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Primates in peril.

1. The worlds 25 most endangered list is a pretty important list when it comes to the
survival of a species. The list is created during a large convention where people lobby to
have certain endangered primates placed on the list. The list does change from time to
time so that different primates are able to have the spotlight on them so that they can
start to receive some sort of help or study. On the first page of the primates in peril
document it states The changes made in this list compared to the previous iteration
(20122014) were not because the situation of the eight species that were dropped
(Table 2) has improved...By making these changes we intend rather to highlight other,
closely related species enduring equally bleak prospects for their future survival.
(Primates in peril pg.1)
Preuss red colobus Monkey.
The name kind of gives it away, these monkeys do have some red hair. Their bellies
have white fur. These monkeys are found in the country of Nigeria Africa and The largest
populations are now mostly found in Cameroon in the forests in and around Korup National
Park. (Primates in peril Pg.17-18)
Rondo Dwarf Galago
These little guys are rather small. They weigh approximately 60g (Primates in peril pg
11-13)They are located in Africa in the country of Tanzania close to the coastal towns of Lindi
and Mtwara (Primates in peril pg 11)
Lavosa Mountains Dwarf Lemur
These guys are pretty small and have long tails for their size. They are around 22-28 cm
long and weigh around 248-297g. They are located in Lavasoa Ambatotsirongorongo Mountains
in Madagascar. (Primates in peril pg.27)
Pig-tailed Snub-nosed Langur
These primates are not very big nor are they very small. When you think of the average size of
a small monkey this species would be about that size. They are black and have decently long
hair. They are located in indonesia. (Primates in peril pg.50)

Preuss red colobus monkey
Something unique about the Preuss red colobus monkey is that Red colobus monkeys
are able to digest toxic plants that other primates cannot. (Abate 2015)

Rondo Dwarf Galago

According Website edge of existence the rondo dwarf galago is It is unique for its
bottle-brush tail and call (Edge of Existence)

Lavosa Mountains Dwarf Lemur

The lavosa Lemurs are cute little things. They were mistaken years back to be the same as
other lemurs but some researchers were able to take some tissue samples and found out some
different distinguishing facial features that separated them. The eyes of Cheirogaleus
lavasoensis are surrounded by sharply delineated, 3-4 mm wide black eye rings with black hair
and darkly pigmented skin, which is broadly continuous with the darkly pigmented, pointed
nose. (Anderson)

Pig-tailed Snub-nose Langur
These monkey mostly eat leaves yet they sometimes eat fruit and berries. They are social
animals and usually hang out with a small group.(Animal Info - Pig-tailed Snub-nosed Monkey)

Preuss Red colobus
In the case of the Pruss red colobus monkey the few reasons that threaten this species
are the threats from bushmeat hunting and deforestation through logging, agriculture and

infrastructure development are the major factors leading to its decline (Primates in peril pg-17)
It is difficult to protect these animals from so many different effects that humans have in this
Rondo Dwarf Galago
According to the Primates in Peril research shows that The major threat facing this
species is loss of habitat. All sites are subject to some level of agricultural encroachment,
charcoal manufacture and/or logging. Primates in peril pg. 12)This is a real problem for any
species! If they dont have a place suitable for them to live there is no way they can survive!
Lavosa Mountains Dwarf Lemur
Just like many of the other species that are on the primates in peril list the Levosa Lemur
in on their becuase of human interaction. Humans are depriving them of their habitat due to
wood extraction, slash and burn cultivation, and accidental fires, which are frequent due to the
practice of regular grassland burning (Primates in peril pg.28)
Pig-tailed Snub-nose Langur
These guys serve as the flagship species for the six Mentawai Island primates. These guys
are endangered because of humans and are threatened mainly with hunting, commercial
logging, and human encroachment (Primates in peril pg.50)

Preuss Red Colobus Monkey
There are 4 proposed ideas to help conserve these primates i, Bushmeat hunting must
be drastically reduced by law enforcement. Ii, Ebo forest should be upgraded to a national park
and a law enforcement regimine be implemented. iii More field surveys are needed. iv, They
want to raise awareness to park authorities, because the hunters and bushmeat dealers may
already know of the endangerment. (primates in peril pg.18)
Rondo Dwarf Galago
All sites where the Rondo Dwarf galago except for a few are in national or local forest
reserves. Which is a good thing except for the fact that in practice they are minimally protected.
This means that Conservation action is urgently needed by: monitoring rates of habitat loss,
surveying new areas for remnant populations, estimating population size (Primates in peril
Lavosa Mountains Dwarf Lemur
The conservation efforts for this species are quite simple. How ever they are unsure
about much of the locations where this Lemur lives (ie how many, difference in elevation and
latitude). This is potentially problematic and needs more research to find the best methods of
conservation. There was a plan presented and it says A successful conservation program
should thus integrate water management, reforestation and habitat restoration (Primates in
peril pg.28)6
Pig-tailed Snub-nose Langur

There are 5 suggested conservation strategies that are suggested for this species. 1.
increased protection for Siberut National Park, which currently lacks enforcement. 2) Formal
protection of the Peleonan forest in North Siberut, which is home to unusually high primate
populations and is easily accessible. 3) Protection of areas in the Pagai Islands by cooperating
with a logging corporation that has practiced sustainable logging there since 1971. 4)
Conservation education, especially regarding hunting. 5) the development of alternative
economic models for the local people to reduce the likelihood of selling their land to logging
companies. (primates in peril pg.51)
Well of all the threats that these species are facing pretty much all of them are caused by
us. We are taking away their living space and even killing these poor animals. There is not
much that these poor creatures can do to escape. It's like all of the walls are closing in on them
and they have nowhere to go. What i can do personally is get my friends pumped for the
primate festival we are going to have during school and i could also even donate some money
to help these poor creatures.

** They did not have any information or pictures of Luvosa Lemur on the Arkive website.
"Primates in Peril - Conservationists Reveal the World's 25 Most Endangered Primates." States
News Service. N.p., 15 Oct. 2012. Web. 2016.

Abate, Nicole. "Red Colobus Monkey." New England Primate Conservancy. N.p., Sept. 2015.
Web. 04 Sept. 2016.
"EDGE of Existence." EDGE of Existence. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Sept. 2016.
Anderson, Natalia. Qtd. in"Lavasoa Dwarf Lemur: New Species Found on Madagascar | Biology
|" Breaking Science News. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Sept. 2016.

"Animal Info - Pig-tailed Snub-nosed Monkey." Animal Info - Pig-tailed Snub-nosed Monkey.
N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Sept. 2016.

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