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December 8, 2016


Doing Yoga is very healthy for our health and there are lot of benefits from it.
For example, it improves our flexibility, helps our muscles to get strength, protects
our spine, healthier bone, increase blow flow, helps to focus more and etc.. There
are lot more benefits that we get from doing yoga. For me it helps to concentrate on
my studies, and I also have hypertension, which means I will be having high blood
pressure in the future if I dont start working on controlling my pressure. Doing yoga
is a perfect way to control my pressure. When I meditate, it helps me calm down
and ever since I have been doing yoga, my blood pressure has dropped. Whenever I
have to give a public speech I get really nervous. I cant even say a single word so
in order to calm me down I take a deep breath. Taking a deep breath in and out is
also part of yoga.
I usually have a bad lower back pain. From my yoga class I have learn some
of the poses to heal my back pain. Such as Supine Hamstring Stretch, Two-knee
Twist, Sphinx, Pigeon, Thread the needle, and legs up the wall. Over all this I like the
Pigeon pose and legs up the wall. When I start working on the Pigeon pose, it was
really hard for me to bring the knee from behind and squaring hips toward the
ground. I couldnt bend all the way and straighten my leg at the same time. Then
my yoga teacher came to me individually and put the pillow underneath my leg and
said it will be easier for me to do the Pigeon pose. And yes, she was right. It did help
me a lot from the pain. I started practicing at home also. It relaxes my body and
help my back. My sister also have the same problem like I do since she is always
watching movie or reading putting her back on the wall. So I taught her to do the
Pigeon pose. Now we both we Pigeon pose, thread the needle and two-knee twist. I
also dont have to put pillow now. I can just do it without putting pillow.

Before taking this yoga class I didnt knew there were yoga poses to heal the
back pain. Now I am loving it. I notice that its not even that hard to do it and it has
so much benefit. It has really helped me on healing my back pain. As I have been
working on the poses again and again, I am getting better at it.

Pigeon pose: For me the benefits of doing pigeon poses are:

Prevent getting back damage.

Helps stretch the muscles.

Increase range of motion.

Relieve tension and stress.

Opens the hip joint.

Extends the groin and psoas.

Less lower back pain and stiffness.

Release negative feelings.


Keeps our brain free from stress.

Reduces ageing.

It helps to feel more connected to people.

Makes you happier.

Improves functioning of the brain

Helps to have a good night sleep. Especially it helps me because it is

really hard for me to go to sleep and mediation helps me fall asleep fast.

Improves metabolism

Helps fight diseases.

Increase the ability to focus.

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