Abojanowski Teaching Philosophy

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Teaching Philosophy

I believe in the learning-centered model as my teaching philosophy. The learning-centered

college focuses on both the process and outcome of student learning.
Students reside at the center of the curriculum and classroom activity. Class participation is at the
heart of learning, engaging students as critical thinkers as they develop. Students should be
asked to express their own insights on given topics, ranging from a piece of literature to current
events seen in the news. In this environment, students learn from each other and gain a broader
appreciation of the view of fellow classmates, who represent a multiplicity of values and
cultures. I encourage this atmosphere of respecting diverse values and cultures in my
composition courses each semester. I include texts from a diversity of cultures, ethnicities, and
generations: this inclusion allows students to explore different perspectives as well as contribute
their own insights.
My approach to curriculum is to engage students as co-thinkers; further, I endeavor to meet
students through platforms, which use a students technological vernacular. My courses balance
the standards of classical rhetoric, the ethics of research, and an approach to writing that is
process-oriented with innovative presentation of texts and research. The standards are offset with
multi-modal elements such as steaming video, podcasts, links to websites, and even the use of
Google maps, to help students explore subjects and collect research. I am very grateful to the
library for hosting two study guides that were co-created with Mark Marino to assist students
with various forms of research housed in the library, including e-books, streaming videos, and
links to interviews with authors, directors, and websites that explore subjects associated with the
research project. The goal is to connect with students using the mode in which they are familiar,
yet through a mode, which will also allow them to explore a subject from different perspectives.
Ultimately, the use of research should challenge a students understanding of the subject and
elicit a response that is both informed and original in its approach. Further, collaborative
learning is included to allow students a means through which they can contribute to the learning
process. Students participate in class-generated wikis (of peer-reviewed sources), presentations
given by students and group response work, as well as peer-reviews of essays. Samples of this
curriculum are given in Section IV: Teaching Effectiveness.
Additionally, a learning-centered college prepares students beyond their studies, as they prepare
to either enter the work force or a four-year institution. I include ANGEL in all of my courses
(face-to-face, blended and online) as a means to make students more responsible for their work
as well as to foster an atmosphere of professionalism. ANGEL exposes students to electronic
correspondence that is more formal in nature. The platform also provides a forum in which
students are responsible for information necessary for the course; students are expected to
communicate any questions or concerns and complete all assignments on time. Through its
design, they are responsible for both peer collaboration and individual accountability.
Finally, I offer support to all of my current and former students as they seek new professional
positions and/ or new academic pursuits. I mentor students as they prepare for the workforce by
offering assistance with resums and suggestions for interviews. I have also worked with
students on their personal statements for four-year institutes and offered advice on the
application process.

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