrong. In this regard,
they have made a robot called FACE which has been considered as a
breakthrough in this field for the kind of perfection this robot has achieved in
mimicking human expressions. While most robots are capable of imitating
human expressions can do so in not more than 5-6 ways but FACE has the
ability to show stages between changes in emotion. The most important
application of this robot can be teaching children who suffer from autism to

DARwin-op (robotis op)

is a humanoid robot created at virginia techs robotics and mechanism

laboratory (RoMela) in collaboration with purdue university , university of
pennysylvania and korean manufaturer robotis. The robot can be used at
home , but the main goal is to be used in education and research thanks to
the fact that it is a powerful and open platform and its creator encourage
developers to build and add features to it.

DARwin mini (robotis mini)

Is a lightweight and of course much smaller humanoid robot kit aimed at

maker and hobbyists . the 27cm (10.6inch) tall robot is completely open
source and its parts are 3D printable , making it and ideal and cost-effective
development platform.

NAO Evolution

Is the 5th iteration of the platform developed by french company Aldebaran

Robotics and released in 2014 . this 58cm tall robot has 25 DOF and is
packed with a wide range of sensors such as a sonar , tactile and pressure
sensors , not to mention cameras and other standard equipment , being able
to perform highly complex motion and tasks .


Is a cute-faced character from plastic and metal with a height of 142 cm. This
robot is under continuous development with new features being added as we
speak. Romeo is built to order and customized according to requirements.
The idea of developing a robot to help people with disabilities or health
problems is not new , but romeo is one of the best robots built for these
tasks. Besides the care shown to people , it can be a real family member. It
can have a discussion, can work in the kitchen , or empty the garbage.
Interactions between people and romeo is done in a natural way using words
or gestures. Even if has four fingers on one hand , the robot can grasp
objects, manipulate and feel objects of whatever form. Its degrees of freedom


is a robot designed as a personal robot and can help its users with daily
tasks. It has the ability to perform voice recognition, play music, patrol its
environment and household tasks. It is just as customizable as the eco plus
and lite. A myriad of sensors is packed into this robot and it can automatically
roll into its charging station. It can move efficiently thanks to its rolling base
equipped with omnidirectonal wheels. The eco genie is priced at around us
$2000 and is available at major tetailers.

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