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Where education and technology intersect, the

learning path begins.

Technology Plan
BOE Approved 12/5/2016

Table of Contents
Table of Contents ............................................................................................................ 2
District Policies ................................................................................................................ 3
Acceptable Use Policy ................................................................................................. 3
Web Filtering ............................................................................................................... 3
Gift Acceptance and Technology Disposal Policies ..................................................... 3
Inventory...................................................................................................................... 3
Technology Budget ..................................................................................................... 3
Equitable Distribution Plan .......................................................................................... 3
Section 508 ................................................................................................................. 4
Committee Membership / Stakeholder Representation ................................................... 4
Technology Committee ............................................................................................... 4
Mission Statement .......................................................................................................... 4
Instructional Technology Vision ...................................................................................... 4
Technology Needs Assessment ...................................................................................... 5
Technology Goals and Objectives .................................................................................. 5
Curriculum Integration ..................................................................................................... 7
Technology Professional Development ........................................................................... 7
Technology Plan Verification For E-Rate Purposes ........................................................ 7
Appendix A Technology Policies .................................................................................. 8
TECHNOLOGY USE - 3535 ....................................................................................... 8
TECHNOLOGY INVENTORY - 5810 ............................................................................ 10
PERSONAL ELECTRONIC DEVICES - 3550 ................................................................. 11
RECORD RETENTION - 5800 ..................................................................................... 12
ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE - 5820 .............................................................................. 14

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District Policies
Acceptable Use Policy
The District has a Technology Use Policy (Appendix A) that addresses network use, copyright
issues, software agreements, and governs the use of all technologies including Internet access
by students, teachers, staff, administrators, and community. The policy is reviewed with
students and staff yearly.
Web Filtering
The District uses and regularly updates a technology filtering solution, which filters access to
obscene, pornographic, and other inappropriate materials as mandated by the Children's
Internet Protection Act, in order to qualify for federal e-rate funds and other federal grant
Gift Acceptance and Technology Disposal Policies
The District has policies (Appendix A) clearly articulating both gift acceptance of technology
hardware and software and the disposal process for unused, outdated, or inoperable
technology hardware and software. The policies are evaluated and updated yearly.
The District maintains a concise, complete technology inventory that includes software
licensing, hardware, and where the items are located or can be accessed.
Technology Budget
The District has a plan and an adequate budget for the regular upgrading of technology
hardware and software, and plans for electrical upgrades that relate to technology, that is
evaluated and updated yearly.
The administrative team and the Board of Education make every effort to adequately fund
technology and have insured the line item remains in place for funding technology needs.
Funds for technology include capital outlay, general fund, and bond.

Equitable Distribution Plan

The District has a plan that addresses the equitable distribution of available technologies,
including hardware and software, and technology integration into the learning environment for
all students. We utilize age appropriate technology standards for the selection and distribution
of all technologies across classrooms and programs.

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Section 508
The District has a plan and adequate budget to consider accessibility and compliance with
Section 508. The District is aware of the compliance requirements that can be found on the
Kansas Partnership for Accessible Technology (KPAT) website:
Section 508 accommodations, including technology are addressed through the department of
Special Education Services.
Committee Membership / Stakeholder Representation
Technology Committee
Team Member
Ben Boothe
Matt Brittain
Melissa Burling
Greg Chapman
Tony Coppola
Jaylene Freeman
Malinda Gatlin
Cyrena Kellogg
Paula Mages
Andy Price
Chris Setley
Rob Shippy
Parker Tenove
Rob Shippy
Jason Watkins

Relationship to the District

Director of Secondary Educational Services
Board Member
Systems Administrator
Teacher / Sysop / Patron
Teacher / Sysop
Helpdesk Technician
Director of Technology
Technology Integration Specialist
Board Member
Board Member
Mission Statement

The Gardner Edgerton School Districts Mission: Empower all students to meet the challenges
of the future.
Instructional Technology Vision
The Gardner Edgerton School Districts Instructional Technology Vision: Transparently align
technology to the educational needs of the District.

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Technology Needs Assessment

Data is collected and analyzed on an ongoing basis in addition to the annual technology needs
surveys conducted across multiple grade levels. Technology related decisions are based on a
wide range of data, which is collected dynamically through district/school information systems,
websites, and/or professional learning events. Data is gathered from stakeholders, including
students; staff & administration; parent & community; and the District.
At the building level, a district instructional technology specialist provides monthly
implementation support for teacher teams while also gathering immediate feedback on needs
and wants with respect to educational technologies and information systems.
At the District level, surveys are conducted following each professional development activity
that includes response collection with respect to additional needs in support of educational
Technology Goals and Objectives
The District, and subsequently, all building results-based professional development plans
provide goals for the integration of technology and 21st century skills into teaching and learning.
District technology infrastructure, telecommunications, hardware, software, internet access,
services and resources support the educational and administrative needs of the district.
By January, 2016, the District will install an Internet filter that is capable of single sign-on for
1:1 computers, filtering encrypted websites, and off-site filtering. This goal has been partially
met. A change to the setup of the firewall and internet router in relation to the Internet filter
needs to be implemented so that the Internet filter can properly identify encrypted websites.
The District will make the firewall configuration changes by August, 2016 in order for the
capability to filter encrypted websites. This goal has been met.
By August, 2016, all buildings will have upgraded network equipment and cabling infrastructure
to support a minimum 20 gigabit bandwidth backbone from each building back to the network
core at BOE. This goal has been met.
By August, 2016, all buildings will have upgraded network equipment and cabling to support a
minimum 10 gigabit bandwidth backbone between internal building network closets. This goal
has been met.
By August, 2016, all buildings will have upgraded wireless access points to provide necessary
wireless bandwidth to support an increase in wireless devices as well as an increased need to
access cloud based software and web services. This goal has been met.
By August, 2016, the District will update the wireless controllers that control the wireless
access throughout all buildings. This goal has been met.
By January, 2017 the District will increase the number of student computers for each
elementary school.
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By January, 2017, the District will explore the possibility of using flat screen TVs or short throw
projectors as possible replacements for traditional projectors throughout District classrooms.
This goal has been met.
By January, 2017, the District will implement a 1:1 initiative that provides one computer for
every one student for District students in grades 5th through 8th.
By January, 2018, the District will have deployed Office 2016 to district Windows operating
system computers.
By August, 2018, the District will research and pilot Google Android tablets as possible touch
screen devices for kindergarten through 2nd grade classrooms. Google has made a change
to the educational management of Android tablets. The District will continue to research and
pilot possible devices for kindergarten through 2nd grade classrooms.
By August, 2018, the District will implement strategies for reducing copy and print costs
throughout all buildings.
By August, 2018, the District will implement a method for making online requests for print jobs
that are sent to the District Copy Center.
By January, 2019, the District will update the core network switches that provide network
access to all of the buildings.
By August, 2019, the District will upgrade the IP Phone operating system and replace IP
phones as needed.
By August, 2019, the District will have developed a plan for upgrading district computers that
are currently running with Windows 7 operating system.
By August, 2019, the District will have developed a plan for upgrading district Servers that are
currently running with Windows 2008 or Windows 2012 operating systems.
By August, 2020, the District will have upgraded District classroom projectors and classroom
cabling to use HDMI audio/video.

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Curriculum Integration
Increase Student Achievement through the effective use of technology.
Students will utilize technology to complete project-based tasks during each quarter of
the school year.
Students will utilize technology to complete on-going formative and summative
assessments to measure learning.
Ensure that students are technology literate by the end of the 8th Grade.
K-8 students will complete technology-integrated lessons in all core curricular areas
during each quarter of the school year.
Progress is being made toward fully integrating technology into the curriculum.
Teachers will purposefully integrate technologies into all core and specialized
curricular areas during each quarter of the school year.
Technology Professional Development
Improve the capacity of teachers to integrate technology effectively into the curriculum and
All staff will be proficient in the use of technology (per NETS).
Staff will continue to develop knowledge and skill in using updated and upgraded
software and web-based applications.
Encourage effective integration of technology through teacher training and curriculum
development to establish replicable best practices.
All staff will integrate technology into teaching and learning opportunities when appropriate
and accessible.
Staff will continue to explore ways to improve teaching and learning of concepts
through new and existing technologies.
Improve the capacity of classified staff to effectively use technology to fulfill their duties.
All staff will be literate on social media technologies and how to educate students on
appropriate behaviors.
Staff will receive professional development on social media use by adolescents as
well as cyber-bullying prevention.
Technology Plan Verification For E-Rate Purposes
The District has filed or intends to file a Form 471 for more than basic Telecommunications for
Funding Years covered by this technology plan.

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Appendix A Technology Policies

1. Rules of Acceptable Use

All persons utilizing the Districts technology must agree with the following rules as a
condition of their use:

Users shall not erase, change, rename or render unusable any other users
computer files or programs.
Users shall maintain the confidentiality of, and shall not permit others to use, their
logon name or password.
Users shall neither use nor attempt to discover another users password, or in any
way access another users e-mail or computer files.
Except for occasional personal use, users shall not use the Districts technology for
any non-instructional or non-administrative purpose.
Users shall not use the Districts technology for any unlawful purpose, such as the
illegal copying or installation of software, or the illegal sharing or distribution of
copyrighted works.
Users shall not install, copy, change or transfer any hardware, software or
documentation without express permission from the Chief Technology Officer. The
use of personal hardware or software is prohibited without the express permission
from the Chief Technology Officer. The District does not assume any responsibility
or liability for any personal hardware or software used in the District.
Users shall not create, copy or knowingly propagate any computer virus or worm.
Users shall not deliberately use the Districts technology to annoy or harass others.
Users shall not deliberately access, create, send or forward any obscene, sexually
explicit, racist, sexist, threatening or otherwise offensive messages, files or images.
Users shall not use the Districts technology for commercial purposes, to solicit the
sale of personal items, or to endorse political candidates or ballot measures, except
that when the Board of Education has proposed the issuance of bonds by the
District, the use of the Districts technology by District administrators in the ordinary
course of advancing the Boards wishes shall not be construed as a violation of this
Users shall not login or attempt to login to the Districts technology as an
administrative user without proper authorization.
Users shall not intentionally damage or misuse the Districts technologies.
Users shall not alter the hardware setup or software settings on computers,
printers, networks, phones, or other peripheral devices, without the express
authorization of the Chief Technology Officer.
Users shall not remove Technology hardware from District facilities without the
express written permission of the Chief Technology Officer.

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Users shall not normally reveal personal information about themselves or other
users (including home addresses or telephone numbers) on the Districts
Users agree to cooperate fully with any investigation of their use of the Districts
Users who identify a security problem with the Districts technologies shall not
demonstrate the problem to other users, but shall instead report the problem to the
Chief Technology Officer immediately.

Any user who violates this policy may be subject to disciplinary action at the discretion of a
users supervisor or the Board of Education, in cases which legally require Board action.
In the case of student users, disciplinary actions may include reprimand, termination of
the privilege to use the Districts technology, or suspension or expulsion from school in
particularly egregious cases, or cases involving repeat offenses. In the case of District
employees, disciplinary actions may include reprimand, termination of the privilege to use
the Districts technology, or termination from employment in particularly egregious cases,
or cases involving repeat offenses.
2. Internet Safety and Digital Citizenship
Cyberbullying means bullying by use of any electronic communication device through
means including, but not limited to, e-mail, instant messaging, text messages, blogs, mobile
phones, pagers, online games and websites. (See Board of Education Policy 3521)
Social media is defined as any form of online publication or presence that allows end users
to engage in multi-directional conversations in or around the content of online matters.
Use of social media will comply with district procedures and guidelines.
3. No Expectation of Privacy
All persons utilizing the Districts technology recognize that their activity may be
monitored. Accordingly, all persons utilizing the Districts technology recognize that they
have no expectation of privacy arising from such use, and waive all privacy rights they
may otherwise possess under the Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986 arising
from such use.
B.O.E. Adopted: 4-1-13

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1. Technology Gift Acceptance
USD 231 recognizes and appreciates donations of electronic equipment and software media
from the community and businesses. All gifts are subject to the following conditions:
1. Hardware and software must be freely given and clear ownership must be transferred
to USD 231.
2. Software must be given in the media originally issued by the manufacturer, complete
with licensing information.
3. USD 231 reserves the right to utilize the hardware or software where it is most
needed, as determined by the District.
4. USD 231 reserves the right to refuse gifts.
5. USD 231 reserves the right to freely give away or dispose of any gifts received.
All options will be considered on a case-by-case basis, as appropriate, and at the discretion
of the Chief Technology Officer.
2. Electronics Disposal
When electronic equipment has reached the end of its life, it will be disposed of per the
Districts technology disposal procedures. The equipment may be disposed of in the
following order of preference:

Equipment may
Equipment may
Equipment may
Equipment may


sold with no written or implied warranty.

donated with no written or implied warranty.
taken to a recycling center.
taken to a landfill.

All options will be considered on a case-by-case basis, as appropriate, and at the discretion
of the Chief Technology Officer.
3. Technology Movement
The Superintendent or his/her designee shall
implementation of procedures and/or guidelines
employed by the District shall be responsible
procedures promulgated by the Superintendent or

be responsible for the adoption and

to carry out this policy. All personnel
for complying with the guidelines and
his/her designee pursuant to this policy.

B.O.E. Adopted: 3-11-13

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For purposes of this policy, "Personal Electronic Devices" are defined as any electronic device
capable of transmitting data or images that is not owned by the school district. Examples of
personal electronic devices include cellular phones, digital cameras (still or video), eReaders,
tablet computers, laptops, iPods, and MP3 players.
The use of Personal Electronic Devices that are capable of recording audio, video or still
images is prohibited at all times in bathrooms and locker rooms. In addition to disciplinary
action that may be taken, violators of this provision may be referred to law enforcement
Students are expected to use devices responsibly as outlined in Board of Education
Technology Use Policy (3535) and the respective schools code of conduct.
administrators shall determine whether and to what extent Personal Electronic Devices may
be used during school hours, or may delegate to individual teachers any decision on whether
and to what extent Personal Electronic Devices may be used in an individual class.
Students, parents, and guardians are advised that the Board of Education assumes no
responsibility in any circumstances whatsoever for the loss, destruction or theft of any
Personal Electronics Devices that are brought to school or to any extra-curricular or afterschool activity.
The Superintendent or his/her designee shall
implementation of procedures and/or guidelines
employed by the District shall be responsible
procedures promulgated by the Superintendent or

be responsible for the adoption and

to carry out this policy. All personnel
for complying with the guidelines and
his/her designee pursuant to this policy.

B.O.E. Adopted: 4-1-13

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Statutory Requirements
The following records shall be maintained for the periods specified, and may thereafter be

Bookkeeping and accounting records which are original books of entry, claims,
vouchers and purchase orders: Five years.


Formal audit reports: Five years.


Financial papers of any kind relating to programs supported by federal funds: Three
years, or such longer time as may be required by applicable federal law.


Warrants, warrant checks, receipts, cancelled checks, and requisitions: Six months
after formal audit reports have been completed and filed which pertain to such


Official bonds of surety or indemnity: Five years after the termination of employment,
or after the termination, expiration or completion of the contract to which they


Insurance policies: Five years after their expiration.


Bonds and interest coupons stamped paid or canceled and returned by the state fiscal
agent: Six months following the next following annual formal audit of the District.

Student Education Records

See Policy 3800.
Electronic Mail Messages
Electronic mail messages shall be retained on the Districts archive system for three years
after being archived. Emails subject to litigation will also be archived for three years or until
the litigation hold is lifted, whichever is longer. The District shall not be deemed to control
electronic mail messages that an individual employee has stored outside of the Districts
system; such messages are solely under the control of the employee who has stored them
in that fashion.

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Other Records Retention Schedules

The Superintendent shall develop records retention guidelines for all other documents
and records not specified in this policy, and shall ensure that they are disseminated
to or otherwise available to all District personnel.
Litigation Holds
Notwithstanding any other provision of this policy, any employee who receives a threat
of litigation against the District, learns that litigation has been instituted against the
District, or believes that the District should consider the initiation of litigation, shall
notify the Superintendent, who shall in turn notify the Districts legal counsel.
The Districts attorney shall then promptly issue a litigation hold directive to the
Superintendent or other District administrator primarily responsible for coordinating
the Districts involvement in that potential or pending litigation. The litigation hold shall
specify the e-mail or documents subject to the hold in reasonable detail, and shall
override any retention periods otherwise specified by this policy. E-mail or other
documents (including their metadata, if available) that have been placed on a litigation
hold shall be maintained intact by the Districts Technology Services department until
the hold is released, provided that all such e-mail and documents may be transferred
to their own storage media so that a litigation hold does not prevent the District from
otherwise implementing its routine for backing up, archiving and overwriting data.
No employee who has been notified of a litigation hold may alter or delete any email or document that falls within the scope of the hold. Violation of the hold may
subject the employee to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of
employment, as well as personal liability for civil and/or criminal sanctions by the courts
or law enforcement agencies.
For purposes of this policy, litigation shall mean any dispute in which the rights of
the District in relation to another person or entity might be adjudicated by a third party,
including but not limited to a court, administrative agency or arbitration panel.
B.O.E. Adopted: 3-11-13
B.O.E. Revised: 11-10-14

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To the extent permitted under the Electronic Signatures Act (PL 106-229) and Kansas
law (Kansas Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (K.S.A. 16-1601 et seq.): 16-1601),
USD 231 may utilize electronic signatures (including digital signatures) to carry on its
affairs, and USD
231 will recognize the use of e-signatures by persons dealing with the District. The
Superintendent or his/her designee shall be responsible for the adoption and
implementation of procedures (a) to carry out this policy, (b) to ensure the security of
transactions effected using e-signatures, and (c) to ensure the privacy of records
created through the use of e- signatures. All personnel employed by the District shall
be responsible for complying with the guidelines and procedures promulgated by the
Superintendent or his/her designee pursuant to this policy.
B.O.E. Adopted: 3-11-13

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