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el be ae \ Las pee eed A Business a4 Personal Study Book — ‘CAMBRIDGE Perec cg fre pepo a Eieices pas e pa eee UTS) reer eens scram he Sect sccm aera sy rye aor eee eee ere re a 4 ere renner a 4 Se eee ae ec neue ee eee Pee a une ee eee renee en eee Ree ate Sera aoe De ee ed MeL eas fefiyasicete enn tae CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, Séo Paulo, Delhi ‘Cambridge University Press ‘The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 8RU, UK wwrw.cambridge.or Information on this ttle: cambridge University Press 2007 “This publication isin copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements. ho reproduction of any part may take place without the writen permission of Cambridge University Press. First published 2007 Reprinted 2008 Printed in the United Kingdom atthe University Press, Cambridge ‘A catalogue record for this publication is avallable from the British Library ISBN 978-0-521-67296-2 Teacher's Resource Book Advanced Higher ISBN 978-0-521-67295-5 Student's Book BEC Higher Edition, ISBN 978-U-S21-6/294-8 student's Bouk BULATS Edition Advanced with CD ROW. ISBN 978-0-521-67297-9 Personal Study Book Advanced/Higher ISBN 978-0-521-67298-6 Audio Cassette BEC Higher Edition ISBN 978-0-521-67299-3 Audio CD BEC Higher Edition ISBN_978-0-521-67661-8 Audio Cassette BULATS Edition Advanced ISBN 978-0-521-67662-5 Audio CD BULATS Edition Advanced student Perc Study Book provides you with wo pages of exra exercises and atities foreach unit he uiden's Book. The exercises and activites are designed 1 reinforce what you have stutied cover vocabulary, rammae resin and writing. 3 good wea to do the workin each unit ofthe Personal Study Book afer you have fnhed i ithe Students Book. This wl help you to vemember things you have ste. You will 10 write your answers in your notebook. Do the exercises regulary while the things you have in the Student’ Book are sl es in your memory, your answers by looking inthe ey on pages 70-80, I'you are not sure why an answerin Is comect, ask your teacher 1 expla. en you do the writing exercises, you can compare Your answer witha smmple answer inthe jerky. I your teacher agrees, you can give him/her Your answer to core, T you re preparing forthe Cambridge ESOL BEC Higher exam or the BULATS tet, many ofthe elses ate designed to give you exam practice. ne Personal Sty Book also contains a Word list These are words and phrases fom the unis rocording anscips ofthe Student's Book which may be unfamiliar o You, a tical 0 and. When you fn new word ia the Students Book, always ry to gues the meaning fs m the contest. Keep alist of new vocabulary in your notebook. Ingenta, use the Word Ist 12 the meanings acer, not while you are dng the exercsesin the Suns Book. knowledgements authors and publishors are grateful tothe following for pormizcion to reproduce copyright al While every effort hasbeen made, it has not always been posible to dentty the ces ofall the material used ort trae the copyright holders. If any omissions are brought notice, we wll be happy to include the appropriate acknowledgements a reprinting, 13 ste com forthe tet“ for again mesg then fom he website Asien com. Used by permission of, advsion of GN Enteraiment wnt of Inert Metin. 15 LOMA far the tent Meaurng store satan’ Reed Janes Human and Tem Mooman ure, October 2, pp. 34-35, Copyright© 2002 {Ue otice Managemen: association, nc). Al hs reserved. Repried wis permission he publisher. This material may not be reproduced without te expe writen consent of i For moe information abou LOMA ands elation programs, vk mr ma. 2: ‘Nee Media or the tex Ns in Thala’ pblshedon ven diyreprecam, 200 on which the cate bse 3: ado News Intemational ine foe text NS Sets recor’, The apa Tes, 3 February 200, © Alright reserve Used by permission of yao ‘New tention: ep. 33° The Gerda forthe text 'Gadge shop fl by Mak Tran, 1 Ag 201, p47: ext "The Day Chocolate Company’ by Soph Wanchel 22 Neveriber 205. Cpyeght ‘Gaara Newspapers Limite, 2008 pp. 38-39: Werf Managemen forthe txt Whete paying {es delves’ by Douglas. hut, May 205. Use by pein of Workforce Management Cra {Communications ne p. 43: The zones or ete Indusial Metamora 29 September The Ezonomist Newspaper itd p. 54-09: various ofthe dfintons are rom he ge Advanced Leaner Dictionary, ww itor amigo ‘Mustrations: Har McLood; Design an layout: Hart MeLco; Project management: Jane Costes Eley Can sor ews Podton conor cen Wiki commissioning editor Chariote Adams Publishing manager: Sally Sessby zz Contents Unit 3 coped aoa collocations Grammar: relative clauses Unit2 8 aders and managers Vocabulary: correcting spelling mistakes; word choice; collocations with management; prepositions Grammar: as/tike Unit3 10 {Internal communications Reading: completing an email Vocabulary: prefixes over~ and under~ Unita 12 Chairing meetings ‘Vocabulary: expressions a cheit might say: prefix out— Reading: word choice Units 14 Customer relationships Vocabulary: word building; compound Reading: word choice Unité 16 Competitive advantage Vocabulary: word choice: phrasal verbs: crossword Grammar: conditional sentences 4 Contents Unit7 18 ‘proposal Vocabulary: linkers: compound nouns Grammar: passive Reading: eo correction Units 20 Presenti Vocabulary: expressions Writing: presentation based on charts error corrector Units 22 Advertising and customers ‘marketing; types of adverts; word choice Reading: completing an enail Grammar: adverbs Unit 10 24 Advertising and the Internet Vocabulary: crossword; make/do Reading: error correction Writing: report describinga bar chart Unit 11 26 Sales reports Vocabulary: expressions: word choice Grammar: present perfect simple or present perfect continuous ‘Writing: report describing a line graph Unit 12 2 The sales pitch Vocabulary: word choice Grammar: questions; cleft sentences Reading: completing an email Writing: email following up a cold call Unit 13 30 Forecasts and results Vocabulary: expressions and phrasal ‘verbs; financial statement Grammar: conditional sentences Reading: completing a newspaper report Writing: report summarising financial performance Unit 14 32 Financing the arts, (Grammar: infinitive or -ing form Reading: word choice Unit 15 34 Late payers Vocabulary: prefixes un-, out-, over tup-; business collocations Reading: informal email Writing: informal leter/email 36 Vnralmlary: nogotiating phrasce Grammar: alternatives to if Reading: error correction ‘Writing: email asking fr clarification Unit 17 38 Workplace atmosphere Vocabulary: word choice Grammar: reference devices; ‘expressions of cause and effect Unit 18 40 The workforce ofthe future Vocabulary: workors; prefix self; expressions; adjectives; completing a memo Unit 19 42 oductvity Vocabulary: word choice Grammar: modal verbs Reading: word choice Unitz0 44 aff negotiations Vocabulary: negotiating phrases: expressions Grammar: conditional sentences Reading: completing a memo about negotiations Unit21 46 Corporate ethics verbs Grammar: articles Reading: word cl unit22 48 Expanding abroad Vocabulary: adjectives describing personal qualities; expressions; phrasal verbs Unit23 50 ‘An overseas partnership Grammar: time adverbs; complex Reading: error correction 62 Vocabulary: expressions; word choice; prepositions Grammar: concession Word list 54 Answer key 70 Corporate culture Vocabulary ‘Match the words on the left (1-7) with the words on the right («-g) to make phrasal verbs with the definitions given in brackets. down to (is essentially) ahead (n ‘out (begin) lover (discuss thoroughty) e to (follow/obey) up (arrive) up with (produce idens/solutions) progress) turn e Compote this text using the phrasal verbs from Exercise 1 in the correct form. 1 Getting onead,, or making progress, in my company really 2 ‘working hard and 3... the guidelines laid down by management. The company | work for doesn’t encourage originality, especially atthe beginning when you 4 On the other hand, they're very supportive and they are always teady to 5... problems and help you 6... a solution, One thing you mustn’t do, however, is 7... to meetings late, ax good timekeeping considered to be very imporcant! Write a similar paragraph about the place where you work or study. Use as ‘many of the phrasal verbs from Exercise 1 as you can. Match words and phrases from the two columns to make typical collocations or expressions. dress of directors bottom b competition cut-throat line board = \_ code make e orswim market f race rat g share red hh someone redundant sink 1 tape UNIT Corporate culture 5 Complete these sentences using the collocations/expressions from Exercise 4 in the correct form, 1 When your company tells you what sort of clothes you should wear to work, they havea dress code. 2 When the rivalry between different companies is very fierce, we talk about When the amount a company sells rises faster than its competitors, we can say that they are increasing their 4 When workers compete with each other in a very stressful way to get to the top oftheir companies ot professions, we say they are part ofthe 45 When you lose your job because of market forces, you have been 6 Ina company where you're not given much help learning your job, the situation {soften called 7 Bureaucratic paperwork is frequently referred to as F 8 The top executives who make the important strategic decisions for a company siton the 9 The inal profit or loss of a company is often referred to as ‘the Grammar Join these sentences using defining or non-defining relative clauses. Hnecessary, look at Grammar workshop 1 on page 26 of the Student's Book 1. Weuse a yardstick to measure our success. The yardstick is customer satisfaction The yardstick Gwhich that) we ine. to mensere cur access ie customer satisfaction, ‘Our production process has been undergoing some streamlining, This should have a beneficial effect on our bottom line, 3 Wewill be receiving a visit from the chairman of the board next week. You saw his recent email 4 Ourcompany is situated in a quiet area. The area is right in the heart of the country. 5 They've ust given me a bonus. The bonus isthe equivalent of three months’ salary! & Inour company, problem-solving takes place at informal get-togethers. During the get-togethers everyone sits down on some sofas near the coffee machine. ? Some companies have strict dress codes. Their corporate culture is quite traditional 8 Nou set me some goals. Those goals are impossible to achieve. aT1 Corporate ii Leaders and managers Vocabulary 4 Ineach of these sentences theres a mistake inthe spelling. Undertine the misspelt words and write them correctly. 11s important for managers to pay atention tothe nty- grit. 2 His main responsabiliy i o produce financial forecasts 3. We hold annual apraisl interviews in September 44 We're expecting a foreign delagation to visit headquarters soon. 5. The underlaying cause of our poor performance i productivity. 6 Branson has reinforced hs bilionnaire et-setting reputation. 7 Leaders need innevative ideas to make a sucess of their companies 8. Few bufineses have been promoted so aggressively 2 Choose the best word, A, B, Cor D, to complete these sentences. 1 Branson aims to 4400. his empire into the most respected brancin the world A put GB wm C set D gt 2 Generally... hin being a high-profile person has its advantages. attention A talking B saying € speaking expressing 3 Advertising costs enormous ...of money these days. A amounts -B masses ¢ numbers D loads 4 Last week, he announced that he was... up a domestic airline n India A putting B making € doing D sewing 5 The costs of promoting the business will be extremely high in acvertising A ways B methods © terms D types 6 Ifyou like people, you can... out the best in them. A get B bring ¢ pull D make 7 Branson... enormous value on time-management skills. A places B gives C serves D pours 8 He... athird of his time on trouble-shooting. A passes B gives © makes D spends 9. He has... up several businesses from scratch. A built B made € put Daun 10 He has to be good at helping people... the businesses and then stepping back. é Ado B play cnn D make 8 UUuIT2 Leoders and eranagors {8 Complete these sentences with collocations with management. If necessary, look again at page 17 in the Student's ook. 1. Shenever seems to be able to meet her deadlines; I think we should send her on a tme-reanagement course. 2 We've had a number of defective products returned. It might be a good idea to overhaul our 33. When the factory caught fire, our severely put tothe test. 4 Some of our leading products could do with better in forder to maintain their market positions. '5 By outsourcing non-core activities, we should reduce our exposure to a downturn in the market. I call that good 6 Hisjob is more a consultative role within the organisation. He's not involved in the direct ‘of workers. 2. You don't want to be stuck in for too long. You should be ooking to move into senior management by the time you are 45 or SO. systems. procedures were 4 Complete these sentences with prepositions. 1 This is my first time 9... a management role, 2 Ifyou believe better. 3 Hereally has a hands-...... approach to managing the department, 4 He's keen to get... and da his job-well 5 Inhis appraisal interview, they agreed ‘empowerment 6 The woman he works... Is vry ready to delegate responsibilty 7 Itis important o be given responsibility... what you ae doing, 8 How have management techniques changed... the last ten years? 9 How can you get the best... your workers? 10 He works best when he's... a manageable amount of pressure. the capabilities of your staff, they will probably perform, a strategy for giving him more Grammar Complete these sentences with as or ike 1 Life our competitors, we're having difficulty keeping our prices low. 2... we foresaw, oll prices soared inthe second half ofthe year. 3... you may have realised, our French partners are not entirely happy with ‘our performance. 4 wouldn't like to have another er the one we had last week. 5 Inmy jo... a management consultant, I'm often called in to see why businesses ae failing 6 Last year’s profits were at almost the same level She thinks we could outsource a number of activites, maintenance and office cleaning 8 There ae several cities in South America where I wouldn't mind being posted, Such... Rio de Janeiro or Santiago. the year before’s computer Wut? Leaders and meray ‘2 What are the opposites of the answers to Exercise 1? 3 Complete the sentences below with a verb from the box in the correct form, and with the correct prefix, over or uncer. ; [ee Prats rats seep ww | Reading : canal | ‘Complete this email by writing one word in each space. 1 Could staff please use the photocopier less? At the moment, it’s being seriously ———— S¢erusee. - remember: ths is supposed to be a paperless office! 9B Gb s / g 2 He seriously his presentation and had far too much mate Delete _Repiy_Reply Al_ Forward Compose Mailboxes Get Mail_Junk 3 [don't think 1s a good excuse for arsiving late for work | Tee 4 eink people endo his abies as a manager; he's tar beter than ; at er you thin! Trane ver much {O° repo eal ight and wes ost reas i esc stors raivevctecs Tr eetly 01a pats Bn: te content and by... punctUl you have been n submitting Be ors that we ‘ ‘mentioned toyoulast weak. | shall be orculatingit to other departmental ask for are nis tr cmensarrerns 6 non Se 4 Match tnese common business words (1-6) with their meanings fe). Yaunayinesctons hat 'scontdonbisheoere bldg ance 1 overbearing (Urit2) a charge ess than (your competitors) i weare9..... meotiheve targets, Perens you wer not ewore that 35% 2 overdraw _debit more from an account than you have credited but inceose was approve by the finance recast week endl Yin het 3 overheads © dominating shout cover the exacts 1." have ben forecast Bcressce a roine fed costs The 19s Bontis the timescale you suggest starting the new project the 5 overwhelming (Unit 1) e supervise endo! to yee athe 12. bt tik, gente fatal we ae eterrey a Spe eee ‘short-staffed, next May would be more realistic 13 a starting date. * aoe large number/: I ! Voss YOUU keto seuss this wit mec mace the changes before ho 5 Complote these sentences wth the words from Exercise 4in the correct reports circulates, give me arin, ‘Angola form. 1 T'm not directly involved in the project, but I do have to. ¥EVSS8 the ‘expenditure to make sure it doesn’t go over budget, 2 Htean be very frustrating if you have an... bss who doesn't allow you space togrow. Vocabulary 3 The....... majority of our sta would welcome a more flexible timetable. r = 5 re aa 4 The bank sent him a letter of warning because his account was... for the Prefixes over-and under- i ‘Over- often means ‘in excess’: think we have a tendeney to overdo things (i.e. 5 We will have to become more efficient and reduce our prices because we're | do 00 much). The opposites of such words are usually made with unde being seriously... by foreign competitors. Pm afraid you've seriously underestimated the ime required for this projec & We will have to control our....... more tightly if we are going to increase our . profits 1 Complete these sentences with a word with the prefix over 1 When you have too much work, you are overworked, 2. When a product's price is too high, itis 3 A worker who management values too highly is 4 An office which has to0 many staffis 5 When difficulties have been estimated to be greater than they really ae, they have been 6 Someone with too many qualifications for the job they're doing is | 7 Approject which has received to0 many funds is 8 Someone who is reacting to strongly to something is 10 UNITS inrmal communi ae ell Chairing meetings Vocabulary + Complete he sortonces below wth one ofthe worden th boxtomase expressions a chair might say at or after a meeting, zz se ong 1 Can I just ask your ideas on what the timescale ‘should be for this project? 2 you think youre going to have ble m everyone isaac of in goad tin, the deadline, please make sure > inlets could... please come in as quielly as possible so as ot to disrpt proceedings? ‘In general, this committee's work is very good. My only complain is about some members”... timekeeping Now, Tow some of you have other engagements directly afterwards, so ‘won't lt this meeting... overtime, © Phew! I thought | was going tobe late because ofthe trafic, but I see 'm in time to get the meeting under way on schedule rink ne ete all working relly hard because we have a deadline looming which we don't want to & We've mace more progress than I expected, and I think we'll finish the work Well... of time, 9 Nes, Lagree, it's a question that had to be asked, but it was just bad itatsuch a sensitive moment. 2 Match these words (1-9) with their definitions (a+. asking outcome a summary of the main facts outline b amount produced outlook © beginning, outperform d_ dobetter than others output © expressing strong opinions very directly outsell 1 likely future situation outset (8 notyet paid, solved or done or exellent outspoken hh result outstanding sell more than another product {complete these sentences with the words trom Exercise 2in the corect form, {aon t want you to summarise the whole report, just give us an Stl. of your ‘main conclusions, AAs a management consultant, Ihave tobe... in certain circumstances otherwise firms don’t take on board my recommendations UNITS Chasing meeting B twas understood from the ..... that a renewal of your contract was linked to Satisfactory results, so you shouldn't be surprised that we're letting you go. # The .... ftom our factory in Disseldor is disappointing, and If productivity doesn’t pick up, we'll have to close it down, § The economic... is grim: high inflation, rising interest rates and Imemployment, so perhaps it's nota good time to invest. 6 Their new range of cars are at the moment... thelr closest rivals by two to fone, and this is doing wonders for their market share, 7 We've in better shape to confront the recession because We've consistently ur main competitors, 8 What wasthe ..... of your discussions with Charlie? Will he do the job? 9 You have three invoices Please settle them as soon as possible as this is affecting our cashflow situation, Reading Choose the best word, A, B, C or D, to fill each space in this text. Advice for organising meetings Prepare on agenda and 1. $+. objectives forthe meting, Share this informotion With the othor attendees well in advance and invite them to add agenda 2. inthe ays or wooks before the meeting. Ft’s not possible to 3... the agend in ‘edvance, ot eost review it atthe start of your meeting, Staton time ord co pot Ipeat everthing for ltecorersuriess is absolutely essential Use ofp chest or Whiteboard o write down vold Issues that arise to be discussed late, so.0s to aved >the planned order of business. After planning yout objectives, determine who Should attend heated argument breaks out, stand up and recap both sides lowing each faction to feel heard and understod. As the meeting leader Fetmember that someone needs veto... to cut through debotes and bring bock Stet ond thot responsibilty falls squarely on your shoulders. At the close of ery ‘esting, ensure thot you 6... recap the major decisions reached and the nee Steps planned, 7... he date and time of the nex meetin, ifone is necessary Orgorise a wel ponned session where the participants fea thot the subjects Norhuhite ther 8... is valved, ond ther needs are 9... ond youl nt only Sontlucta successful meeting, you'l 10... your corporate morale and image, 1@ B form © ascertain D ensure 2 A Things B lists € items D baile 3A send B circulate © pass D post $A agitating B disrupting disorganising_D confusing 5 Amule B force C strength D power 6 A shortly B brietly © curly D abrupdy 7 A Assure B Approve Ratify D Confirm 8 A ouput B input € outcome D outset, 9 A deat B looked C cared D met 10 A nse B soar € boost D rocket UWF4 Cire noesngs Z | Customer relationships Vocabulary 1 Complete this table with as many words as possible. (Many of the words can be found in Unit § of the Student's Book) jeto these sentences with compound nouns from Exercise 2 {formation technology allows us to build up detailed information about vidual customers’ ying habits, (costs of... are much lower than the costs of recruiting new customers, 3 Companies have to reorientate themselves by switching... from product ‘management (o CRM. 4 Looking after customers, which is often known as therefore often perceived as eating into = senerates costs and Noun Verb ‘jective Reading 1 assistant asset ‘Choose the best option, A, B, Cor D, to complote this toxt. assistance a sane ‘Measuring customer satisfaction = : diated Delivering etectve customer serviceisa 9001 shared by vitally every succesful rival vay 5 é oripony, whcther isa small etal out in your neighbourhood, your favourite 7 ‘ein Pian, or 2 rauliblin oar insurance company. Why do these companies rol profkabiny . ° | | Becansenest Seance saomer ved ithe pro il | | teadtoa....profiably Sean ie econes..goodverce when hey experience orto wewouldie think Bf suiiy @ Yetfor many people, good service may simply be expected and thus taken for 6 8 loyal ‘What stands out in the customer's mind is excellent service that 7...... expectations 1“ organise 5 and poor or inferior service that fails to 8 .. tern. Pu simpy, te greater the fe aa Satisfaction ofthe customer the higher the protis Unfortunately simply measuring tusiomer satisfaction isnot enough. I is necessary to understand the factors that Papa | J Secccttand work on these factors toatain and maintain the 10... levels apology 19 Satisfied customers of an insurance company will 11...... to pay premiums, buy 2 cacal tore products and cost 12... to service. And satisfied customers will usally tll 2 Form’1 compound nouns by combining a word from box A with a word ‘rom box B. You can check your answers by looking back at the five extracts ‘on page 31 in your Student's Book. Example: business strategy a ee ae 7 ‘business account policies | . buying re resources customer evelopment retention human | habits services management | manager strategy | product ‘margins | profit SSS savings “ uns ‘other people of their experience. On the other hand, unhappy customers thay tell ‘more people about their experience than i they wor satisfied Mee: Seok Cee Bates three ees ee 10 A wanted B wished C hoped D desired UNITS Custorner vet 5 Competitive advantage Vocabulary 1 Choose the best word, A,B, Cor D, to complete these sentences. 1 Bryson Lid isa company witha. OVEN track recon A shown Cpe 2 Only by using effective marketing... aA Vouatract the customers you need A notes B strategies communications D forms 3 We have o constantly innovate in order to he one. ahead ofthe competition, Aste B positon CR 4. By keeping our price low and our quay for money B demonstrated D displayed D leap gh, we aim to give our customers A worth, B cheapness value D bargains Samsons got involved in a price war, and with prices so low, they were unable to... their costs, A cope B handle C deal with D cover 6 Wetry to.charge the highest price the market will .. without lesing market share, A take B bear C suffer D accept 7. Ahigh price oftan... quality toc tomers who have nu uiler way of assessing i A signals B shows € demonstrates 8 You have to give customers good service from the keep them, A outlook —_B outcome © outlay 9. What we requite is... from our staf in order to beat our rivals, Acommitment B compromise 10. They pur the job out to D proves otherwise you won't D outset C devotion D trust inorder to find the best contractor fer the project. A bid B offer € negotiation D tender 2 Complete this text | Bidfor comeupwith cometo gesbeut using the phrasal verbs | goforputtogethar teamupwith work out from the box. = ss as We 1.99 alzaet, looking for work by looking in the Journal of the European Union, Then if we see something that catches ou attention and we decide 2am ity weloften....afltmof architect, and together weds plaf ands... a design forthe project. We then have 86. the work Which means we have 7... how much it wil all eost= in other words, 44d. up al the tems and see what twill... and then offer apric '3 Complete this crossword, ‘Across 3 Hfyou-can’t you won't make a profit. 4 We would lke to... a tender for this work. 5 Companies who don’t take care of thelr customers go out of your cost 6 You need to... more time to your customer relationships, Down 1 Once you've managed to... a relationship with a customer, you must maintain it 2 Mean be quite difficult 10 the value ofa project before vou start. 3 Wedon’t try to... on price instead we offer higher quality Grammar ‘Complete these sentences with the verbs in brackets in the correct conditional form. 1 Twe hadnt reeruited (recruit) an IT specialist last year, the company ‘wouldn't have bought. (buy) such an up-to-date computer system. 2 Tethey ..... (introduce) a flexible working system, !' wouldn't have to travel uring the rush hour. 3 Tdon’t work at head office, but i... (40). Ean (find) it very convenient. 4 We... (easily afford) that state-of the-art machine if we budget) for shuring the last financial year. § 1... (learn) alot about the Spanish marker if they... (send) me to work for their subsidiary in Salamanca, but I don’t think they will, © Welost the contract because of your negligence. Ifyou... de tocustomer relationships, we... (get) the work. Pe. (bid) fora contract unless... (think) we could make a profit on it te) more time ” Aproposal Vocabulary = ‘andatthe same time | 1 Complete these sentences using the phrases nthe | apartitom box. One phrase is used more than once. furthermore 1. Whi... they've increased their market shate, this | fmeomnection with hasn't as yet led to increased profits, inresponseto 2 The company has had to reduce prices inturn increased competition from overseas. ae 3 We've received a number of angry leters poe ‘our poor levels of customer service. Se ‘4 None of our departments seems to be able to keep within budget the finance department. 5 Iwonder, you're going to be in Kiev on Tuesday, ifyou could deliver this package while you're there} There was a postal strike which led to a delay in mail deliveries. Tis, +Ted toa delay in invoice payments The projects ata highly sensitive opening stage. I would ask you to treat everything to do with it as highly confidential 8 ‘our Polish subsidiaries, none of our other concerns in Eastern Europe is making a profit yet. 9 This has been an interesting 10 Your invoice arrived three weeks late contained major errors 4 highly productive meeting, when it arrived we fourd it 2 Match words from box A and box B to form as many compound nouns as youcan. Example: account rumber A B ——— oe company key emer manager computing negotiating furniture — number ‘contact office “hall skills | F entrance operating folder worker Grammar Change these sentences nto the passive, starting with the words given 1 We sould hav replaced the od computer system thee yeos ao The ol computer ayiem Pew ave Beer reps ves Sears agp Nobody said anything atthe meeting about a change af suppiee Nothing 8 WITT & propose ‘They might need to revise he component specifications. The component specifications They haven't reported any losses in the ast ten months. No 5 The government may bring new regulations into effect next year. New government regulations They must have allocated funds for this in their budget. Funds 7 This is the first time we have marketed this product in the USA. This product B We'd never have recruited Simon if he hadn't been so brillant at his interview. Simon Reading There is one extra word in most lines of this proposal. However, some lines are ‘correct: Write the extra word on the right. Ifa line is correct, put a tick (/). purpose of tis puopoealis to auggeal ways m which the current systoua iv ent Gabe improved and mace more elfective exe 2 one | Current system | Aépresent allo vaca poss are davertzedin oe and rogional 3 EBerepapers Prospective canates aro asked to submittcan application 4 Saitou vitae, anc they are then share hated afer ritmo 5 Biewow Al chor lisedcaniéstes aro beingrequrodio upptyreforonces |G [SBamsome carrento: recent emeloqors, or athe cast fst time workers, 7 (Premios or head teacher: 8 ofcurzent system Airerisng snore opeuie anlitetime peniyhumaniesices sat | 9 = Potential candids inrease sigue adl os cos i © Aloo wale dag srviows aje an easential part of the recruitment process. un Seeman of tie people wa ae eto tory ae nol fhe request 2 | Bilty Ts also represents a costinthe terms oftime * 13 _ Knew recruitment system “‘Tbropose tat in future jobs which are not open for high-level managers or “4 “ectnicelexperisatouihaveherecrued sing be services otarecatmen | 15 “Beno Ths in eftecrwonld involve outsoursing alarye partoftheacesriing 16 “Pesan stu ensre tat oar ony presented wih good ” (SGiidatns at the inal imerview erage Thus aysterm mould save time for human 18 ibecanse: = 19 Rcbertisorens wouldnt needa be wrinen yp 20 © fosters ves sl nct ied procossng 2 "Conclusion and recommendation Waser drmcis wit ts change inoureytemandLecormentt | 22 “We btooced tatho next step, which tisio denny a sutable crater 23 “Senoy ans employ them on atria! bass for to ses fthey can provide tha 4 SBeice we require. Pi NITY ropes 8 Vocabulary 1 Match these words (1-11) with their definitions (a-t). All the words occurred inthe three texts on pages 42 and 43 of the Student's Book, 1 allocate amount a company sells as a percentage ofthe total possible sales in a market 2. gain ground on | b- amount of money available for people to buy things 3 boost © become more popular or accepted than (a competitor) 4 capitalise on] d changes or variations 5 fluctuations / e develop or grow quickly 6 shelflife f givea share ofa total amount 7 percapita ——_g_havingalot of money 8 penetration increase 9. burgeon 4 length of time that a product can be kept in ashop before it becomes too old 10 affluence i per person TL spending power _k use situation advantageously 2 Complete these sentences using the words from Exercise 1 inthe correct form. ‘Twenty-five per cent of our marketing budget has been allocated, for promotions in South-East Asia, Income... has risen over the last ten years by more than 50%. Since many of our perishable goods have a shot... «it’s difficult for us to teach more remote parts ofthe country. ‘The market for hand-held electronic goods is ‘major profits in the future. The stock market is very unstable at the moment, with wild prices, ‘They... Sales last autumn by undercutting other major players ‘They managed to launch their ice-creams successfully by... thelr reputation as a quality frozen-food producer, ‘We hope, over the next couple of years, to deepen reach at least 25% of consumers, We hope that a vigorous marketing campaign together with some new product lines will allow us to... our main rival. With growing....... within the country, people are able to buy more, and this incfeased ..... means that we can charge higher prices and sell higher quality products, + and we stand 10 make Inshare of the market ang. UNITS Presenting atm the charts below and, if necessary, look again atthe transcript for Track ‘Student's Book. Write what you might say if you were giving a short presentation about the Thai ice-cream market at a business meeting. le, use some of the phrases from the box. mst soyoucanimagine that tobe exact ‘background youcansee that eats 20% Unilever 459% ‘Thailand: ice-cream market share This year rrers 20% ‘Nest 35% Unilevor 459% Grammar ‘Correct the mistake in each of these questions. 1 Gould you tet! me how do you intend to boost sales? Cou yout rr How. you intend 40 boast. sales? 2 Twwonder how much will it cost to launch our products in the Far Fas. 3. Lull be grateful if you could tell me what our projected market penetration is fornext year. # Gan you to tell me how much spending power is forecast to increase in ‘Thailand? § Do you happen to know what is the shelf life of our vals’ products? UME Presenting at meetings —_ 1 2 Vocabulary te each gap in this email witha suitable word. ‘Complete these sentences withthe phrases fom the box There's one phrase you wil not need. Anything which a company does to make a rand beter known and better regarded i called, rand Bulding Companies adverse obvious to el product ut also toraise so that more people just know a brand exists, A typical marketing ploy (or tactic) is to advertise in advance of a so as to create expectation, and then when it comes on the market, It sell: wel. ‘An important measure of how well a brand is doing in comparison to i's competitors is + and this is something companies try 10 increase by advertising. Match these forms of advertising (1-5) withthe place you would exsect to ‘see them (a-e). advertising hoardings a ina shop banner ads >> bina newspaper claesified ade in the street point-of-sale displays d onawebsite product endorsements © ontelevision / at the cinema Choose the best option, A, B, C or D, to complete these sentences. Could you remind, me to write a cheque for the technician before Ileeve? A recall B remember D review ‘Their publicity campaign failed to... much Interest inthe general public. A raise B rise C arouse D provore ‘We certainly couldn't have got the new project off the ground without the consultancy’s.... advice. A valueless —_B priceless € worthless invaluable {n usta matter ofa few years, their brand has become a... name. A home B housing © domestic D household ‘Our customers’ buying... have changed radically in the last ten years A customs B habits trends D behaviour The technology allows researchers to establish alink between people's... to advertisements and their buying patterns. A experience B exposure € appreciation contact People are increasingly able to... the advertising from television and the Internet so that it no longer interrupts their activities. A filter out B phase out © shutoff D cutup Kendalls' recent price cuts have... sales and increased their market shave, A soared B pushed boomed D boosted UNITS Aavertising ana custome’ eGs/g¢g8& @ Reply_Reply Al_Forward Compose Mailboxes Get Mall _Junk a summary of our discussion yesterday andthe decisions we 1 CAME. to, Ie Weciscussed2.... advertising medium would be... suitable for our B28 ‘software products and decided tha... ation to our web based advertising, we Pshould aso... use ofthe rade journals which companies ofthe type we sunply “software 1006... 10a. {We 29r00d that you would contact a couple ot advertising agencies, who would 7... UD With proposals and semple designs for ou ads, We would also ask them to “dent sutable curls and... usn estimate ofthe toelcost of running te ‘eampsion ‘We agreed that measuring the effectiveness ofthe advertising wil be relatively sy 108... Any customers acquired 10... the course of the campaign or shorty J) 11. willbe askod how they heard 12... us~by word of mouth or through our IF aaverising. We wil then, in cue course, be 13... to mesure 4... effective ne lz advertising has been in elation to the money we have invested 1 Grammar Complate tis letter by putting ho adverbs in brackos inthe coretpostonin fachaentence. In many cases, more than one answer is posibie. Hato Bil, 1 I'm writing to report on the effectiveness of the advertising we've been doing. (Griefy / rece / ust) ‘Lin ust writing briefly te report on the effectiveness of the sing we ve been dong recent 1B Saleshave been slow, despite our campaign. (dsappointingly unfortunately) 3 think thisis because the advertisements do not state what we do. (rank / larly enous) 4 They do sate chat we are electrical enginers. They don't state what our spetality is, Le repairing eletrie motor. (curiously / however) 5 las looking tthe page and I notice that it ooks similar to advertisements for our vals, Manning Lx. (surprisingly / also / ust an hour ago) 6 People phone us up asking if we are Manning Ltd. (quite often / indeed) 2 Telieve that we need to continue advertising. (firmly) 8 Weneed to improve the appearance of our advertisements. (arent / however) 9 Tm meeting friend from an advertising agency, and he'll come up with ‘Something which works. (more effectively / tomorrow / hopefully) Best wishes Mike UNITS Acivertising ond customers 2 pe Advertising and the Internet Vocabulary 1 Complete this crossword, Se | Across 3. Some programs allow Internet users to see. (6,3) advertisements they don't want 4 is very unusual these days for a company not wo havea o 7 «are a type of publicity you find on some websites, (6. 3) 8 Use... tofind websites connected with a subject (6, 6) Down 1A. i6 a program which allows you to access the internet, (7) 2. Some adverts appear automatically i You can sometimes click on a 6 Doing business When you visita webdte. (2, which will connect you to anrher website. is one ofthe fastest-growing commercial aress (6) 2 Complete these sentences using the correct form of the verbs make or do. The adversement.e9°K8S 9 number of claims for the product which have i bassin reali 2 Awebsite has become an essential part of You shoulde't expect 19 4 You won't vehicle ‘Many car buyers want to fel they ae prepared to offer them adiscount 6 For several years, many dotcom companies didn’t business with consumers! a huge profit in the first year. «sale unless the customer can actually see and touch the deal when they buy acar so be any money from their 7 An advertisement won't... an impression unless itis humorous or surprisin 8 I've been... the accounts all morning and still havent finshed. a UNIT Ae interne ding this chart and read the report below. In mostlines ofthe report, there is jextra word. However, some linos are correct. Cross out the extra words and terite thom on the right. Where a line is correct, putatiok (7) Poessed meat companies: Advertsing and sales, ve years ag0-now 6 Guster ee ; ae : = i Writing ‘Study this chart and writ a brief report describing the information init ‘Supermarkets by marketshare and advertising spend last year Freshoo (Quickow ” Supecay utr 90 A: 5

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